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Hunter Biden did nothing wrong and queero Republican’ts were just jealous of his monster cock and the fact he didn’t care about nothing. Conservatives are all whiny faggots, all worried about everything, and Hunter cares less than a black teenager. He flies around the world smoking crack, banging hookers, and making millions of dollars. Then... Read More
So, apparently Kamala is now the co-president? I’ve never heard of the vice president referred to this way, as being a signatory on executive orders. Even in the Bush 2 administration, when Dick Cheney was widely viewed as the power behind the throne, the media didn’t say “Bush and Cheney unveiled a new plan.” The... Read More
America is a stupid, fake country. These faggots tell you they care about “freedom,” but in reality, they just mean “gay sex.” There is no actual freedom. They will claim there is a “virus” and lock you inside your house, then attempt to bully you into taking an experimental gene therapy cocktail. The Jewmericans do... Read More
See: The US Government is a Criminal Gang with No Legitimate Authority to Rule the American People Shall not be infringed. Unless…. [list of hundreds of different ways it’s infringed] Imagine that there are adult human beings living on the planet earth who think the the US Constitution has some bearing on the way the... Read More
The US government is a totally illegitimate authority. It’s rather obvious that the people funding the slaughter in Gaza have no moral authority, but it needs to be understood that they do not have any legal authority either. What they have is men with guns who will kill you or put you in a cage... Read More
Sometimes, when I think something is really stupid, I just write a joke article, basically assuming the reader is inside my head and understands why I think the thing is stupid. I did that yesterday with the Hunter Biden gun crime conviction. Probably, my thoughts on this should be elaborated, and I should explain why... Read More
The Supreme Court ruled against corrupt New York state officials who used bribes and implied threats to stop NY financial organizations from doing business with the National Rifle Association, just as corrupt federal officials coerced and bribed social media to shut down all challenges to official narratives. The US Supreme Court’s decision, a 9-0 decision,... Read More
James Fulford writes: This was written in 1989 by Peter Brimelow while he was still a British subject living in New York, to explain the American gun issue to the readers of the London Times. It covers two violent periods in American history—the nationwide “peace” riots that supported the Viet Cong—and led to Peter himself... Read More
Previously: Anti-Chiefs Mass Shooting??? Three Shooters??? One Dead??? The Kansas City superbowl victory celebration shooting was initially billed as a “mass shooting,” and it turned out being exactly what I said it was: black people shooting each other for no reason. Did I say “shooting each other”? I meant “shooting at each other.” One random... Read More
The Constitution (always a capital C) is the supreme law of the land. Soldiers and statesmen take their oaths to it; some Americans even used to carry copies of it around in their pockets. The Constitution is the oldest written framework of government in the world still in operation — if it were still in... Read More
Is Alan Dershowitz an Anti-Semite for saying Jews indeed do possess disproportionate power and influence? ALAN DERSHOWITZ SAYS JEWS SHOULDN’T APOLOGIZE FOR THEIR POWER Of course, Dershowitz is full of BS as he frames the argument on the assumption that Jews are being 'defensive' about their power and wealth when, in truth, they are being... Read More
Gun control advocates continue to claim that only restrictions on gun ownership will keep people safe from mass shooters and other criminals. However, good people with guns can stop bad people with guns. And bad people will still have guns despite gun control laws. Further weakening the argument that restricting private firearms ownership will reduce... Read More
Earlier: Former AR Gov. Asa Cuckinson, Useless On Immigration, Runs Against GOP Base In Odd 2024 Presidential Bid Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee recently outraged conservatives by supporting red flag laws, which empower the government to seize a citizen’s guns if he is deemed a “threat.” Leftist bureaucrats will obviously abuse these laws to crush the... Read More
The Colorado Springs “Faggot Eliminator” was a white guy. People are also calling him “The Sodom Snubber” and “The Colon Cleanser.” Axios: Police have identified Anderson Lee Aldrich, 22, as the suspect in an overnight shooting at an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs that killed five people and wounded 18, police said at a press... Read More
The game of ASK A JEW. It’s a simple game that anyone can play, even a child. Its purpose is to understand the true nature of the People who rule over us. (For tips on how to play this game, skip most of this post and go to where it says *How to Play ASK... Read More
My generation grew up with guns. We never shot anyone or any farmer’s cow or mule. We focused on cottonmouth moccasins to keep the creeks clear for swimming holes, and we tried crows until we learned they were too smart and organized for us. If memory serves, the first American mass shooting was the Clock... Read More
