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In the high summer of 1940, the politicians who comprised the British Government faced a terrible and momentous problem. So, on a personal level, did the new British Prime Minister from May 10th, Winston Churchill. More on this later. At the time, the British Empire is often said to have ruled a quarter of the... Read More
Previously: Luigi Doesn’t Have to Go to Prison – The People Can Choose to Let Him Go Free There is a whole movement of people in the government and media talking about how they are so opposed to Luigi Mangione taking out a fat cat corporate terrorist because they are against vigilante justice generally. Many... Read More
With his shocking presidential pardon of his son Hunter, announced Thanksgiving weekend, when the maximum number of Americans would be watching football games and consuming potato chips, Joe Biden goes out just as he was the whole of his tatty career as a politician — a self-serving fiddler, indifferent to democratic process, ever going against... Read More
Everyone already knew this was happening and no one cared. RT: Ukraine did not receive as much foreign aid as claimed by the administration of US President Joe Biden, and a lot of whatever help it did get was embezzled, a former Polish deputy minister has claimed. Up to a half of the funds that... Read More
“What do they know of England who only England know?” Rudyard Kipling’s famous question, a line from his poem The English Flag, was actually written in defense of Empire, but is still worth asking by Englishmen in these post-imperial times. Enoch Powell, however, found the phrase sadly outdated. In a speech given on St. George’s... Read More
So much of what's happening comes down to a matter of the Jews vs the World. Granted, plenty of Jews aren't neo-satanist or crazy. Not all are powerful as there are plenty of righteous Jews who speak the truth or a portion of it. The late Stephen Cohen, Brother Nathanael, Norman Finkelstein, Glenn Greenwald, and... Read More
You are feted by Washington’s most celebrated and powerful and featured as Time magazine’s Man of the Year. You return home in triumph bearing pledges of tens of billions of dollars in support for your war against a feared and hated invader. But a year later, everything looks a lot different with all the backslappers... Read More
Many Americans have come to accept that corruption and lying is the name of the game in Washington and, increasingly, at both state and local levels of government, in part because lying and stealing by those who run the country has become virtually consequence free. To cite only one example, the current ruinously expensive war... Read More
A person can sometimes learn a lot from car magazines. I learned three things from the May-June issue of Hagerty’s Drivers Club. One was that Preston T. Tucker was about to change the automobile world with his Tucker, a “Car of Tomorrow.” His car surpassed Detroit in every respect–style, engineering, performance, and it was competitively... Read More
Chuck Grassley is no more of a serious person than Joe Biden. But all of a sudden Chuck’s got the documents on Joe’s corruption? And the whole media is reporting the story with a straight face? I said when they came out with the “Biden’s Secret Documents” story that it was some kind of hit,... Read More
Earlier (February 2021) by Steve Sailer: BLM Rakes In $90 Million In 2020 That the tiny VDARE Foundation is being harassed (without being charged) by New York Attorney General Letitia James is just another example of America’s increasingly notorious two-tiered justice system e.g. America Has a Two-Tiered Justice System and the FBI Just Proved It,... Read More
I published my original American Pravda article just over ten years ago, emphasizing that our reality was created by the media, which many of us eventually discovered was far from reliable. Our American Pravda Ron Unz • The American Conservative • April 29, 2013 • 4,500 Words Then five years ago this month I launched... Read More
Where I live, this week saw the most beautiful day of the spring so far. But we are in summer 1914 for free America? Summer 1914 also reportedly saw exceptionally fine weather in Europe. Histories and literature are full of how the June 28 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian empire, was... Read More
Photo Credit: Flickr user Omar Bárcena CC BY-NC 2.0 I am ashamed to say that I have only recently signed up for the daily email from the high caliber British webzine Unherd although I see several of my colleagues have been discovering jewels there for some time. On Saturday I was alerted to a true... Read More
With Russia now slowly escalating its ‘special military operation’ against Ukraine on the eve of its first anniversary, I find myself drawn once again to the complex but stark phenomenon of extreme Jewish corruption in the latter nation. While it’s become commonplace to note Volodymyr Zelensky’s Jewishness, and perhaps also that of Volodymyr Groysman, the... Read More
I once worked for a black-owned and operated psychiatry practice and pain management clinic in Las Vegas that served exclusively Medicaid patients. As I quickly learned, Medicaid is rife with fraudulent billing. It’s a jackpot for people who are willing falsely to claim they served patients or who provided services patients didn’t want or need.... Read More
In almost every state in the union there is a government agency or department with the name “Child Protective Services”. Its purported mission is to act as the long arm of a responsible community to protect children from their own parents or guardians when children are being mis-treated. Although vastly abusive in many, if not... Read More
I have written earlier that the multi-party electoral system (“democracy”) is the only form of government designed to be controlled by outsiders, naturally leaving it open to corruption and fraud. The Chinese, listening to the Americans, discovered all the proof of this in their own back yard. China has experimented with small-scale introductions of Western-style... Read More
I often explain that we are losing civilization. The risks come from many sources. Among them is the growing risk of nuclear war; the rising police state in which behavior protected by the Constitution is criminalized despite the Constitution; unity supplanted by a Tower of Babel; fomented race and gender hatreds that serve Identity Politics;... Read More
Earlier (2014) John Derbyshire Asks: Endemic Corruption—The Ukraine Is Ex-Soviet, But What Excuse Do Black American Politicians Have? One of the first things I had to say about the Russia-Ukraine war, back in February when it had just broken out, was that it is the first of any significance to be fought in demographic modernity,... Read More
I promised an article on the pro-Kremlin faction of the oligarchs, but that will have to wait until we get a final head count of who fled and who stayed in Russia. Friends today, enemies tomorrow — such is life in… well just about anywhere nowadays. Instead, we should probably say a few words about... Read More
