%PDF-1.4 %ª«¬ 1 0 obj << /Title (Extended MKCOL for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning\n\(WebDAV\)) /Author (Daboo) /Subject (This specification extends the Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning \(WebDAV\) MKCOL \(Make Collection\) method to allow collections of arbitrary resourcetype to be created and to allow properties to be set at the same time.) /Keywords (webdav, HTTP) /Producer (Apache FOP Version 2.1) /CreationDate (D:20161116081540+01'00') >> endobj 2 0 obj << /N 3 /Length 3 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream xwTT×Ͻwz¡Í0Òzïm é]@z af¡0Ì "6DT ¢` 0Ä(ö%£ØPɬøòòÞËËï{¿µÏÞç]ÎZ w*+- 'à{¹Ò#£¢éØ~ <À 3 ¬¬ÿÏP =KäþE¯$~ß2ïþ?I³2ø @[°9Y,85G!¶Ï"f%f¾è"sâ"~öYdg1³ÓxlÏÁNc¹GÄ[³ #~".ÊærrD|[Ä©Â4®ßcÓ8LQ(Ø.à°Dl*b?4ØMÄKÀ¿àø/XÀÉrKÏXÍç&& èº,=º-îÍÉIåFLV Ϧ»¥§e0y«XÌù³dĵ¥lmfkmmdnlöE¡þëâ߸·ô2èsÏ Z߶¿òK¯1'ªÍ?lñ{èØܽ?l õýÆùÐÄó$dØäääs9,cqA×ÿtøúâ{Æâí~/ÝÀ¦ è⺱ÒSÓ |zVÅ¡ýyÿqà_Ã0Àásx¢pÑqy¢vóØ\7GçòþSÿaØ´8×"Qê?j¬1ºAÈÏ} E!$æhú½o~øp ¾yªsÿYпï YÜÄÏqnÁ¡t½¸&¾ @P