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Data Activity Coordination Group

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The Data Activity Coordination Group [charter] brings together the chairs of the working groups. It serves a leadership role, in both the design of specifications and the open, collaborative development of technologies that support the automation, integration and reuse of data across various applications. To facilitate the effectiveness and efficiency of this Activity, the Coordination Group is tasked to provide a forum for managing the interrelationships and interdependencies among groups focusing on standards and technologies that relate to its goals. It further acts as an important forum for discussing new technologies and approaches that may ultimately lead to new standards work.

Members of the Coordination Group

The Coordination Group comprises the chairs of the current and recent working groups within the Activity. They are:

  • Steve Adler (IBM)
  • Phil Archer (W3C, chair)
  • Sören Auer, Universität Bonn
  • Tom Baker (DCMI)
  • Hadley Beeman (UK Government)
  • Dan Brickley (Google)
  • Yaso Córdova (Nic.br)
  • Stefan Decker, INSIGHT Ireland
  • Sandro Hawke (W3C)
  • Sebastian Hellmann (University of Leipzig)
  • Ivan Herman (W3C)
  • Bernadette Hyland (3 Round Stones)
  • Arnaud Le Hors (IBM)
  • Deirdre Lee, INSIGHT Ireland, Derilinx
  • Eric Prud'hommeaux (W3C)
  • Guus Schreiber (Vrije Universiteit)
  • Jeni Tennison (ODI)
  • Raphaël Troncy (Eurecom)
  • David Wood (3 Round Stones)

Participants, with contact details, are listed for members


Meetings are held once a month, ideally on the first Wednesday of the month at 09:00 Boston time. If that date is likely to have a large number of regrets, it moves to the third Wednesday in the month.

Agenda Minutes
Telecon:2014.02.26 2014-02-26
Telecon:2014.04.16 2014-04-16
Telecon:2014.05.07 2014-05-07
Telecon:2014.06.04 2014-06-04
Telecon:2014.07.16 2014-07-16
Telecon:2014.09.17 2014-09-17
Telecon:2014.10.15 2014-10-15
Telecon:2014.11.19 2014-11-19
Telecon:2014.12.17 2014-12-17
Telecon:2015.03.04 2014-03-04
3 June (TBC) To appear

Dial in details

  Joining instructions: (official participants and invited guests only)
  Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, or sip:[email protected] then 
  conference code 3224#  ("DACG")
  IRC channel: #dacg on irc.w3.org on port 6665
  Time: 09:00 Eastern, 14:00 UK, 15:00 CET etc.