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Most people are stupid, and this is especially true for people on the internet. Sometimes, you have to talk to them like they are babies. I recently wrote an article about Tucker Carlson and other right-wingers claiming that America is a “fascist country,” while denying the reality that by every definition, it is in fact... Read More
For nearly three weeks I've been suggesting with increasing forcefulness that the official figure of 1,400 Israeli deaths from the Hamas attack may have been considerably exaggerated. Here's what I'd said last Monday: As far as I know, I was almost alone among Internet writers offering these bold speculations and I naturally received some sharp... Read More
Paul Gottfried, Antifascism: The Course of a Crusade, Northern Illinois University Press, 2021, 209 pp., $31.26 hardcover, $12.99 Kindle Every day, American Renaissance posts stories about racial double standards, hypocrisy, and progressives’ absurd positions. Many of our opponents are not just sincere but fanatical. Evidence can’t compete with moral fervor. Those who rule the West,... Read More
Fascism in its inception was a distinctly localised phenomenon, growing out of the specific concerns and obsessions of Italians in the immediate post-WWI period. For example, one of the main drivers in the formation of the movement that is little commented on today was the Dalmatian question. During WWI, Italy had been promised Dalmatia --... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?