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If Hillary wins the White House, expect Victoria Nuland to be at her side
The other day, a question popped up on a Facebook thread I was commenting on: “Where is Victoria Nuland?” The short answer, of course, is that she is still holding down her position as assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs. But a related question begs for a more expansive response: Where will... Read More
The Beltway power couple who boosted the Iraq invasion insist we stay longer in Afghanistan.
A recent op-ed in the Washington Post by Kimberly and Fred Kagan argues “Why US troops must stay in Afghanistan.” The article demonstrates clearly that the number-crunching Kagans know exactly how many combat and support troops it takes to man an army base in Jalalabad and they pile Pelion on Ossa to demonstrate how a... Read More
How you analyze an issue depends on the starting point. An recent op-ed in the Washington Post by leading neoconservatives Fred and Kimberly Kagan on the impending US departure from Iraq lays out five current “American core interests” in the region. They are: that Iraq should continue to be one unified state; that there should... Read More
The indefatigable Kagans, Fred and Kimberly, have again been given a bully pulpit to sell their particular brand of snake oil regarding Afghanistan. Today's Washington Post op ed page featured a piece called "The Afghan Illusion," Not surprisingly, the article advocates more US soldiers. I have no time for the Kagans and their nonsense and... Read More
On Memorial Day we must remember our honored dead but should also not forget the many living neoconservatives who have made the wars possible that have sent so many of our soldiers to their final resting places. I am particularly thinking of the first family of War for the Asking, the Kagans - Donald, Robert,... Read More
The British Ministry of Defense has leaked a story that General Petraeus will damn Iran when he reports to the president and congress later this week, setting the stage for hostilities. The British fear that the all-too-political Petraeus is preparing to do the White House bidding to deal with the Iranian threat before Bush leaves... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?