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It's often been said, during and in the aftermath of the Iraq War, that it was the single greatest foreign policy failure/fiasco in US history. Was it? Of course, given the passions surrounding the event then spiraling out of control, many agreed with the assessment(especially given the incompetence of George W. Bush), but in retrospect,... Read More
To appreciate the vital importance of race-ism as the basis of national survival, one must first address the Jewish Question, as the world is ruled by the Empire of Judea. It's the Zionists who push for wars in the Muslim World to maintain regional dominance and global hegemony. Zionists have low regard for Muslims and... Read More
Continued from Part I. Altruism and strained resources Caring for six children costs a lot of money. Bob had to sell land in New Hampshire, where he had hoped to build a vacation home. After Eddie was adopted, Matt had to move into the attic with him and Bear. They got to their new “bedroom”... Read More
In his memoir, Skinfolk, Matthew Pratt Guterl describes growing up as a white boy with four non-white adopted siblings. Mr. Guterl was raised in a small town in New Jersey in the 1970s and 1980s, with one white biological brother and four adoptees. His parents were well-educated, environmentally conscious liberals who wanted to have a... Read More
Some on the Patriotic Right despair of the corrosive effects of the Cult of White Guilt, but it’s actually a secondary problem flowing from the primary one, namely the power of the TEMPLATE. Never confuse a side-show with the main feature. The Template decides who is approved and who can accuse as opposed to who... Read More
It's been said that when General Douglas MacArthur was running for the presidency in the US, the Japanese, who'd come to revere him, put up a sign, "We play for MacArthur's erection." They got the 'l' and 'r' confused. In the US, the only politics in town is the goyim playing for Jewish Supremacist erections.... Read More
Idology(idolatry-as-ideology) vs Reality. The plain cold truth is that blacks kill blacks, and cops have been saving black lives over the years by coming between blacks and blacks. Minus the presence of cops, blacks kill more blacks, as well as nonblacks in the bargain. That is the hard reality. But in 2020, Jews needed extra... Read More
Why does American Power in all its manifestations revolve around Zion? Is it the inevitable consequence of the Elite Selection Dynamics over the past several decades? The masses do the work and pay their taxes, but only a tiny group of elites makes all the decisions. Then, the means by which the elites are chosen... Read More
The Jewish community is debating as to whether the Tribe should count as 'white', an inevitable outcome of the 'whiteness' demonization in academia, media, and the state, not least under the auspices of JSP or Jewish Supremacist Power. What was once an advantage is now the reverse in a culture where white-wariness has led to... Read More
There are several different approaches to the study of the pathology of White guilt, including linguistic, historical and religious. One needs, however, to critically look at this faulty verbal construct first, a construct which first appeared in America several decades ago, and which has been championed in the media and academia ever since. At first... Read More
The November presidential election has been racialized by the Democrats, media, white liberal elites, and the George Floyd protests. The racialization makes this election a watershed. The Democrats, media, and white liberal elites have placed the responsibility for the multi-city rioting and looting by blacks on white Americans for being racist. Although the evidence is... Read More
Enoch Powell, delivering perhaps the most notorious speech of 20th century British politics, warned that “In this country in 15 or 20 years’ time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man.” In much the same way as his demographic projections, the remarkable Enoch was more than a little off on... Read More
Is white guilt a Christian affliction? Edward Gibbon would probably say so. Gibbon was the genius who wrote, in 1776, the 12 volumes that comprise “The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,” wherein he saddled nascent Christianity with the downfall of the Roman Empire, no less. (I read the 1943 version,... Read More
The subversion of fact-based science and scholarship by the emotion-based ideology of Identity Politics is laying the groundwork for the genocide of white people. This sounds like an outlandish statement. However, it follows logically from the identification of white people with violence, oppression, and every evil in the world. In a number of columns I... Read More
Recently while talking to a “moderate” conservative and faithful NR reader, I was struck by this person’s profoundly negative view of the past, including the recent past. When I mentioned research by Thomas Sowell in the late 1970s proving that American blacks had made greater economic strides in the 1930s and 1940s than in the... Read More
Elizabeth Wright's excellent commentary on the black liberal elite and the exemplification of its race-hustling behavior by Henry Louis Gates might cause one to reflect on the ultimate enablers in this case, namely the white academic and journalistic elite. But this is not to ignore the obvious. Gates's charges of racism are ludicrous and outrageous... Read More