By far, the best part of this video is the fat Mexican boy running and saying “oh my God, I can’t believe I had to record that.” You famous now, kid. Your TikTok blowing up. RT: Sources cited in local media claimed the shooter may have been firing from atop a high building. Several neighboring... Read More
Here are the data to prove it. Thumbnail credit: Thumbnail credit: Paul Sableman/Flickr CC BY 2.0 This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, Brighteon, Gab TV, 3Speak, UGETube, and Odysee. The country is, yet again, in a state of frenzy over guns and gun control. On May 24, President Joseph Biden named what he saw... Read More
Reactions to mass shootings follow a predictable pattern. Liberal politicians call for gun control, and they have a point. Countries with gun control have less gun violence. The old assault weapons ban did some good. You have to pass a test to get licensed to drive a car or, in most states, to operate a... Read More
We know her not by her name, but by her deeds, and those are heroic. She aimed, shot and dispatched to hell one Dennis Butler, a career criminal, who was poised to do mass murder in West Virginia. A birthday-graduation party got too noisy for Butler’s liking. She had a handgun; her opponent an AR15.... Read More
Authoritarian politicians wasted no time using the recent shootings in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas, to justify new infringements on liberty. Just days after the Buffalo shooting, the US House of Representatives passed a law creating new domestic terrorism offices in the FBI, the Justice Department, and the Department of Homeland Security. This is... Read More
The NRA was the only thing standing between you and these Jewish gun-grabbers, and the NRA has been totally neutered. People think that guns shoot themselves. A large number of people think this, because the media said it over and over and over again, and a lot of people in this retarded, fake country will... Read More
Tuesday's horror naturally brought to mind the similar event ten years ago in Newtown, CT when 20-year-old Adam Lanza went on a shooting rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School. He killed twenty of the school's children and six teachers, then shot himself. Before setting out on his rampage he'd shot and killed his mother, with... Read More
Texas Senator Ted Cruz was asked on Thursday by as reporter from Sky News why mass shootings only happen in America. He couldn’t answer the question. The slovenly and disheveled Senator went into a hissy fit, and tried to reframe the question. It looked very bad, and certainly feeds into the leftist narrative about the... Read More
Mass shooting at a school! Mexican responsible! New York Post: Yeah, it’s evil – but did it really happen? I haven’t seen any bodies! I’m joking of course… but am I really joking? Most right-wingers will jump all over the fact he’s a Mexican, but what are the chances of two shootings in a row... Read More
A national constitution ought to reflect a society's fundamental values by defining a set of legal principles that can be periodically adjusted in order to reflect a society's changing mores, culture and technology. By that standard, our Constitution is woefully out of date. From the electoral college to gun rights to the hilariously archaic right... Read More
This weekend saw the fall of the ZOG anal occupation in Afghanistan. The whole thing was more or less completely bloodless. The “Afghan Government,” which were US-trained anal shills, universally laid down their weapons as them bois rolled across the country and took the capital. The weekend in America, a very standard weekend in America,... Read More
Michigan FBI Special Agent Jayson R. Chambers was one of three agents behind the embarrassing Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot, but Chambers' (and the FBI at large) lack of respect for basic Constitutional rights are part of a broader behavioral pattern. According to court documents obtained by National Justice, Chambers and others have been illegally denying... Read More
As a geographical location, the US, not necessarily under that name, can exist for a long time. But as a nation the US no longer exists. A nation requires a homogeneous population, which the US does not have, and far more unity than exists today in the US. Once past the colonial era when the... Read More
Gun control was already a Biden Administration priority before the recent shootings in Georgia, Colorado, and Virginia. In fact, the House of Representatives passed two gun-control bills weeks before the shootings. One of the House-passed bills expands background checks to include private sales, including those made at gun shows. Under this bill, someone who is... Read More
Republican lawmaker Marco Rubio has reintroduced legislation that seeks to suspend the Second Amendment rights of any person who has been investigated for "terrorism" related offenses within 10 years of attempting a gun purchase. The Senate bill, named the Terror Intelligence Improvement Act, was reentered last week in hopes of exploiting the hysteria surrounding the... Read More
April 28, 2018 gun rights rally \"come and take it\" flag. Photo: MGN Online. CC BY 2.0.
