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Some really interesting and quite significant publications have appeared in recent days. Each adds key pieces of evidence to the topic of HBD, and I wanted to talk about each here. I may do review columns like this periodically, somewhat akin to HBD Chick's (get well soon!) linkfests. This is nothing short of a brilliant... Read More
Well said! I spotted it in a conversation with Dennis Mangan. I guess it's good to see that someone else has brought up these points. Here's the rest of the conversation: Unfortunately, it seems, Dennis Mangan – like many in the medical establishment – appears permanently locked into a rather unscientific way of thinking. The... Read More
Post updated, 9/13/14. See below! I haven't always made it explicit, but some of you might gather that I am rather hard on most "environmental" explanations. You have inferred correctly. The reason? Several, which I'll review here. The biggest of these? There is no good evidence for the vast majority of them. That's right, there... Read More
This was on NBC Nightly News two nights ago: [gigya src=" width="500" height="300" FlashVars="launch=53617685&width=592&height=346" allowscriptaccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=" "The evidence would suggest that if one chooses nuts over other alternative foods, there is potentially a 20% improvement in mortality, which is quite striking." I'll say. Does this mean you have a 20% better chance... Read More