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I was fascinated and frustrated by a recent series of polls conducted by the Pew Research Center on attitudes toward America’s declining White population. While there are several interesting layers to Pew’s findings, the key message is that a significant majority of White respondents indicated that they feel the declining share of White people in... Read More
The Merits and Inadequacies of Middleman Minority Theory in Explaining the Jews
An interesting accompaniment to Nathan Cofnas’s 2018 attempted debunking of Kevin MacDonald’s work on Jews was the subtle resurfacing of Steven Pinker’s claim that a more plausible theory of the Jewish historical experience can be found in “Thomas Sowell’s convincing analysis of ‘middleman minorities’ such as the Jews, presented in his magisterial study of migration,... Read More
“White privilege,” despite its supposedly awesome benefits, doesn’t seem to be worth much. Rachel Dolezal, Elizabeth Warren, and many others have claimed to be non-white. Some, like the deluded Miss Dolezal, may really believe it. Others have simpler motivations. In the caste system developing in the West, non-whites enjoy legal, social, and economic privileges. These... Read More
It's past 2 AM and the results of the Iowa caucus are still not in. Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez is being blamed. The Iowa caucusers relied on an app that is apparently malfunctioning, leading to Bernie Bro speculation that the plutocrats who control the DNC simply don't like the results and are simply... Read More
Folks in the West are taught that their civilization has its roots in ancient Rome and/or ancient Greece. This is more a case of self-aggrandizement than serious historical research. While it is true that the city of Rome was sacked in 410 AD, the Christian Roman civilization continued in the East for another 1000 years... Read More
I'm having a fire sale on education stories this week. Also a parallel fire sale on quotes from my 2009 book We Are Doomed, because the education chapter of that book was the most fun to write and it's pertinent to this week's stories. Here's a sort of keynote quote from that chapter: Education story... Read More
First, a quick disclaimer or, should I say, a clarification: When I speak of minorities, as I will below, I do that as a person who belongs to a long list of minorities. I was born in a family of Russian refugees. Right there, that makes me part of a (rather small) minority. Furthermore, I... Read More
Dominant peoples and those who resent them
We are, the pundits tell us, living in an age characterized by globalization and democracy. People and capital move ever more freely across national boundaries, while rulers everywhere are more and more obliged to pay attention to the desires of their citizens. The common opinion in the United States, propagated by the big-ticket media, the... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?