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. In America, according to the Constitution, we have the right of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. I’m grateful to God to live in a country that made that type of provision in the basic legal document that is the foundation of the politics and... Read More
The Left/ Main Stream Media know exactly what happened in Richmond on January 20, when tens of thousands of white gun owners assembled in the capital of the Confederacy to defend their Second Amendment rights. And those angry Virginians also intuitively know but have been trained not to say what housebroken Establishment conservatives explicitly understand... Read More
On the holiday set aside in 2020 to honor Martin Luther King, the premier advocate of nonviolent Gandhian civil disobedience, thousands of gun owners gathered in Richmond to petition peacefully for their rights. King had preached that there was a higher law that justified breaking existing laws that mandated racial segregation. When Rosa Parks refused... Read More
According to Americans, God is a really pro-gun dude. In fact, one pastor of a New Bethel Christian Church gave a sermon where he announced that "God and guns were part of the foundation of this country.", and invited his entire congregation to wear their guns to church to "celebrate our rights as Christian Americans".... Read More
The FBI has since the summer been under immense political pressure to turn up "white supremacist domestic terrorists." As with leftists and Muslims during previous political crackdowns, the FBI is dusting off the old playbook and manufacturing them. The latest case is a group called The Base, a small organization that is considered the most... Read More
The Old Dominion (the Commonwealth of Virginia) produced the most important members of our Founding Fathers and two of the most successful military leaders in history, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson, but has somehow managed to elect a nutcase for its current governor. His name is Ralph Northam, and he seems to have many... Read More
The recent mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton have re-ignited efforts to pass “Red Flag” laws, which allow the government to take away a person’s guns without due process, and expanded background checks on those wishing to purchase a gun. Some supporters of these measures acknowledge they would not have prevented the Dayton and... Read More
I'm from Dayton, so I'm thinking about this today: Why hasn't Congress done anything to address our national epidemic of mass shootings, namely reviving the assault weapons ban? People — Democrats and not a few Republicans — ask me that all the time. I bet all left-leaning pundits get that question. The answer is simple.... Read More
Imagine you are playing someone in an online video game. You beat him, turn the game off, and forget it. Your opponent gets mad. He calls the police and claims there’s a hostage-taking at your house. The SWAT team arrives. You hear a noise. You answer the door. The police kill you. This actually happened... Read More
President Donald Trump responded to the El Paso and Dayton shootings in the worst way possible. He called for gun control, the death penalty for “hate crimes,” and more tech censorship. It’s a plan Kamala Harris would envy and if implemented, would let the federal government silence Trump voters on social media and take their... Read More
The unintended consequences of mass shootings and the attempts to use these shootings for various agendas can be far worse than the shootings themselves and ultimately endanger far more people. I was listening to NPR this morning prior to President Trump’s 10 AM EST address on the shootings. NPR set Trump up for blame. Trump... Read More
Linking Gun Violence at Home to America’s Wars Abroad
In the wake of the February 14, 2018, mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, which killed 17 students and staff members, a teacher said the school looked “like a war zone.” And to many young Americans, that’s exactly what it felt like. But this shooting was different. Refusing to be... Read More
The House of Representatives recently passed legislation that would expand the national background check system to require almost everyone selling firearms, including private collectors who supplement their incomes by selling firearms at gun shows, to perform background checks on the potential buyers. The bill has a section purporting to bar creation of a national firearms... Read More
Guns are banned in the UK, but the black market is booming and criminals are loading up on firearms. I have often wondered what is the real agenda of gun ban advocates. More people die from falls than from being shot. Deaths from accidents far exceed deaths from being shot. The FBI reports that there... Read More
Sadly, but not unexpectedly, the mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh is being used to justify new infringements on liberty. Of course, opponents of gun rights are claiming this shooting proves America needs more gun control. Even some who normally oppose gun control say the government needs to do more to... Read More
The NRA and the Gun Industry in the Global Stratosphere
American weapons makers have dominated the global arms trade for decades. In any given year, they’ve accounted for somewhere between one-third and more than one-half the value of all international weapons sales. It’s hard to imagine things getting much worse -- or better, if you happen to be an arms trader -- but they could,... Read More
When it comes to guns and Americans, here (thanks to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence) are a couple of stats for you: every year an average of 17,102 children and teens and 116,255 Americans overall are shot in “murders, assaults, suicides, and suicide attempts, unintentional shootings, or by police intervention.” And this doesn’t... Read More
Facing the World Adults Are Wrecking
During the first week of May 1963, more than 800 African-American students walked out of their classrooms and into the streets of Birmingham, Alabama, to call for an end to segregation. Despite frequent arrests and having dogs and high-pressure firehoses turned on them, they kept marching. Their determination and ceaseless bravery -- later called the... Read More
It’s been a terrible year for gun makers. The venerable Remington filed a Chapter 11 bankruptcy after its sales fell 27.5% in the first nine months of Donald Trump’s presidency. (Its officials had expected a 2016 Hillary Clinton victory to ensure a burst of gun purchases.) And Remington wasn’t alone. Sales have been ragged across... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?