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Jews control the media — so goes the classic anti-Semitic ‘canard.’ Inquiries into the extent of Jewish influence over the streams of information that make up so much of our daily life are among the most studied aspects of the Jewish Question and it’s not hard to see why. In the age of mass democracy,... Read More
Vincent James on this horrible news: WHITE GRANDMOTHER HAS ARM LITERALLY RIPPED OFF BY BLACK TEENS, MEDIA IS SILENT - The Red Elephants - Vincent James James focuses on the reluctance of the media, especially national media, to either report the news or discuss its racial dynamics. Of course, if a bunch of white teenagers... Read More
There have been multiple overviews of the situation in Ukraine from former government officials, former military officers and veteran Russia watchers over the last month. Most of them present a fairly accurate macro-picture of the situation and include the proper basics with which to form an accurate analysis of the current conflict. NATO expansion, broken... Read More
It is always gratifying to find a politician or celebrity behaving in the same way as malign caricatures of themselves. In Dickens's Hard Times the stereotypical capitalist is Mr Bounderby, a banker who denounces his workers for expecting "to be set up in a coach and six, and to be fed on turtle soup and... Read More