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Sir John Major was Conservative Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1990 to 1997, and only ever an interim premier after Margaret Thatcher was ousted. All he is really remembered for is that he signed the Maastricht Treaty, which began Britain’s entry into the EU, and the fact that his father was a circus trapeze-artist.... Read More
LONDON— “Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world…” Alot of us are familiar with these lines from Yeats’s thoroughly anthologized and often-quoted The Second Coming. How can they not come to mind as the French... Read More
Voters in Europe and America are like fish in the ocean. They’re utterly ignorant of vast forces shaping their lives. Fish are ignorant of the moon and its control over the tides. Voters in Europe and America are ignorant of the Jews and their control over politics. For example, in Britain the acronyms LFI and... Read More
When everything is exposed as a lie, the biggest liars triumph. The forces of darkness rush in to fill the void. That is the future awaiting us For more than a year, those calling for an end to Israel’s slaughter of civilians in Gaza have been relentlessly vilified: as apologists for Hamas, as antisemites, even... Read More
Labour Prime Minister Keir Starmer is no far-right radical, but he has come close to confirming the strong version of the Great Replacement theory — that white people are being replaced in their homelands not merely due to natural flows; it is deliberate. In a recent speech, he said: Some might fault the prime minister... Read More
Albion is a poetic name for Britain. I think it sounds better on the tongue and sits better in the mind. Why does it sit better? Because it’s related to the Latin word albus, meaning “white,” and refers to the White Cliffs of Dover. Albion therefore means the White Land. And you can read that... Read More
On June 1, 1381, thousands of English rural laborers descended on the capital of London, the first martial event in what would come to be known as the Peasants Revolt. Over 650 years later, a somewhat less bloody rebellion showed itself in the same city, these latter-day peasants facing similar fiscal provocation to their 14th-century... Read More
L E T M E S P E A K T O T H E M A N A G E R They were calling Starmer “The Starm,” and they quickly then started calling him “The Barn.” Shockingly, people started calling him “Starmwit,” and then “I thought Starmwit was the sparkle in your eye, but... Read More
Previously: Bibi Literally Claims ICC Warrant is the Result of “Antisemitic Hatred” Obviously, the UK will not comply with the Netanyahu arrest warrant. None of these European countries would actually arrest the King of the Kikes, because every world leader knows if they did that, they’d immediately be hit with rape hoaxes and corruption scandals... Read More
Previously: Trying to Launch WWIII on the Way Out, Brandon Gives the Ukraine Permission to Attack Moscow with US Missiles, NYT Claims The British have been waiting in the wings to cause mass death and chaos. The elite of the UK have been doing this shit since the English Civil War when they went completely... Read More
We may be exhausted by 13 months of lies, disinformation and smears. But we’re not voiceless, or powerless. Our leaders seek to bully us into silence because they fear what we have to say Below is the text of a speech I delivered in Bath on Saturday 17 November 2024, organised by the Bath Campaigns... Read More
As an international figure, Zelensky has always been a Wile E. Coyote type figure. It’s confounding that the West could not find a more sympathetic frontman than this ratty Jew beggar, but apparently they felt they could only trust a Jew and there were no less ratty Jews available in the Ukrainian comedy scene. Starmer,... Read More
“There have been many red lines declared by Putin before, and he has not escalated.” — NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg Paul Craig Roberts As I warned would happen, Putin declared wolf so many times no one believes him when he is finally serious. Except perhaps the US military. The Pentagon seems to have told the... Read More
The Biden White House and the Democratic Party machine trying to advance Kamala Harris from No. 2 in the regime to No. 1 gets more interesting by the week, I have to say. The Harris campaign has at last, two months after the party’s elites and financiers railroaded her candidacy past any semblance of a... Read More
British Jewish leaders are incensed by the 8% cut in weapons to Israel. Judged by the very rules Starmer imposed on Labour, that makes him a proven antisemite The Guardian reported this week a source from within the Foreign Office confirming what anyone paying close attention already knew. By last February, according to the source,... Read More
Britain’s authoritarian new prime minister is expanding the scope of already draconian laws to redefine his critics as ‘supporters’ of terrorism The arrest yesterday of Palestine solidarity activist Sarah Wilkinson, following the arrest of journalist Richard Medhurst last week – both based on an improbable claim they have violated Section 12 of the Terrorism Act... Read More
Britain has now almost completely fallen to cultural Communism. This has become clear in the wake of the protests of August 2024, which were sparked by a 17-year-old second generation Rwandan immigrant murdering three little White girls, and stabbing many more, at Taylor Swift-themed dance class in Southport in the northwest of England. It was... Read More
In the UK, Islamophobia is so bipartisan, so normalised, that BBC reporters refer to anti-Muslim pogromists as ‘pro-British protesters’ Imagine this scene, if you can. For several days, violent mobs have massed in the centre of British cities and clashed with police in an attempt to reach synagogues to attack them. Draped in England flags... Read More
August is traditionally a quiet month in the United Kingdom. The British go on their summer holidays, perversely leaving the country during the hottest month of the year to seek sunshine in foreign climes. Parliament goes into recess, and so no new laws are passed. Even the media take a break, the lack of newsworthy... Read More
“When I stopped that stabber, I never expected that Keir Starmer would become the Lord of All Stabbers, and assemble a pro-stabbing military defense force.” We didn’t expect that either, brother. And when I say we didn’t expect it, I mean we did not expect it. HH. The Guardian: John Hayes I’d say that’s probably... Read More
Women and children are being targeted intentionally, say Israeli whistleblowers. From ground troops to commanders, the rules of war have been shredded They just keep coming. On the weekend, Israel launched another devastating air strike on Gaza, killing at least 90 Palestinians and wounding hundreds more, including women, children and rescue workers. Once again, Israel... Read More
Words don’t rule reality, but they do manipulate minds. Take British politics. If honesty prevailed there, the Labour Party would be renamed the Lawyer Party. Millions of its deluded supporters would finally see the truth and stop voting for a party that hates them. Labour was founded to advance the White working class, but it... Read More
Starmer’s actions while CPS chief would, at a distance, seem to be the exact same as what you would expect the CIA to take if they were given the Assange dossier themselves. It’s hard to completely fathom what happened in the UK with the general elections which installed Sir Keir Starmer, a lawyer by training,... Read More
Global media outlets are discussing the importance of recent elections in France, Britain and Iran as if they are groundbreaking developments. On the surface, there were notable surprises. In both France and the UK, the right-wing — split in half into conservative and “populist” camps — suffered outcomes that ranged from disappointing to devastating. In... Read More
The public results of the July 4 elections in Great Britain were a foregone conclusion long before they were announced in late May. With how disastrously the Tories had handled governing Britain in the wake of the Brexit referendum, as well as over the course of the Covid hysteria and it’s aftermath, it was a... Read More
Not since Samson brought down the temple has there been such a disaster as this week’s British election. In American terms it was a perfect case of ‘throw the bums out.’ Good show. Healthy democracies need to be purged and renovated. Britain’s Tories (Conservatives) were in power for 14 long years. Far too long. They... Read More
“A lawyer is the larval stage of a politician.” It’s a good line, but whose is it? I’ve seen it attributed to Ambrose Bierce, but I can’t confirm that. Whoever came up with it, he wouldn’t have won the approval of the late, great Jewish writer Larry Auster. We shouldn’t liken human beings to animals... Read More
I have known George Galloway my entire adult life, although we largely lost touch in the middle bit while I was off diplomating. I know George too well to mistake him for Jesus Christ, but he has been on the right side against appalling wars which the entire political class has cheer-led. His natural gifts... Read More
The Labour leader’s U-turn is returning UK politics to an era of make-believe peacemaking – a stalling tactic as Palestinians are starved and slaughtered Israel’s government is widely understood to be the most extreme in its history, stuffed with religious bigots and self-declared fascists, and is currently carrying out a genocidal, scorched-earth policy against the... Read More
More than a decade ago, Israel started to understand that its occupation of Gaza through siege could be to its advantage. It began transforming the tiny coastal enclave from an albatross around its neck into a valuable portfolio in the trading game of international power politics. The first benefit for Israel, and its Western allies,... Read More
I have to confess a certain liking for Russian President Vladimir Putin. No, it’s not over his actions in Ukraine, nor his authoritarian tendencies domestically. It is due to the fact that he sometimes articulates the hypocrisy of foreign countries and leaders in a pithy and take-no-prisoners fashion. He has lately been brave enough to... Read More
“Why is Boris Johnson making false claims about Starmer and Savile?” runs a headline in the news pages of the Guardian. It is just one of a barrage of indignant recent stories in the British media, rushing to the defence of the opposition leader, Sir Keir Starmer. The reason? Last week the British prime minister,... Read More
Yes folks, there is an international conspiracy and it is all about “protecting” Israel. It operates through front and lobbying groups that uniquely promote the interests of a foreign country, Israel, even when those interests do serious damage to the host country where the lobbyists actually live. In Britain, for example, there are a Conservative... Read More
Regular visitors to this site will be aware that I frequently write about the massive propaganda campaign being run by supporters of Israel to conceal the damage done by the Jewish state to actual United States’ interests. One of the more interesting aspects of that effort is the bowdlerization of language to extirpate some words... Read More