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Those who voted for Barack Obama in expectation that he would prove somewhat less bellicose than George W. Bush have been disappointed. “With us or against us” preemptive war has, to be sure, gone out of fashion, but it has been replaced by humanitarian intervention. Few Americans realize that the president signed a directive in... Read More
Kim Jung Il has been very good to me. I have an article up on North Korea at Asia Times under the pen name Peter Lee, titled A convenient North Korean distraction. Kim Jung Il has also been very good to the United States and Japan, providing a conventional security threat that plays to America’s... Read More
No, you didn’t ask my advice (doubtless an oversight) and he didn’t authorize me to nominate him. I don’t know whether he wants the job. However, I am a citizen, and believe I have the right to inflict the vice-presidency on anyoneNow, why Webb? Think about it. You’re a black guy running for president. Obviously... Read More