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If the Christmas Movie could be construed as a genre, its catalog is underwhelming to say the least. Stories draw strength from conflict, but most Christmas movies keep tensions to a minimum lest holiday cheers be dampened. The assumption is people watch Holiday Movies for uplift; they want to be blissed out, not pissed on.... Read More
If you want to understand the Jewish War Strategy, look no further than Steven Spielberg's WAR OF THE WORLDS. It is tremendous entertainment made with pop genius but also offers a glimpse into the Jewish Strategy of War. The movie begins at a shipping dock where one of the workers says "half of Korea" is... Read More
Poltergeist's question of authorship stands out among Steven Spielberg's works. Spielberg wrote and directed some of his movies or directed what others mostly wrote; he also handed second-rate material to others to be made in pale imitation of his style. The story(and parts of the screenplay) of Poltergeist was by Steven Spielberg, but it was... Read More
Even though Jews have produced many influential thinkers in the 20th century, we can learn as much or even more about them through their use of popular culture. Granted, some degree of esotericism is necessary to decode the message. In other words, just like adults and children see things differently and laugh for different reasons... Read More