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I once worked for a black-owned and operated psychiatry practice and pain management clinic in Las Vegas that served exclusively Medicaid patients. As I quickly learned, Medicaid is rife with fraudulent billing. It’s a jackpot for people who are willing falsely to claim they served patients or who provided services patients didn’t want or need.... Read More
Gainesville, Florida – The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services “Innovation Center” recently announced that by 2030, they will move all traditional Medicare enrollees into a “care relationship” with a 3rd party private, for profit middleman, labeled a “Direct Contracting Entity (DCE) without seniors’ knowledge or consent, and without Congressional oversight. Every enrollee in traditional... Read More
Another map of the American nations: This is where the states stand on Obamacare's expansion of Medicaid. As you can see, it's far from universally embraced. Now let's compare that to this map: And for that matter, this map: Most of the usual suspects. Most prominent among those who reject the Medicaid expansion are those... Read More