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Many people are familiar with the argument in favor of the Border Wall that invokes the national security needs of Israel. Whenever the Anti-Wall activists(who happen to be disproportionately Jewish) decry the calls for heightened border security as unrealistic, ineffectual, and/or immoral, the Pro-Wall advocates point to Israel and its mostly effective system of walls.... Read More
Earlier (2003) The New York Times Says Japan Needs Immigrants. The Japanese Politely Disagree Most people visit or move to Japan because the country and its people fascinate them, and they don’t judge them for being, well, Japanese. Not so with Julian Ryall a free-lancer, correspondent for The [UK]Telegraph and the South China Morning Post,... Read More
See also, by John Derbyshire: Bernie Sanders Not Just A Picturesque Old Codger—He’s An Accomplice To Mass Murder Bernie Sanders, independent socialist Senator from Vermont, announced his presidential candidacy last week to much fanfare. He is set to be one of the strongest 2020 Democratic candidates as his socialist positions ascend to the party’s mainstream.... Read More
CNN recently discovered a paradox. How was it possible, they asked, that in 1989, Viktor Orban, at the time a Western-acclaimed liberal opposition leader, was calling for Soviet troops to leave Hungary, and now that he is Prime Minister, he is cozying up to Vladimir Putin? For the same reason, dummy. Orban wanted his country... Read More
The Economist magazine just held a debate across the week June 18th to 25th. Topic: Should people be free to choose the country in which they live? It's a straightforward question, using plain English words in proper grammatical order. But then, you could say the same of: Should New York City abolish all restrictions on... Read More
If open borders are so great for everyone, why do open borders advocates call for throngs of foreigners to flock to America and not for Americans to flood into other countries? Edit: See also this post by Steve Sailer: iSteve: Open Borders: Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose