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I’ve moved to a new neighborhood. Choryang-dong was instructive, delicious and hospitable, but like visas, passion or time itself, everything winds down. Thanks to the coronavirus, I felt a bit trapped there, so I’ve inched over to Hadžipopovac. Entering South Korea on February 28th, I thought there was a good chance I wouldn’t be able... Read More
Perhaps I have really bad body odor, but these days, I mostly eat and drink alone, sitting in completely empty restaurants and cafes, like right now. This casual yet elegant joint is called Ottchill. It has solidly built wooden chairs padded with homey cushions. The two baristas are young, attractive and courteous, and they’re here... Read More
Defense Secretary James Mattis remarked recently that a war with North Korea would be “tragic on an unbelievable scale.” No kidding. “Tragic” doesn’t even begin to describe the horrors that would flow from such a conflict. The Korean peninsula, all 85,270 square miles of it, is about the size of Idaho. It contains more soldiers... Read More
(Headline with apologies to Mark Twain). Immigration patriots have long been fascinated by nation-states that appear to be resisting globalist pressure to abolish themselves, like Japan and Israel. So some dismay greeted the report by Canadian anthropologist Peter Frost that multiculturalism had infected South Korea and that it was well down the path to Western-style... Read More
To the same scale...Let's look at the genetic differences on that scale...And for that matter, to the same scale as the previous map... (from M.G., see also Oh for a new risorgimento)And the differences in little old Britain gave us this:(See my preceding post, More Maps of the American Nations.)I'm just sayin'...See also (via Peter... Read More
Last month I recounted how a top U.S. law firm had agreed to help shadowy Japanese interests try to portray the so-called Comfort Women – the sex slaves grotesquely abused by the Japanese Imperial Army in World War II – as no more than common prostitutes. As I pointed out, the case is totally toxic... Read More
An outdoor play where a Paekchong is about to kill a bull. In pre-modern Korea, the Paekchong were outcastes whose occupations tended to involve the taking of life, like butchery, leather making, and capital punishment. (source: Jon Dunbar, link) Like Japan with its Burakumin, Korea used to have its own outcastes: the Paekchong (or Baekjeong).... Read More
Syngman Rhee in 1905 and later South Korea’s first president (1948-1960). Though born into a rural family of modest means, he was of yangban and even royal lineage (source). Why is mean IQ higher in East Asia than elsewhere? Ron Unz (2013) sees the key cause in a scarcity of land and women that continually... Read More
TOKYO. In his blog atForeign Policymagazine, Clyde Prestowitz has reported that the Japanese economy is now being bested by South Korea. Not too surprising, you might think, given the remarkably contrasting tone of the economic news out of the two countries in recent decades. In reality in suggesting that the Koreans have the Japanese “on... Read More
�A lot of matches are flying around the Chinese tinderbox.�� Fortunately, most parties involved seem more interested in scoring political points than making a genuine and risky effort to push back China. However, as the example of Sarajevo tells us, sometimes wars happen when nations become prisoners of their own posturing.�� So it's worthwhile to... Read More
Official, as far as one can get based on a carefully briefed backgrounder U.S. Tomahawk Missiles Deployed Near China Send Message to Time magazine's Mark Thompson, that is. With all due respect to Mr. Thompson's skills in tracking and interpreting the movements of America's nuclear submarine fleet, I would imagine he may have needed a... Read More
One element that continues to amaze is how cavalierly the United States threw Shinzo Abe under the bus while negotiating the North Korea agreement. The abductee issue—which Abe had ridden to power and which forms the core of his image as Japan’s new generation assertive foreign policy hard case—was dismissively pushed off to the working... Read More
"Our problem is how to turn away financing officers from our good friends the foreign bankers without hurting their feelings," said In-Young Chung, the Minister of Finance for the Republic of Korea. His point was that the country's foreign borrowing requirements this year will fall well below earlier forecasts. A year ago, the Bank of... Read More