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Tucker Carlson is doing his best to try to end this war. He should be given a lot of credit for that. Insofar as he’s willing to talk about it, he’s also against the other Jewish war, but seems resigned that the US will get involved in Iran. This week, he published an interview with... Read More
NIMA ALKHORSHID: Hi, everybody, today is Wednesday, November 27th, and Michael Hudson and Richard Wolff are here with us. Welcome back, Michael and Richard. MICHAEL HUDSON: Glad to be back. RICHARD WOLFF: Glad to be here. NIMA ALKHORSHID: Let's get started with what's going on between Russia and the United States in Ukraine. We had... Read More
Most Americans continue to believe that the United States will prevail in a conventional war with Russia. But that is simply not the case. For starters, Russia's state-of-the-art missile technology and missile defense systems are vastly superior to those produced by western weapons manufacturers.
Since my strong warning yesterday of the stupidity and insanity of Western leaders who are without any doubt driving the world to nuclear Armageddon, the hyper dangerous situation has further deteriorated. While we all look forward to Thanksgiving holiday, the leadership of the Western world is setting us up for death. The insanity of the... Read More
It’s easy to dismiss the threat of Russia firing nukes in response to Biden’s decision to have American-operated weapons systems in the Ukraine do terrorist strikes against civilians in Russia. Probably, the talk of World War III is overstated. The point is that it’s possible, and Russia is openly saying it’s possible. RT: Moscow’s revised... Read More
On Sunday, President Joe Biden authorized the use of U.S.-supplied long-range missiles by Ukraine for strikes inside Russia. The sudden reversal of policy represents a dramatic escalation in the war that will require a strong response from Moscow. President Putin has repeatedly warned that firing missiles at targets located on Russian territory would trigger harsh... Read More
The fact that no one is worried about nuclear war now shows just how malleable humans are. During the Cold War, people were flipping out over the potential for nuclear war, they were hiding under desks and making endless films about it. That was a time when both the US and the USSR were run... Read More
Two days ago on October 14 I posted my column about a new US Department of Defense Directive, 5240.01, that radically alters the relationship between the US military and American citizens. In the new directive issued one month prior to the election, the US military is authorized to intervene against American citizens and to use... Read More
Here we rest. Nearly a year ago to the day, on October 7th of 2023, Palestinian resistance group Hamas made an unprecedented incursion into Israel, taking many hostages and ostensibly humiliating Israel. Israel responded with a massive war, claiming the objective was to “destroy Hamas.” This was obviously not a viable objective in the short... Read More
As another October approaches, the beautiful season of colors begins here in New England. Call it October’s Surprise Party. The turning leaves with all their colors come to announce the earth’s glory, the possibility of peace and happiness for all. Yet as the month transpires and November nears, I think we might expect what for... Read More
For years I have warned that Putin’s refusal to quickly win the conflict with Ukraine would result in increasing Western intervention until the conflict spins out of control. That has now happened. NATO’s Secretary General and the British Prime Minister have given a green light to NATO firing missiles into Russia from Ukraine. The green... Read More
Putin’s Inability to Think Strategically Has Brought the World to the Edge of Nuclear War We are on the edge of nuclear war because of Washington’s aggression and Putin’s inability to think strategically. Despite Putin’s restrained conduct of the conflict, Ukraine is on the point of collapse and defeat. Yet Putin still pokes along as... Read More
Previously: Zelensky Goes to the UN with Jew Blinken, Says Russia Must Offer Unconditional Surrender Putin is ready for the nukes to start dropping because the world is just that gay. I feel that. The Guardian: Vladimir Putin has escalated his nuclear rhetoric, telling a group of senior officials that Russia would consider using nuclear... Read More
Republicans in the US Senate have been urging the White House to provide Ukraine with long-range missiles that can strike deep into Russia. Such is the madness of pro-war sentiment. America’s lackluster Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, has apparently confirmed that Washington plans to shortly deliver such strategic weapons to Ukraine. This week, Britain’s new... Read More
Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who never engages in idle speculation or hyperbole, dropped a bombshell when he announced that Russia is in the process of revising its nuclear doctrine. Lavrov, whose stature as a senior statesman is such that he is often referred to as the “grown up in the room,” compared... Read More
Is not President Putin’s purpose in visiting North Korea and Vietnam now clear in the context of the Eurasian security architecture project? There perhaps was a momentary shrugging-off of slumber in Washington this week as they read the account of Sergei Lavrov’s démarche to the U.S. Ambassador in Moscow: Russia was telling the U.S. –... Read More
And here I thought one of the core principles of modern NATO was anti-proliferation. This is a February, 2023 post on their website: Turning on a dime like this can’t be related to the Ukraine directly. Instead, it is increasingly starting to become undeniable to an objective observer that the ruling elite in the West... Read More
