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Voters in Europe and America are like fish in the ocean. They’re utterly ignorant of vast forces shaping their lives. Fish are ignorant of the moon and its control over the tides. Voters in Europe and America are ignorant of the Jews and their control over politics. For example, in Britain the acronyms LFI and... Read More
Without a dramatic change of strategy, this election is now the Democrats' to lose
Donald Trump is heading for defeat in this year’s election. I realise stating this is controversial — there has developed what I think is a misguided sense of inevitability about a Trump victory, especially on the radical right. When I said recently that I now believe Trump is going to lose, I encountered a flood... Read More
The “new populism” on the left and right, and the collapse of the “centrist” cordon sanitaire Brussels Élites let out their long sigh of relief – the French Right was blocked. Markets complacently shrugged; ‘everything must ‘change’ to remain the same’. The Centre will find a way! Macron successfully had blocked the ‘populist’ Right and... Read More
Why RFK JR. is a Chad Centrist
While you could say that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an old school Democrat, he takes bold anti-establishment positions that go beyond just being a Social Democrat. Social Democrats tend to believe in centralized power and strong institutions while RFK jr. seems more sympathetic to decentralization. Regardless, the old school left is almost treated as... Read More
The voters of Argentina have decided that 53-year-old Javier Milei is going to be their next president. He will be the first unmarried president since 1916 when Vicente Yrigoyen was elected. Like Yrigoyen, whose nickname was el peludo (the armadillo, literally the hairy one), Milei has a nickname that is to do with hair: la... Read More
BLM(Black Lives Matter) and UVM(Ukrainian Victory Matters) have something in common. Both, like WMD about Iraq, were founded on lies and produced the very opposites of their stated objectives. BLM claimed that the relatively high rates of black male deaths owed to ‘racist’ and ‘white supremacist’ cops prowling black communities to carry out ‘genocide’ on... Read More
While Anthony Oliver’s, Rich Men North of Richmond is untimely, it is still relevant to ongoing political and social issues. Despite the song being adopted as a MAGA anthem, Anthony Oliver stated that neither party represents him. He slammed partisan Republicans for hijacking the song, because Republicans are also “Rich Men North of Richmond.” If... Read More
First off, it must be said the Boomers came in a variety of flavors. Polls show that close to half or more of the Boomers in the 60s and 70s were tilted to the right. Many supported the Vietnam War and voted for Nixon. And the majority weren't into the Drug Culture and the Sexual... Read More
Uselessness of White Comprador Leadership that serves Jewish Globo-Oligarchs than represents White America
In the good ole USA, many are brain-dead and believe whatever pushed by Jewish-run media. Others are cowardly, and hating on China happens to be safer than naming the real power causing the biggest problems: Jews, with help of black thugs and homo degenerates. It's like honest people will blame Jewish Power on whatever's wrong... Read More
There are some people who cling to the belief that one day Leftist hegemony will collapse in the West simply because there is a negative association between fertility and liberalism. Such people seem to believe that the eventual result will be some kind of revolution from below, where the hungry Parisians will storm the modern-day... Read More
“Optimism is cowardice,” said Oswald Spengler. We shouldn’t have false hopes. French President Emmanuel Macron will probably win this Sunday’s runoff election against the National Rally’s Marine Le Pen. Bookies in London give the incumbent a better than 90 percent chance. After the first round, President Macron’s lead grew. I have yet to see a... Read More
Earlier: GLOBE AND MAIL: "Calling The Ottawa Protests ‘Peaceful’ Plays Down Non-Violent Dangers, Critics Say" In both Canada and the U.S., anti-System sentiment is unmistakably rising among the very people the System depends on. In the ongoing Canadian trucker protest, the Left’s hysterical reaction shows that it is not just neurotic but also totalitarian [Canada... Read More
If you’re new to high finance, then the concept of “shorting” is bizarre and convoluted. People actually make money from stocks falling? How is this possible? Why is it legal? Does this contribute anything to society? Am I missing out? Here’s how shorting works. Let’s say you have a neighbor who is a cat lady... Read More
As they used to say at the end of all those wacky Looney Tunes cartoons, that’s all folks! The show is over. Literal Russian-Asset Hitler, the Latest Greatest Threat to Western Democracy, the Monster of Mar-a-Lago, Trumpzilla, Trumpenstein, the Ayatollah of Orange Shinola, has finally been humiliated and given the bum-rush out of Washington by... Read More
