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The Truer Narrative of the American Civil War must be… The South fought both for and against slavery. How could that have been the case? It’s because there is more than one kind of slavery. In the most obvious sense, the South fought to maintain the system of Social Slavery that kept the black race... Read More
The Jewish community is debating as to whether the Tribe should count as 'white', an inevitable outcome of the 'whiteness' demonization in academia, media, and the state, not least under the auspices of JSP or Jewish Supremacist Power. What was once an advantage is now the reverse in a culture where white-wariness has led to... Read More
There is a saying among BLM types: White Silence is Violence Well, I agree but not in the way that BLM scumbags and their allies & enablers mean it. The motto is true in the sense that whites have been craven, feckless, cowardly, timid, and mute in face of rising evil and intensifying madness driven... Read More