There is now in the US a vast industry funded with $1.3 trillion developing “usable” nuclear weapons. All sorts of private contractors, scientific laboratories, the Pentagon are involved. In other words, the vast sum is widely spread resulting in a massive influential institutionalized interest that prevents nuclear disarmament. Professor Chossudovsky points out that the politicians... Read More
Whether or not it actually happened, the story of Babe Ruth's famous "called shot" in Game 3 of the 1932 World Series has become one of the great legends of baseball's Golden Age. The Chicago Cubs fans in Wrigley Field had been relentlessly hectoring the renowned Yankee slugger and the cat-calls and insults intensified as... Read More
“For two years Biden was absolutely adamant that no US weapons could be used to strike Russia. Now he reverses the policy — aka, he lied. So where’s the pushback? Congress, media? What could be of greater consequence than lying the country into war with a nuclear superpower?” — Michael Tracey Are the peoples of... Read More
President Putin's press conference on Wednesday in Uzbekistan might have been the most unusual and extraordinary event in his 24-year political career. After addressing the Constitutional issues surrounding Ukrainian President Zelensky's decision to remain in office beyond his four-year term, Putin delivered a brief but disturbing statement on NATO's plan to fire long-range weapons at... Read More
Every provocation action the West said it would not do it has done. The false denials have kept alive Putin’s hope that the conflict can be restricted to Donbas. But the attack on Russia’s warning system has brought Putin closer to reality. The situation is dire and all the Idiot West does is to provoke... Read More
Each of the last five presidents, both Democrats and Republicans, have brought us closer to the brink. We desperately need leaders with a knack for peace who can steer the nation, and the world, toward a more secure and less dangerous future. The overriding job of any U.S. president is to keep the nation safe.... Read More
Washington’s provocations of Russia are recklessly worsening. As the Kremlin’s spokesman says, NATO is falling into wartime ecstasy. No one among Western politicians other than the leader of Hungary shows any inclination to abandon the road to Armageddon. The situation today is far more dangerous than during the Cold War when US and Soviet leaders... Read More
Fatmericans are not even aware that their government is attempting to start a world war. Fatmericans are thinking about the cost of groceries. They have no idea what is even going on. If an American is aware of what’s happening, they have a comic book view of things – that Russia is like Doctor Doom... Read More
The Biden administration, using its proxy forces in Ukraine, launched an unprecedented attack on "a key element of Russia’s nuclear umbrella" on Thursday effectively blinding the Russian military from detecting incoming nuclear-armed ballistic missiles. "Satellite imagery confirms" that multiple drones severely damaged "a Russian strategic early warning radar site in the southwestern end of the... Read More
The West has made it clear that they are absolutely willing to risk a nuclear war in their quest to dominate the former eastern Ukraine. The situation draws attention to the fact that the people running the Western world are not simply diabolical, but also inconceivably stupid. It’s been said a million times, but there... Read More
The invention of nuclear weapons was an act of total insanity. If the massive stockpiles of nuclear weapons are not dismantled and destroyed, sooner or later they will destroy planet Earth. We have survived so far because the Cuban Missile Crisis awoke President Kennedy and Soviet leader Khrushchev to the danger of distrust between nuclear... Read More
“It’s time for Russia to give the West a nuclear reminder. Washington is waging a proxy war in a bid to inflict a ‘strategic defeat’ on Moscow and a tougher response to this is needed.” It is extraordinary to me that Putin wasted his opportunity to show the idiot West the consequence of ignoring Russian... Read More
In his newly published book, Nuclear High-Attitude Electromagnetic Pulse, Steven Starr shows that all it takes is one nuclear explosion to shut down the United States and throw the population back into the Dark Ages. The electric power grid would be destroyed along with the communications system, the cooling systems at nuclear power plants and... Read More
The US and Israel have isolated themselves as the two most evil governments on earth. By complying with Washington’s foreign policy, the European puppet governments find themselves despised by their citizens. Eleven months ago Russia’s president Vladimir Putin described the West to the Russian Federal Assembly: “They behaved just as shamelessly and duplicitously when destroying... Read More
We are on the verge of nuclear annihilation. Every agreement made during the 20th century to reduce the risk of nuclear war has been abandoned by Washington. Why worry, some ask, mutual assured destruction means neither the US nor Russia would initiate a nuclear attack. Perhaps not, but the greatest danger of nuclear armageddon comes... Read More
Rumble link Bitchute link Is “the Holocaust” inciting nuclear holocaust? That’s the contention, in a nutshell, of Anthony Hall’s article “Addressing ‘The’ Holocaust in an Era of Heightened Danger of Nuclear Holocaust,” which inspired the AI-assisted image above. Citing another False Flag Weekly News contributor, E. Michael Jones, who recently reviewed the film Oppenheimer, Hall... Read More
