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Why is this bitch giving a speech attacking another leader in her own stupid union? What is she trying to do here, exactly? Call for him to be kicked out of the union? What does making a public speech do that she couldn’t do in private meetings? The Guardian: Someone else is about to be... Read More
UPDATE: Gold Apollo, the Taiwanese company contracted to make these pagers, is blaming the Hungarians, saying that the pagers were actually manufactured in Hungary. It’s not clear if this is indeed the case or not. The Taiwanese terrorist bastards may have simply made this up. It’s unclear why someone would want to license the name... Read More
This isn’t really a lot of money for a state, obviously. And obviously, Hungary gets a lot of money from the EU, so they’re really just giving them their own money back. But how is this not an “impasse”? Hungary is not going to start allowing migrants. If the fine is infinite, and other forms... Read More
The Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte (right, centre) was the first leader of a NATO state to try to send his soldiers on to the Ukrainian battlefield to fight Russian forces directly. That was in July 2014, in the aftermath of the Ukrainian shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17. That Rutte scheme failed after it... Read More
Many people are familiar with the argument in favor of the Border Wall that invokes the national security needs of Israel. Whenever the Anti-Wall activists(who happen to be disproportionately Jewish) decry the calls for heightened border security as unrealistic, ineffectual, and/or immoral, the Pro-Wall advocates point to Israel and its mostly effective system of walls.... Read More
[Editor’s note: This article was written before yesterday’s legislative elections in Poland. According to preliminary results, the ruling Law and Justice Party got the most votes but failed to win a majority of seats. The pro-Brussels leader of the opposition Civic Coalition, Donald Tusk, appears to have a better chance at forming a coalition government.... Read More
Most people call it the Culture War, but Miklós Szánthó prefers to call it the War for Culture. And he is probably right, for what the Left is trying to do in Europe and both Americas is to destroy Western Christian culture. Mr. Szánthó heads Hungary’s Center for Fundamental Rights, the main organizer of the... Read More
Power isn’t simply about individual wealth and group influence. It’s also about alliances, partnerships, and trusts. In the end, what finally led to the fall of National Socialist Germany was the problem of alliances. In 1941, all of Europe except the UK was either allied with Germany, under German control, or neutral. Germany was partnered... Read More
It is part of nature(and human nature) to fear and ward off the different. Nature exists in a state of terror and aggression. All organisms are hungry and seek to devour others and fear being devoured by others. Organisms seek access to organisms they want to eat and distance from organisms that would eat them.... Read More
Israel and the Ukraine are obviously both Jewish states. However, their respective governments have some conflicting interests. This is fascinating, given that Ben Shapiro has claimed both that: America is not totally dominated and controlled by Jews, and All of Israel’s interests have a 100% overlap with America’s interests Meanwhile, other conservatives, such as Lindsey... Read More
It is no coincidence that the only European edition of America’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) took place in Hungary this year — for the second year in a row. Hungary is a small country, even by European standards, with Hungarians living in their homeland counting for fewer than 10 million of the European Union’s... Read More
What secures the survival and the well-being of a people? What keeps them healthy in body and spirit? What provides them with a sense of meaning and purpose, even destiny? What fills them with a sense of distinctness, a special quality that makes them rise above mere genericity, and what inspires them to rise above... Read More
The United States meddles openly in the internal affairs of foreign countries on matters of race and gender. Hungary, which has been an ally and friend of the United States since the end of Communism in 1989 and is led by a conservative government that takes an openly anti-woke and anti-immigration line, has been subject... Read More
Paradox as to why the West attacks Goy Nations that opt for the Jewish West Formula(way of power & life) while...
