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Back in 2012, the Trayvon Martin case was my first awakening as a budding young leftist to not only how wrong, but how blindly and aggressively wrong the left could be in its crusades. I remember studying the details of that case before it ever became national news. By collecting a series of locations on... Read More
Below, Paul Kersey remarks on the distressing tendency of white Christians whose family members have been murdered by blacks to “forgve” the criminal. The 21st anniversary of unsuccessful thug Trayvon Martin’s birth reminds us that blacks don’t think that way at all. Jim Treacher is retweeting various expressions of hate for Zimmerman on his Twitter... Read More
The Trayvon Martin affair was one of the most important media events in recent memory. The major networks spent endless hours of prime time discussing it, but what made the episode so exceptional was who benefited from the incredible amount of coverage. At the heart of the story were two young men who both made... Read More
The Zimmerman affair warms the cockles of a curmudgeon's heart. (I'm not sure what a cockle is, but I want mine to be at the right temperature.) Never have I seen such sprawling, cacophonous, indignant ignorance and frightful stupidity as that being exhibited by the American public. We are doomed. I am delighted. Curmudgeons love... Read More
Watching the Zimmerman trial, I wonder whether we may not be in for big trouble. Racial hostility is much higher in the United States than it is allowed to appear. In the Twittersphere there is much traffic from blacks, saying that if Zimmerman walks, they will kill him themselves, riot, or kill random whites. On... Read More
The Coming Race War in America was published in 1996 by Carl Rowan, the black columnist and former ambassador to Finland. The title is not ironic. He foresaw a major racial explosion. The book of course was furiously ignored. It should not have been. It dealt with an apocalyptic vision that has lurked around the... Read More
Our current poster for successful racial policy is, as all the world probably knows, the shooting of the improbably named Travon Martin, black, by an Hispanic improbably named Zimmerman. The death has been improbably termed, by professional blacks, “genocide.” Whatever happened to dictionaries, I wonder. Perhaps the worst thing about the case is the appalling... Read More
I’d say the chances of George Zimmerman spending time behind bars for killing Trayvon Martin are about the same as Sergeant Robert Bales doing time for killing those 16 Afghan villagers the night of March 11. Zero. Like most things that happen in America these days, the Trayvon Martin case is turning into yet another... Read More