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John McWhorter
John McWhorter, who teaches at Columbia, is one of a handful of blacks who write sensible things about race. He complains that the media bellow whenever police kill a black man but are silent when they kill a white man, and worries that claims of “systemic racism” are leading to a movement to exempt blacks... Read More
See, earlier, by James Fulford: Disparate Impact: Legal And Political Last week's item about jaywalkers in New York City brought in some emails. It referred to complaints that city cops issue jaywalking tickets disproportionately to Sun People, i.e. blacks and Latinos. Sun People are only 55 percent of New Yorkers, but they get 90 percent... Read More
noble Black lawyer prosecutes an evil White sex-beast, who receives 33 life-sentences for his cowardly and despicable crimes against eleven innocent women and children. What a potent and effective way to smash the vile racist stereotype that Blacks are prone to violence and rape! And what a heart-warming symbol of Brave New Britain, where non-Whites... Read More
Race has been discussed to the point of weariness, yet most discussion consists of little more than wishful thinking, contradiction, and outright malice: “All the races are equal, but whites oppress everyone else. Then again, race doesn’t really exist, which is why we must strive for greater racial diversity.” It is understandable that many people... Read More
A CNN profiler was speaking about the El Paso shooting, on August 6, in which 22 people were murdered by an angry white man. She blamed the killer’s sense of white privilege. Mass murder carried out by white, young men, the “analyst” was saying, occurs because these young men cannot adjust to a changing society.... Read More
Richard Lynn, now 89, is known for his research into national and race differences in average intelligence, having relatively recently published the most comprehensive and up-to-date book available on national differences in IQ. But although ethnic and racial differences in intelligence explain quite a lot, they still leave some phenomena not quite making sense. Lynn... Read More
To compliment HBD Chick's recent post on the topic, here you go. From Wikipedia: Number of guns per capita by country: Countries by rate of intentional homicides per 100,000 inhabitants: Just sayin'. See also: HBD Fundamentals: On the evolution of modern advanced civilized peoples Those Who Can See: Whence Afro criminality? (My comment at) HBD... Read More
Michael Moore recently held a Q & A session on Twitter in response to CurrentTV's showings of his 2002 documentary, Bowling for Columbine, which was about mass shootings and gun violence in America. This movie contained the infamous scene where Moore ambushed then NRA president Charlton Heston about the issue of violent crime in America... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?