This document is a template that should be used to send implementation feedback for the Mobile Web Application Best Practices W3C Candidate Recommendation dated 11 February 2010. Submitted feedback will be used to prepare the implementation report of the document.
Implementors of the Best Practices are invited to copy this implementation report template and edit it to reflect the results of their evaluation of their Web application through the Best Practices, accompanied with their comments and feedback on the work required to implement this or that Best Practice.
Please send filled implementation reports to the publicly archived mailing list <[email protected]> if you agree with having the results public, or to the <[email protected]> otherwise (please note that the archives of this second mailing-list are W3C-Member visible; also note that you will receive a message saying that your message is pending moderator action in that case. This is normal, no further action is required on your part).
Note that Web applications are not expected to implement the whole set of Best Practices. The Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group rather expects Web applications to implement one or two Best Practices, and strongly encourages implementors to provide implementation feedback on this(these) Best Practice(s) while leaving out the Best Practices that do not apply to their Web application in the table below.
The notion of Web application is precised in the specification, and includes "regular" Web pages with some elements of interactivity as well as applications running in other kinds of Web run-time such as widgets.
Anyone can submit implementation feedback.
For each Best Practice implemented by the Web application: please indicate whether the implementation complies with the Best Practice, or complies partially; please use the comments column to precise partial implementations and to include any feedback or remark you may have on the Best Practice. Feel free to provide feedback on Best Practices that are not implemented by the Web application if needed.