W3CHTML5 Chinese Interest Group

Group Closed!

This group was closed on 2018-05-24 as it reached the end of its charter and no further progress was expected. A new Chinese Web Interest Group (Charter), with a mission of enhancing the participation in Web standards work from Chinese Web community, is now created. Welcome to subscribe to <[email protected]> (archives) for public discussion of the group.

The existing mailing list of the closed HTML5 Chinese IG <[email protected]> (archives) continues to use for public comments until further notice.


The mission of the HTML5 Chinese Interest Group, part of the HTML Activity, is to facilitate focused discussion in Chinese of the HTML5 specification and of specifications closely related to HTML5, to gather comments and questions in Chinese about those specifications, to collect information about specific use cases in Chinese speaking region for technologies defined in those specifications, and to report the results of its activities as a group back to the HTML Working Group, as well as to other relevant groups and to the W3C membership and community.

Check the detailed charter

How to join the group

Participation in the HTML5 Chinese IG is open both to W3C members and to public participants. Individuals who wish to join the group must do so with the understanding that Chinese (Traditional or Simplified) is the principle language for communication in the group.

To join the HTML5 Chinese Interest Group, complete the following steps:

  1. Send an e-mail message to the address [email protected] with the word subscribe in the Subject field of the message. You will then receive an e-mail message asking if you confirm that you wish to join the group.
  2. Send a reply to the confirmation e-mail message (the contents of the message body of your reply do not matter). You will then receive an e-mail message stating, “You have been added to the subscriber list of [email protected]”. Done.

If you would like to join regular teleconference calls in the future, please read the instructions as this requires you to join this group formally.

Mailing Lists

中文HTML5与相关技术的讨论. Chinese-language discussion of HTML5 and related technologies.

public-i18n-cjk is a public mailing list, maintained by the W3C, for discussions relating to Chinese, Japanese and Korean text on the Web. If you participate in this list you are part of the W3C Internationalization Interest Group. (You may wish to also subscribe to the main IG list, see www-international.)

Interest Group News

Temporarily Unavailable.