Analysts are still grappling with the fallout from the US election. Trumpism proved a far more enduring and alluring phenomenon than most media pundits expected. Defying predictions, Trump improved his share of the overall vote compared to his 2016 win, and he surprised even his own team by increasing his share of minority voters and... Read More
So, it appears the War on Populism is building toward an exciting climax. All the proper pieces are in place for a Class-A GloboCap color revolution, and maybe even civil war. You got your unauthorized Putin-Nazi president, your imaginary apocalyptic pandemic, your violent identitarian civil unrest, your heavily-armed politically-polarized populace, your ominous rumblings from military... Read More
So the War on Populism is finally over. Go ahead, take a wild guess who won. I’ll give you a hint. It wasn’t the Russians, or the white supremacists, or the gilets jaunes, or Jeremy Corbyn’s Nazi Death Cult, or the misogynist Bernie Bros, or the MAGA-hat terrorists, or any of the other real or... Read More
Voters, left and right, have rejected Martin Luther King, affirmative action and sanctuary cities along with market liberal economics. The Republican party ran TPUSA-style campaigns framing their opponents as abortionists and "socialists" in Virginia and the Kentucky governor's race, the latter which was only competitive thanks to Donald Trump's last minute intervention. The GOP strategy... Read More
Gilets Jaunes song performed at French traffic circle: Les Gentils et les Méchants
The Gilets Jaunes in 2019
Paris, France, 9 January 2019 French Democracy Dead or Alive? Or perhaps one should say, buried or revived? Because for the mass of ordinary people, far from the political, financial, media centers of power in Paris, democracy is already moribund, and their movement is an effort to save it. Ever since Margaret Thatcher decreed that... Read More
Remember when the War on Terror ended and the War on Populism began? That’s OK, no one else does. It happened in the Summer of 2016, also known as “the Summer of Fear.” The War on Terror was going splendidly. There had been a series of “terrorist attacks,” in Orlando, Nice, Würzberg, Munich, Reutlingen, Ansbach,... Read More
Prime Ministers of Hungary Viktor Orban
Regime Change in Budapest?
CNN recently discovered a paradox. How was it possible, they asked, that in 1989, Viktor Orban, at the time a Western-acclaimed liberal opposition leader, was calling for Soviet troops to leave Hungary, and now that he is Prime Minister, he is cozying up to Vladimir Putin? For the same reason, dummy. Orban wanted his country... Read More
To say that academic elites don’t like ordinary folks is to state the obvious. To them, Lanford, Illinois—the fictional, archetypal, working-class town, made famous by Roseanne and Dan Conner—is not to be listened to, but tamed. A well-functioning democracy depends on it. Taming Fishtown—Charles Murray’s version of Landford—is the thread that seems to run through... Read More
Or Putting Your Mouth Where Your Money Isn’t
Among the stranger features of the 2016 election campaign was the success of Donald Trump, a creature of globalization, as an America First savior of the white working class. A candidate who amassed billions of dollars by playing globalization for all it was worth -- he manufactured clothes and accessories bearing his name in low-wage... Read More
If you want a gauge of the state of America, the country that put billionaire Donald Trump in the White House, consider this: the three richest Americans -- Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Warren Buffett -- now have the wealth of the bottom half of the U.S. population, or 160 million Americans. Or consider this:... Read More
He Must Return To Lead It
[See: “If Only The God-Emperor Knew: Using Trumpism Against The Trump Administration” by James Kirkpatrick] He must have known what was coming. Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee, a pillar of the cowardly GOP Establishment, announced he would not be running for re-election on Tuesday [Republican Sen. Corker announces he won’t seek re-election, by Richard Lardner... Read More
Introduction Throughout the US and European corporate and state media, right and left, we are told that ‘populism’ has become the overarching threat to democracy, freedom and . . . free markets. The media’s ‘anti-populism’ campaign has been used and abused by ruling elites and their academic and intellectual camp followers as the principal weapon... Read More
Whatever the relations may or may not have been between Donald Trump and his crew and Vladimir Putin and his crew, here’s one thing that the two presidents do not have in common: popularity. According to polls, Putin’s approval rating was at 82% late last year. In his 17-year reign, he’s never fallen below the... Read More
A Political Movement’s Violent Pursuit of “Enemies”
In 2016, something extraordinary happened in the politics of diverse countries around the world. With surprising speed and simultaneity, a new generation of populist leaders emerged from the margins of nominally democratic nations to win power. In doing so, they gave voice, often in virulent fashion, to public concerns about the social costs of globalization.... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?