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You are sailing in the Gulf of Morbihan (“Little Sea”, in Breton language) in Bretagne, France, NATOstan, occasionally negotiating the second most powerful marine currents in Europe. Water circulates in a giant labyrinth of creeks, rocks and islands. Fishermen and oyster catchers are in heaven. And then there are the powerful winds. And you start... Read More
American Moral and Political Philosopher John Rawls in 1971. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.
Introduction What's happening in the West is so patently absurd, the willful suppression for decades of increasing black-on-white violence, the flying of the rainbow flag everywhere, the demonization and falsification of European history, the insistence that black failures are a product of systemic white racism, the powerlessness of governments to stop endless waves of migrants,... Read More
We, who constitute the all-knowing, all-seeing, supernatural, creative entity that you can never know, have been here since before the beginning, and we have seen it all unfold and evolve. And from our detached perspective—from the outside looking in—we present this brief summary of what we have observed so far. We have been observing ever... Read More
Julianne Romanello & Gilad Atzmon interviewed by Jason Bosch
In this extended discussion Julianne Romanello and myself together with Jason Bosch delve into the ideological and spiritual thoughts that have turned our world into an open air prison. We looked into the work of Leo Strauss, Athens & Jerusalem, Noahide fundamentals, the origin of Zionism and many other crucial topics most intellectuals insist to... Read More
A review of For a European Awakening
In Europe today, it is easy to fall into permanent numbness amidst the omnipresent falsehoods, frivolousness, and slouching. That makes it all the more remarkable when one encounters some who resist, some who hold to an ethos, to the legacy of an entire civilization . . . an invigorating oasis in the most sterile spiritual... Read More
A deep dive into the manipulation of money and consciousness by the powers that control our daily lives
Archon (Gnosticism) ... any of a number of world-governing powers... In the last decade we have seen an exponential change in the manipulation of basic human instincts through a technological and societal shift often referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Everything we do, from sex, dating and purchases to political affiliations and how we... Read More
No one was more qualified to write a book on beauty than the late Sir Roger Scruton. He was a man of impeccable taste and cultivated manners who could charm an audience even when, after being invited to a symposium at Notre Dame to talk about beauty, he ended up talking about wine instead. He... Read More
Between unaccountability of elites and total fragmentation of civil society, Covid-19 as a circuit breaker is showing how the king – systemic design – is naked. We are being sucked into a danse macabre of multiple complex systems “colliding into one another,” producing all kinds of mostly negative feedback loops. What we already know for... Read More
At the beginning of 2015, I spent six weeks traveling through India. The Catholics are a tiny minority in a sea of over one billion people, most of whom are Hindu. But they have a significant cultural asset. They have established a network of schools which are the best in India. Because of that fact,... Read More
There are books that defy categorization. This is one of them. The artist known as Bronze Age Pervert (henceforth ‘TAKABAP’) is a Twitter personality who used to lurk around the Return of Kings forums. Little else is known of him, but I am assume he is some sort of senior American political consultant, receiving large... Read More
I discovered Zen a few years ago. I had never encountered anything quite like it. I had been possessed by the frenetic, over-stimulated nature of life today, which we are all familiar with, particularly in the age of the Internet and social media. I was both restless and aimless, and consumed by the petty anxieties... Read More
I recently spent some time making a table for my kitchen, with the assistance of a dear friend whose hobby is cabinetry, and who is generous with his time and equipment. (Thanks, pal!) We made measurements and plans, then purchased good-quality wood. We cut, jointed and planed, glued and clamped, tenoned and mortised. We shaped,... Read More
The Outer Limits of Reason: What Science, Mathematics, and Logic Cannot Tell Us, by Noson S. Yanofsky
How rarely Reason guides the stubborn Choice / Rules the bold Hand, or prompts the suppliant Voice.” Dr. Johnson didn’t know the half of it. Not only does reason play a dismayingly small part in human affairs, but reason itself has built-in limitations that prevent our employing it in many cases where we should like... Read More
Against the Idols of the Age, by David Stove
I took my first degree in Mathematics from a respectable English university. There was none of this American nonsense about majors and minors: we did three straight years of unadulterated math, math and math. In our third year, though, we were permitted to choose some electives from within the field of math. One of them,... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?