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World War II ranks as the greatest military conflict in human history and became the shaping event of our modern world, with the account told in many tens of thousands of books. But over the last five years I've published a long series of articles providing elements of the story that are sharply---sometimes even shockingly---at... Read More
A person’s lack of self-awareness can produce a sense of eye-rolling irony. Not a pleasant feeling—sort of like spinning one’s wheels. But such an encounter doesn’t have to be a total loss. A self-unaware person can still teach us things, as long as we not let the irony get the better of us. Louis Rapoport’s... Read More
I promised an article on the pro-Kremlin faction of the oligarchs, but that will have to wait until we get a final head count of who fled and who stayed in Russia. Friends today, enemies tomorrow — such is life in… well just about anywhere nowadays. Instead, we should probably say a few words about... Read More
The largest military operation in history commenced on 22 June 1941. Millions of German troops crossed the German-Soviet border and clashed with the Red Army. Adolf Hitler and German commanders expected to be able to defeat the Soviet Union in three months.[1] By the end of September 1941, the Germans had managed to destroy 8160... Read More
Yesterday marked the 80th anniversary of Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of the Soviet Union, which constituted the central turning point of the Second World War. Given the striking recent reversal by the bulk of our mainstream political and media establishment on the supposed origins of the Covid virus, I'd like to pass along another... Read More
In my articles ( ) based on David Irving’s and Viktor Suvorov’s WWII histories and Ron Unz’s article, “Understanding World War II” ( ), I pointed out that historians have falsified the history of WWII. Others have taken up the theme, not always honestly acknowledging their indebtedness to Irving and Suvorov. In his review of... Read More
Years ago concerned with Washington’s growing provocation of Russia, I made the remark in a column that Hitler, like Napoleon, destroyed himself by marching off into Russia. I suggested we not repeat the folly. Two readers corrected me. They informed me that Hitler had no choice. Hitler’s decision was not based on hubris or miscalculation.... Read More
On Sunday morning June 22, 1941, driven by his hatred of “Judeo-Bolshevism” and his insatiable greed for Lebensraum, Hitler treacherously broke his pact of non-aggression with Stalin and launched the invasion of the Soviet Union. Caught off guard and badly commanded, the Red Army was overwhelmed. But thanks to the heroic resistance of the Russian... Read More
Seventy-five years after the end of World War II, we remain fixated on some of its worst crimes. But only some. The incessant use of Holocaust remembrance has been cynically used by some on the hard right to justify Israel’s repression of the Palestinian people and the expansion of the Jewish state. For example, Israel’s... Read More