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The Covidian Phenom was a religious war of sorts wherein Jewish Supremacists took on the mantle of medical priesthood to rid the world of demonic forces, not so much Covid-19 itself but whatever figure or force could be undermined and destroyed in the name of saving the world from Covid. Whatever Jews say, we must... Read More
2020 was a pivotal moment in US history, even more than 1968(when mainstream America was able to turn the tide against the forces of chaos). The two big disasters of 2020 were the Covid Fiasco and BLM Riots. Even though the latter ultimately became a liability for globalist urbanites, it did make Donald Trump look... Read More
The following concerns the psychological culture of a community that would dare turn the world upside down for its tribal aggrandizement. What kind of a culture would produce the sort of individuals willing to sacrifice the well-being of the entire world in service to an agenda that tirelessly invokes justice only to force the greatest... Read More
The Biden Administration’s effort to withdraw nearly all US troops from Afghanistan and Iraq before the end of the year is commendable and it is hoped that a departure from Syria will follow soon thereafter, but one must nevertheless be concerned that the overseas moves are being made to concentrate government resources on the domestic... Read More