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Robert Mugabe was one of the many leaders who came to power as a national liberator between the 1950s and 1980s, only to establish violent, corrupt and incompetent autocracies. The decades of misrule they inflicted on their countries did much to discredit nationalism as a progressive ideology that could better people’s lives. Bad though Mugabe... Read More
On November 21, after 37 years in power, Zimbabwe's dictator, Robert Mugabe, resigned in infamy. By contrast, the late South African leader, Nelson Mandela, was revered in the West. His successor, Thabo Mbeki, was well-respected. Yet over the decades, both Mandela and Mbeki lent their unqualified support to Mugabe. When the baton was passed from... Read More
The subject of our latest Two Minutes Hate: 55-year-old Dr. Walter Palmer, a dental practitioner from the Minneapolis suburb of Eden Prairie. Early in July, Dr. Palmer, on a hunting vacation inZimbabwe, killed a lion. Now he’s in hiding, his office is under siege by furious mobs, and his patients have all deserted him. All... Read More
Bitter Harvest: Zimbabwe and the Aftermath of its Independence by Ian Smith John Blake Publishing Ltd., London, England, 2008, 422pp Rarely in his memoirs did Ian Smith (1919-2007), Rhodesia's last white prime minister, refer to Rhodesians in whites-only terms. The most explicit reference appears late in his book among recollections of 1979 when black extremists... Read More
The nation of Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia, is reaping the fruits of itsliberation from the travails of white supremacy by that hero of the people, Robert Mugabe, in 1980. The metaphor of "reaping the fruits" is both ironic and a mere figure of speech, of course. The literal truth is there are no fruits to reap.... Read More
"Robert Mugabe was once a hero," a Washington Post editorial sobbedabout the tyrant of Zimbabwe last week, and led "his people's struggle for independence." In fact Robert Mugabe was never anything but a thug and killer, leading a terrorist group that murdered Christian missionaries and their followers. The Post, of course, thought (or claimed to... Read More
While a U.S. war against Iraq seems increasingly certain, the United States does nothing to stop the expropriation of white farmers in Zimbabwe by the terrorist state constructed by the country's black president, Robert Mugabe. Zimbabwe, it's true, is far removed from most vital U.S. interests, but since Washington played a major role, through sanctions... Read More
President Bush was off to Canada last week to attend a conference of the Group of Eight leading industrial states, where problems of Africawere supposed to be high on the agenda. Presumably the president displayed more knowledge of Africa at the conference than he did of Brazil a few weeks ago when he met with... Read More
While Americans are worrying about the cruel fate of women in Afghanistan, black dictator Robert Mugabe is planning genocide in the country that Americans some 20 years ago helped push into its present crisis. Whatever President Bush does or doesn't do in the Middle East after the current war ends, he needs to do something... Read More
If you read the New York Times last week, you may well know all about the ethnic tensions that mar the Pacific paradise of Fiji, where the native islanders are locked in a bitter and somewhat violent conflict with Indians and other foreign newcomers. All most interesting, no doubt, and well worth the front-page attention... Read More
With thousands of black "squatters" seizing every acre of white-owned land they can squat on, with at least five white farmers butchered by black terrorists since February, with most of the white population seriously thinking about or actually trying to flee the country, and with Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe doing nothing whatsoever to curtail the... Read More
It's not often these days that the American media pays attention to what's going on in places like South Africa or Zimbabwe. Once ruled by white minority governments that enforced racial segregation, both countries are now ruled by blacks. That makes the American media happy, so there's no particular reason to pay these two countries... Read More