The West and the Rest. It is one way to look at the world as, over the last several centuries, the West led and the Rest followed. Because the West, despite its crises and setbacks, went from progress to progress and from strength to strength, the Rest looked to the West as a model of... Read More
As I related in my previous article explaining the background to yesterday’s national election in Hungary, expectations on the Right were modest going into it. While the polls indicated that Viktor Orbán and his Fidesz party would most likely win a fourth consecutive term in office (his fifth overall), polls are often wrong. Many feared... Read More
Liberals and leftists are absolutely apoplectic about Tucker Carlson’s week-long visit to Hungary. His shows featured views of the border as well-fenced (built after the 2015 attempted invasion) and peaceful, with migrants from Serbia being turned back—a far cry from Biden’s unofficial policy of welcoming migrants and putting them on planes and buses to be... Read More
I'm happy to see that Hungary is in the news. Longtime readers and listeners know that I am a Hungarophile from way back. A quick scan of the Derb archives shows fond mentions of Hungary all the way back to April 2002. One of the longest reviews I've written in recent years was about a... Read More
Will Hungary and Poland be bribed into submission?
The year 2020 has seen signification changes and further centralization of power in the European Union. There appear to be three major causes for this: British withdrawal from the EU which occurred on February 1, 2020. The coronavirus crisis, whose lockdowns have inflicted tremendous damage on the European economy, particularly in southern Europe, annihilating in... Read More
In college, I admired the photos of Robert Capa and learnt that he had died in Thai Binh, not far from my father’s home village. Of Capa’s 31 photos of Vietnam, I particularly like two of children crossing a Hanoi Street, with French soldiers in the background. The small details of daily life reveal a... Read More
Only a few years ago, motherhood was something seen as so self-evidently good that praising it was an unnecessary banality. Yet, like the Boy Scouts, supporting motherhood has now gone from uncontroversial to “far-right” in Western countries, akin even to Nazism. Thus Sweden’s “Social Security Minister” Annika Strandhäll blasted policies by the Hungarian government to... Read More
I do not believe that GDP growth – or the pursuit of wealth in general – ought to be an end in itself. Nonetheless, the fact is that virtually all countries today do consider the production and redistribution of wealth to be a fundamental goal. In this context, GDP per capita (minus wealth from national... Read More
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán: Practicing what he preaches.
Anyone with an understanding of the realities of heredity and ethnicity knows, as the saying goes, that “demography is destiny.” To understand this is easy, to actually act upon these demographic trends is, however, quite difficult. It is very hard to get your citizens to make more babies and even hard to get the “right”... Read More
Prime Ministers of Hungary Viktor Orban
Regime Change in Budapest?
CNN recently discovered a paradox. How was it possible, they asked, that in 1989, Viktor Orban, at the time a Western-acclaimed liberal opposition leader, was calling for Soviet troops to leave Hungary, and now that he is Prime Minister, he is cozying up to Vladimir Putin? For the same reason, dummy. Orban wanted his country... Read More
Two Hungarian Heroes vs. The “Refugee” Racket (Which Obama/Clinton LOVE)
There have been many attempted invasions of Europe by barbarian hordes. Each one has brought forth heroes to lead the fight for civilization. The Spartans held the pass at Thermopylae. Aetius fought the Huns to a standstillat Châlons (although to judge from the character sketch in Gibbon, Aetius might just as happily have fought on... Read More
Northfoto / Shutterstock.com
I was surprised by how grimy and sooty Budapest was. So many of its buildings, once gorgeous, were in an advanced state of decay. This city looked better before World War II, for sure, and certainly a century ago. Since escaping Communism, Budapest is regaining its glories, though not at the same pace as Prague.... Read More
Marion-Maréchal Le Pen. This year, she received 45% of the popular vote in one of France\
I wrote the above last January, fearing that Europe would see an acceleration of the massive demographic change already under away—the Great Replacement, to use a term coined by Renaud Camus: Oh, the Great Replacement needs no definition. It isn't a concept. It's a phenomenon, as obvious as the nose on your face. To observe... Read More
CounterPunch is very kindly featuring an article I wrote for them titled "The Durability of Ukrainian Fascism". First, a correction. In the piece, I give credence to allegations that the Nachtigall Battalion (Ukrainian nationalists, largely Banderites, organized into a military unit under the direction of German military intelligence) participated in the first Lviv pogrom. These... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?