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I voted for Trump and would do it again. We escaped permanent rule by the left, so this website won’t be considered a criminal enterprise for at least four years. And it’s quite clear that Trump 2.o will be very different from Trump 1.o with his horrible, self-defeating appointments and the constant harassing and obstruction... Read More
Bird in the Hand – by Mr. Fish
Donald J. Trump’s second four years in the White House are shaping up to be more fun than a barrel of monkeys, as the old saying goes. I have it from several sources, who cannot be identified because of the sensitivity of the matter, as the old saying at The New York Times goes, that... Read More
Tulsi Gabbard in 2019 in Clear Lake, Iowa. (Gage Skidmore, Flickr, CC BY-ND 2.0)
President-elect Donald Trump’s selection of Tulsi Gabbard to be director of national intelligence (DNI) will cause shockwaves in and among the 18 fiefdoms that now comprise the U.S. intelligence community. Gabbard will be fighting an uphill battle if she tries to herd those 18 cats into a cohesive whole and restore integrity to intelligence analysis.... Read More
We had a lot of bad picks yesterday. These are not bad picks. Apparently, Trump is going to follow through and throw a bone to his core supporters, at least at the start of his administration. Of course, this isn’t a surprise. We knew that Trump’s plan was to do ultra-Jew foreign policy and then... Read More
As I suspected the ruling elite have an enemies list. As Tulsi Gabbard is on it, I assume all are on the list who question official narratives. Americans are so insouciant and brainwashed that they cannot see the tyranny that is staring them in the face. How does one help such utterly disconnected people? The... Read More
Governments and institutions are using lawfare to shut down independent voices
It is interesting to hear President Joe Biden claim that democracy is at stake in the upcoming national election when he and his Democratic Party colleagues have done so much to hinder the free discussion of issues that should be considered important by the electorate. Joe has operated by fiat in his opening of America’s... Read More
Scott Ritter is harassed by FBI for calling for peace while Israel’s Lobby overthrows elections
One thing you can say about the Administration of President Joe Biden is that nearly every week there is something new and exciting to discuss. Galloping dementia recently gifted us with Joe’s 11 minute abdication speech in which he announced that he would not be running for another term as president. He babbled about how... Read More
American and Israeli war criminals celebrate together
For those who missed it or chose to ignore it, there was a large demonstration in Washington on Tuesday the 14th dubbed the “March for Israel” with many posters and signs featuring “Israel We Stand With You.” I have no big problem with Americans “standing with Israel” as long as they go over to Israel... Read More
Or is it all just a bit of self-serving theater?
A midterm national election will be taking place in the United States in two weeks. American voters will, at least to a certain extent, be expressing their approval or disapproval on major issues like management of the economy and immigration, though they will curiously have no one to vote for if they are appalled by... Read More
Tulsi Gabbard is a former Representative from Hawaii. Progressives should love her. She was the first Hindu in Congress, she single-handedly destroyed Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign by attacking her from the left on criminal justice, and she supports gun control and an assault-weapons ban. However, she opposes America’s interventionist foreign policy and anti-white racism. Therefore,... Read More
But it is only on “pause” and we will be seeing it again
Finally some good news – maybe! The Department of Homeland Security’s recently launched Disinformation Governance Board has gone into what has been described as the "pause" mode and its controversial Director Nina Jankowicz has resigned, citing "vile personal attacks and physical threats.” Its status will reportedly be reviewed over the next 75 days and it... Read More
Stop the narrative I want to get off!
The semi-official United States government plus media lie machine knows that constructing a plausible reason to bomb the crap out of someone all depends on where you begin your narrative. If you keep starting your accusations at a point where the target has done something bad, all you have to do is repeat yourself over... Read More
What’s a little torture between friends?
