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Can someone explain to me why President Obama decided to announce that he’s going to deploy U.S. Special Forces to Syria on the same day that Secretary of State John Kerry was scheduled to meet with Russian and Iranian diplomats to discuss how to end the four and a half year-long war? What was that... Read More
Israel’s alleged spying on the marathon high stakes negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program in Lausanne Switzerland has produced remarkably little reaction in the mainstream media. Israel has denied that it was spying but the White House has revealed that there was “eavesdropping” by Israel and added that the information was shared with members of Congress... Read More
Our peripatetic secretary of state has been less so these last few weeks since the collapse of his Palestinian-Israeli peace talks. Lying low. And no wonder. It's hard to squeeze any good news out of the failure: we've learned useful information about the Israeli and Palestinian positions we didn't know before the Kerry initiative? On... Read More
Indefatigable crisis-tamper-downer John Kerry had a flight pattern this past week more erratic than the missing Malaysian airplane. He was returning to Washington from Saudi Arabia (and The Hague and Amman and points in between) where he had accompanied President Obama in smooth-talking grumpy ally Saudi Arabia -- who, as they look at their future,... Read More
Orwell would be pleased that the pro-European opposition in the Ukraine stuck it to Putin and the ex-Bolshies. Maybe he would have been less pleased with the linguistic legerdemain that is emerging the as the mainstay of the new Ukrainian regime. The current situation in Ukraine is apparently pretty grim: flatlining growth, imminent insolvency, consternation... Read More
I would recommend that readers who have not yet done so create a Twitter account and subscribe to my feed (@chinahand).� To my embarrassment and surprise, I’ve churned out over 800 tweets since I started up my feed last November. Some of it is meaningless ephemera, of course.� But sometimes the twitter stream carries in... Read More
John Kerry recently concluded a friendly visit to Beijing, with both sides chatting about matters of mutual concern in a way that implied these two great powers have areas of shared concern and interest. Some observers might fear that peace might break out. Don’t worry. My personal opinion is that a dwindling group of PRC... Read More
Australian-American former Ambassador Martin Indyk is the lead negotiator for Secretary of State John Kerry’s Israeli-Palestinian peace initiative. He heads a nearly all-Jewish American negotiating team, including David Makovsky, a “mapping expert” from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) spin-off Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP). Indyk is currently briefing an array of... Read More
The death of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who has been in a coma for eight years, followed shortly after the tenth visit of Secretary of State Kerry to Israel in just the past six months as he continued his search for a conclusive peace to end the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian West... Read More
In the 1960s, John Kerry was distinctly a man of his times. Kennedy-esque, he went from Yale to Vietnam to fight in a lost war. When popular sentiments on that war shifted, he became one of the more poignant voices raised in protest by antiwar veterans. Now, skip past his time as a congressman, lieutenant... Read More
The way Secretary of State John Kerry backed into the proposal that Assad surrender his chemical weapons has convinced me he’s some kind of anti-war idiot savant. To me, he’s a Futurama mash-up: the iron-jawed obliviousness of Bender combined with the hapless shlubbishness of Zoidberg and the ever-victorious loserman vibe of Fry. I only hope... Read More
[I got my Defcons flipflopped in the original post.� Herewith corrected.� According to Wikipedia, the US military has only gone to Defcon 2 once, for the Cuban Missile Crisis.� Even 9/11 was only Defcon 3.� The different levels also have catchy descriptions, like "Cocked Pistol" and "Double Take", that are used during exercises.� So if... Read More
Will President Obama become a late and unlikely convert to realpolitik and allow John Kerry to sacrifice America’s nuclear non-proliferation principles on the battered altar of North Korean diplomacy? And will the fearsome pivot to Asia turn into a dainty pirouette, an American pas de deux with China as the two great powers search for... Read More
Nope. In my current piece for Asia Times Online (reproduced below) I argue that the PRC leadership has, for better or worse, reconciled itself to a nuclear North Korea, since the alternative—the Korean peninsula unified under a pro-US democracy—is unattractive both economically and strategically. So I was rather nonplussed—actually I felt kind of stupid, mingled... Read More
The news this morning is that John Kerry is in line to become America’s next Secretary of State. If so, it is another piece of red meat for Bilderberg conspiracy theorists. Operating from a tiny office in a Dutch university, the Bilderberg organization is hardly known outside the highest reaches of power. Yet as networking... Read More
Let's hedge this with all the usual qualifiers. Kerry could pull it out. The spread's within the margin of error. Respondents to polls are lying out of fear of John Ashcroft. Pollsters aren't reaching Kerrycrats with cell phones. But whatever way you cut it, after three debates in which polls assessed him as the victor,... Read More
Kerry's nattering on the campaign trail is getting increasingly incoherent. Just this week the Massachusetts senator was expounding "victory in Iraq" in his most pompous baritone. There's no question about who he's courting in these speeches. Only the elusive "undecided voter" is showered with such lavish attention at this late date. On the other hand,... Read More
Finding himself behind in the polls, John Kerry has begun to focus more intensely on the morass in Iraq, perhaps hoping to restore his fortunes by mobilizing the potential anti-war vote as fully as possible. Kerry has even said that if elected he will remove American troops from Iraq, though his timetable may strike us... Read More
Apart from being the most excruciatingly painful public speaker in the last century, John Kerry does absolutely nothing to move the progressive agenda forward. His campaign can be fairly interpreted as a full scale retreat from the ideals espoused in the New Deal and an abject capitulation to the "right-tilting philosophy of the administration. "And... Read More
New York's Foot Soldiers (our only real hope) by MIKE WHITNEY There's been precious little from the Kerry camp about the Abu Ghraib prison scandal. Maybe that's something Kerry "could do better" too. To his credit, the Massachusetts senator did send out an e mail to supporters in the Democratic Party calling for Donald Rumsfeld's... Read More
Can someone win the presidency entirely on the basis of a negative asset? I wouldn't have thought so, but here's John Kerry, just about 90 days shy of election day, promoting himself as a man of presidential caliber entirely on the basis that he's the Anyone in "Anyone But Bush". Aside from the flag wagging... Read More