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What is to be done? First and foremost, to push back against the main enemy. Jewish Supremacist Power or JSP. The latest fiascos sweeping across the US and EU are more of the same old Jewish War on White or J-WOW. Naturally, the most sensible thing is for whites to seek White Emancipation or White... Read More
Some Respectable Right people have finally noticed the horrors committed by the Southern Poverty Law Center, basically because it has begun attacking mainstream Christian groups for “homophobia,” “transphobia” etc. etc. But this is invariably accompanied by pious claptrap about how the SPLC used to be OK. Nonsense. It was always a nasty racket. Thus the... Read More
Over the last few decades, I doubt that any American political organization has received greater negative attention in our national news and entertainment media than the Ku Klux Klan, or KKK. For example, although white activist David Duke left that group over 35 years ago, the media still often identifies him as one of its... Read More
This was on this evening's NBC Nightly News broadcast. I've snipped an interesting series of three stories (the preceding stories were about the western wildfires and the impending U.S. involvement in the civil war is Syria – which is an asinine idea, by the way). Yup, you saw it. They followed the horrible story of... Read More