So Russian President Vladimir Putin is a “thug and a murderous dictator.” That is the judgement of President of the United States Joe Biden, delivered directly to Putin during a phone conversation, and it is backed up by a unanimous vote in the US Senate endorsing Biden’s more recently expressed view that Putin is also... Read More
America’s Leading Antiwar Voice Is Destroyed by Hillary
In American politics, it is not often that one sees an assassination carried out in public, but that is exactly what the Democratic Party establishment did to peace candidate Tulsi Gabbard. She was sidelined right from the beginning of her campaign and the fact that she was a woman of color and a veteran earned... Read More
Russian Army Trucks in Italy
The COVID19/SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is, by any measure, an immense planetary crisis which will probably change the world we live in forever. Still, there are other issues which are maybe not quite as dramatic and important, but which deserve not to be forgotten. Here are some of those The grand betrayal of Tulsi Gabbard It was... Read More
Clinton, McRaven and Pelosi all are featured
There was what might be described as an extraordinary amount of nonsense being promoted by last week’s media. Unfortunately, some of it was quite dangerous. Admiral William McRaven, who commanded the Navy Seals when Osama bin Laden was captured and killed and who has been riding that horse ever since, announced that if Donald Trump... Read More
There is something profoundly deceitful in the way the Democratic Party and the corporate media are framing Donald Trump’s decision to pull troops out of Syria. One does not need to defend Trump’s actions or ignore the dangers posed to the Kurds, at least in the short term, by the departure of US forces from... Read More
So, it looks like that’s it for America, folks. Putin has gone and done it again. He and his conspiracy of Putin-Nazis have “hacked,” or “influenced,” or “meddled in” our democracy. Unless Admiral Bill McRaven and his special ops cronies can ginny up a last-minute military coup, it’s four more years of the Trumpian Reich,... Read More
Congress gives the Jewish state whatever it wants
If you have been wondering when the twenty Democratic aspirants for the presidency will begin a serious discussion of American foreign policy in the Middle East, where Washington has been bogged down in both current and impending wars, you are not alone. With the honorable exception of Tulsi Gabbard, no one seems keen to touch... Read More
It is unfortunate that Tulsi Gabbard succumbed to the Israel Lobby. The forces of the Empire saw it as a sign of weakness and have set about destroying her. The ruling elite see Gabbard as a threat just as they saw Trump as a threat. A threat is an attractive political candidate who questions the... Read More
Only Bernie and Tulsi walked the walk in 2016
The current round of presidential debates is packed with plans, programs, promises, claims and counter-claims. The question, as always, is which candidates are we to believe. The closer we get to an election, unscrupulous candidates tailor what they say to what the voters want to hear. The problem is separating the flimflam pols from the... Read More
Tulsi Gabbard let the genie out of the bottle
Last Wednesday’s debate among half of the announced Democratic Party candidates to become their party’s nominee for president in 2020 was notable for its lack of drama. Many of those called on to speak had little to say apart from the usual liberal bromides about health care, jobs, education and how the United States is... Read More
"For too long our leaders have failed us, taking us into one regime change war after the next, leading us into a new Cold War and arms race, costing us trillions of our hard-earned tax payer dollars and countless lives. This insanity must end." Donald Trump, circa 2016? Nope. That denunciation of John Bolton interventionism... Read More
Voters looking ahead to 2020 are being bombarded with soundbites from the twenty plus Democratic would-be candidates. That Joe Biden is apparently leading the pack according to opinion polls should come as no surprise as he stands for nothing apart from being the Establishment favorite who will tirelessly work to support the status quo. The... Read More
Ever since Tulsi Gabbard announced that she will be running for President in 2020 her personality and candidacy have been a subject of heated debates and after I posted a rather small message from her, I have been getting panicked emails warning me that she is a fake and that I not should "jump on... Read More
America Is Ready for a Genuine Peace Candidate
The lineup of Democrats who have already declared themselves as candidates for their party’s presidential nomination in 2020 is remarkable, if only for the fact that so many wannabes have thrown their hats in the ring so early in the process. In terms of electability, however, one might well call the seekers after the highest... Read More
Why can't we just leave everyone alone?
President Donald Trump’s recent statement on the Jamal Khashoggi killing by Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince might well be considered a metaphor for his foreign policy. Several commentators have suggested that the text appears to be something that Trump wrote himself without any adult supervision, similar to the poorly expressed random arguments presented in his tweeting... Read More
Did Syria actually use chemical weapons?
Sounds like we’ve heard it all before, because we have, back in August 2013, and that turned out to be less than convincing. Skepticism is likewise mounting over current White House claims that Damascus used a chemical weapon against civilians in the village of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib province on April 4th. Shortly after the... Read More
Delusions on Syria prevail in official Washington
Tulsi Gabbard is one brave Congresswoman. She has challenged her party and the president saying that it's time for Washington to halt its "illegal, counter-productive war to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad. I don't think Assad should be removed. If Assad is removed and overthrown, ISIS, al Qaeda, Al Nustra, these Islamic extremist groups... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?