I am the W3C XML Activity Lead, and ether staff contact or alternate staff contact for all of the Working Groups in the XML Activity.
I've been working with SGML and SGML tools since 1987, and with XML since its inception.
I was on the editorial board of the (now defunct) peer-reviewed journal Markup Languages: Theory & Practice, journal devoted to the design and use of markup languages and published by MIT Press.
I have written four books on XML (two of them with other co-authors).
You can read more about me at Liam's Home Page or visit my project scanning pictures from old books.
We use Internet Relay Chat (IRC) at W3C for distributed meetings, and to help with telephone calls; I keep a list of IRC clients.
You can email me as [email protected]
I get sent a lot of unsolicited mail. From time to time I put email addresses of people who sent me such annoying messages up on the web here so that the crawlers find them, and they can get spam too.
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