Social psychosis is widespread. In the words of the British psychiatrist, R. D. Laing, “The condition of alienation, of being asleep, of being unconscious, of being out of one’s mind, is the condition of the normal man.” He was not referring to raving, drooling, hitting-your-head-against-the-wall lunacy but a taken-for-granted acceptance of a world long teetering... Read More
Sometimes you wake up from a dream to realize it is telling you to pay close attention to the depth of its message, especially when it is linked to what you have been thinking about for days. I have just come up from a dream in which I went down to the cellar of the... Read More
The former Pentagon and Rand Corp official Daniel Ellsberg, who died earlier this month, created two big bombshells. Hated by the right, lauded by the left and libertarians, Ellsberg, in our view, was a genuine American hero. The first bombshell was his revelation of a series of secret Pentagon studies of the Vietnam War that... Read More
It was obvious from the beginning that the Kremlin’s “limited military operation” would result in an ever-widening war leading to a nuclear confrontation, and there is no doubt that the conflict has continued to widen. The latest development brings us closer to the use of nuclear weapons. The F-16s, which Biden said would never be... Read More
US senator wants ‘nuclear war’ – Moscow American politicians are inciting an “apocalyptic conflict,” Russia’s envoy has warned What is the point of these endless Russian complaints? Will the Kremlin ever understand that it is the Kremlin’s failure to use sufficient force to terminate a conflict whose ever-widening character threatens to end in nuclear war?... Read More
For more than two decades US presidential administrations have been increasing the likelihood of nuclear war with Russia. It began with Bill Clinton violating the word of the US government not to move NATO to Russia’s border. SuccessiveUS presidents since have undone all the trust-building agreements achieved during the 20th century Cold War. The provocations... Read More
The Doomsday Clock, set by the US-based magazine Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, has been moved to 90 seconds to midnight. That’s the closest ever to total nuclear doom, the global catastrophe. The Clock had been set at 100 seconds since 2020. The Bulletin’s Science and Security Board and a group of sponsors – which... Read More
How long is Putin going to sit on his butt and allow his limited military operation to be widened into nuclear war? If Putin does not soon fulfill his responsibility to quickly bring the conflict to a decisive Russian victory before Washington and NATO can further widen the war, Putin’s legacy will be nuclear Armageddon.... Read More
Did the neocons instigate the Ukraine war with the intention of creating a pretext for a nuclear first strike on Russia? Philip Kraske says yes! Read his article “The War in Ukraine Will End with a Bang — Soon.” Then listen to me push back against some of his claims…and decide for yourself. Philip Kraske... Read More
As a participant in the 20th century Cold War, I can tell you that the Cuban Missile Crisis had the effect of convincing the leaders of the US and the USSR that trust had to be created between the two nuclear superpowers in order resolve differences and prevent a reoccurrence of tensions at the level... Read More
Amidst indignant reactions to ex-Chancellor Angela Merkel’s revelations about the Minsk accords, worry about Americans “advising” Ukrainians en situ, and the back-and-forth of battle lines, it’s easy to forget what the Ukraine War is all about: the struggle of the United States to maintain its status as the world’s only superpower. More exactly, America’s attempt... Read More
Even though one has become accustomed to seeing the United States government behaving irrationally on an epic scale with no concern for what happens to the average citizen who is not a member of one of the freak show constituencies of the Democratic Party, it is still possible to be surprised or even shocked. Shortly... Read More
Question 1---You think that Putin should have acted more forcefully from the beginning in order to end the war quickly. Is that an accurate assessment of your view on the war? And---if it is---then what do you think is the downside of allowing the conflict to drag on with no end in sight? Paul Craig... Read More
Written by James George Jatras Wednesday December 14, 2022 � Among realists who don’t accept the Kiew siegt an allen Fronten! narrative it is widely assumed that Russia will soon begin, perhaps in dramatic and decisive fashion, a winter offensive. This would come just as Kiev is hitting “empty” on all key manpower and materiel... Read More
The primary purpose of the Nuclear Posture Review(NPR) is to deceptively "rebrand" the offensive use of nuclear weapons as a justifiable act of defense. The new criteria for using these lethal WMD has been deliberately maligned with the clear intention of providing Washington with a green light for their use and proliferation. Accordingly, US foreign... Read More
Maybe you're one of the millions of people who think the US would never use its nuclear weapons unless the threat of a nuclear attack was imminent. Well, you'd be wrong, because according to the recently-released Nuclear Posture Review, the bar for using nukes has been significantly lowered. The new standard reads like this: (nukes... Read More
In Stunning Strategy Reversal, Pentagon Will No Longer Rule Out Use Of Nuclear Weapons Against Non-Nuclear Threat Has Putin’s delay in using sufficient force to terminate the Ukraine conflict made Russian victory impossible by US threat to use nuclear weapons? I warned that Putin’s drawn-out “limited” war would greatly widen the war. With the latest... Read More