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BRUSSELS, BELGIUM - JULY 26, 2012: Stained Glass depicting the legend of Jews stealing sacramental bread, in the Cathedral of Brussels, Belgium.
When I saw the headline—Catholics Cannot be Anti-Semites—I immediately wrote to Bishop Barron and asked him to inform the ADL that E. Michael Jones cannot be an anti-Semite because he is a Catholic. I have been maintaining that position for years, and it was heartening to have a famous bishop take my side in this... Read More
See also: Controlled Opposition Watch: NATIONAL REVIEW Still Trying To Take Down General Lee An authentic National Conservative Right has been breaking through one barrier after another over the last few years. First it was the Alt Right, then it was the Dissident Right, then it was America First, and tomorrow the leading brand will... Read More
W.E.B. Du Bois was one of America’s most important leftist intellectuals. The Souls of Black Folk and Dusk of Dawn: An Essay Toward an Autobiography of a Race Concept were the precursors to today’s racial politics. Black Reconstruction in America anticipated the contemporary doctrine that Reconstruction didn’t go far enough. (Eric Foner’s Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished... Read More
National Review is “defending America” in its latest issue. Unfortunately, its cowardice about race makes its defense a laughable failure. Editor Rich Lowry’s introduction tries to negotiate the terms of surrender. He is appalled to find that “we’ve gone from a debate about the status of Confederate statues to the toppling defacing, and removal of... Read More
The Hidden Information in Our Government Archives
Some may remember that in 2005 a major media controversy engulfed Harvard President Larry Summers over his remarks at an academic conference. Casually speaking off-the-record at the private gathering, Summers had gingerly raised the hypothetical possibility that on average men might be a bit better at mathematics than women, perhaps partially explaining the far larger... Read More
Criticizing their thuggery is anti-Semitism?
We have a president who is belligerent towards Iran, who is sending “boots on the ground” to fight ISIS, who loves Israel passionately and who is increasing already bloated defense budgets. If one were a neoconservative, what is there not to like, yet neocons in the media and ensconced comfortably in their multitude of think... Read More
Will Trump’s Victory Spell National Review’s Demise?
“In every town large enough to have two traffic lights there is a bar at the back of which sits the local Donald Trump, nursing his fifth beer and innumerable delusions.” So wrote George Will in his attack on Donald Trump for having the temerity to threaten the legacy of William F. Buckley. [“Donald Trump... Read More
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The Hidden Information in Our Government Archives