The really wealthy, vexed by tax collectors, pesky relatives, ex-wives and just plain thieves, long ago learned the wisdom of hiding their money and property. This is twice true for politicians. An investigation by an international consortium of journalists just examined a massive leak of 11.9 million records of offshore financial firms that have been... Read More
Afghanistan’s US-run government was the world’s largest producer and exporter of opium, morphine, and the end-product, heroin. As it did after first seizing power in the mid-1990’s, Taliban, the Islamic anti-drug and anti-communist movement, is shutting down the Afghan drug trade. Billions worth of heroin, opium and morphine that had been flowing into Central Asia,... Read More
I used to meet businessmen in the Middle East who were in a state of high anxiety about their chances of winning a government contract. They were naturally reluctant to spell out the details, but they hinted that their chief worry was whether or not the official they had bribed to get them a contract... Read More
New details in the scandal surrounding Florida congressman Matt Gaetz is shedding light into the influence of Israeli operatives and the depth of corruption in the US government. In text messages publicized by Dilbert creator Scott Adams, the Israeli consulate's media director Jake Novak informed him of secret grand jury proceedings tying Gaetz to sex... Read More
We’ve got some new information about Pfizer, the pharmaceutical company that has designed one of the deadly coronavirus vaccines from The Intercept’s Lee Fang. He’s gotten ahold of internal documents, which were intended for investors. Currently, Pfizer claims that you need two injections of the “vaccine” in order for it to work. However, Fang has... Read More
If you’re new to high finance, then the concept of “shorting” is bizarre and convoluted. People actually make money from stocks falling? How is this possible? Why is it legal? Does this contribute anything to society? Am I missing out? Here’s how shorting works. Let’s say you have a neighbor who is a cat lady... Read More
"Welcome to America, the Land of Freedom", read the signs at Washington, DC's international airport as you line up to have your fingerprints taken and your body cavities searched for mini nuclear devices. I could have titled this article "Setting the Cat among the Pigeons". In an attempt to forestall the expected avalanche of disagreement,... Read More
Former US Attorney Joe diGenova predicts that US Justice (sic) Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on the Obama regime’s FISA court violations and US Attorney John Durham’s criminal investigation of the Russiagate hoax perpetrated by the CIA, FBI, Democratic National Committee, and presstitute media will be “very bad for people in the Obama administration.... Read More
Tires are burning, smoke is rising towards the sky. It is October, the 18th day of the month, the capital city of Lebanon, in the past known as the “Paris of the East”, is covered in smoke. For years I was warning that the country governed by corrupt, indifferent elites, could not hold together, indefinitely.... Read More
Everywhere, since ancient times, peole have feared government corruption for, unlike war or fraud, corrupt policies cripple nations for centuries. No society has suffered more grievously from–nor waged more protracted war against–official corruption than the Chinese. Today however, though the story not over, it is nearing a goal that could make them the envy of... Read More
It is curious: Though I have for decades worked in journalism, mostly in Washington, I know almost nothing of Congress. I mean this literally. I do not know who Mitch McConnell is, his function, or his politics, though I have the impression that he is a Republican. Who was, or is, Paul (I think it... Read More
OK, book report time. I have just finished reading Bad Blood, by John Carreyrou of the Wall Street Journal. Good read, fascinating story. It is the saga of Elizabeth Holmes, founder of Theranos, the miraculous blood-testing company of Silicon Valley. Holmes, formerly said to be worth $4.5 billion, ended up under criminal indictment for fraud... Read More
READERS were angry. I had rained on their parade by venturing that the appointment of a new party boss to head South-Africa's dominant party was an insignificant game of musical chairs. But perhaps it is I who should have been annoyed. Nobody with a modicum of cerebral agility should see in the new South-African Strong... Read More
In accordance with the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 (CAA) the Office of Compliance (OC) compiled and published shocking statistics listing (1) the number of settlements paid to its employees and interns after allegations of abuse by legislators; (2) the total amount of dollars paid by US Treasury to the victims of Congressional workplace abuse.... Read More
The US selection of leaders has virtually nothing to do with democratic processes and outcomes. It is useful to contrast this with the process in China. In most instances, China’s selection of leaders is far more meritocratic, successful and performance-based. In both the US and China, the process lacks transparency. US Economic, Political and Cultural... Read More
Introduction After 6 months of blaming Russia for the Democratic Party’s Presidential election debacle, the Party stalwarts have finally realized that the American electorate is not listening. Democratic Party investigators in Washington still hold hearings and the mass media are still scandal mongering, but the public is not rallying to their cause. Trump’s demagogy may... Read More
My earlier entry (Clannishness – the Series: Zigzag Lightning in the Brain) established that there are deep distinctions between Northwestern European peoples and most of the rest of the world, and that these differences have a huge impact on the world, including on levels of human development, the strength of democracy and democratic institutions, scientific... Read More
Can corruption be controlled by reform or is it so much the essential fuel sustaining political elites that it will only be ended – if it ends at all – by revolutionary change? The answer varies according to which countries one is talking about, but in many - particularly those relying on the sale of... Read More
I love it: Donald Trump’s campaign reveals the establishment for what it is, a swamp of corruption as fetid as those of Latin America. It is better entertainment than Vaudeville. The frantic scramble to rig the primaries, change the rules, and thwart the voters–anything to defend their cozy entanglement of political tapeworms–makes absurd any pretense... Read More
Who shall doubt 'the secret hid Under Cheops' pyramid' Was that the contractor did Cheops out of several millions? The message of Rudyard Kipling’s poem is that corruption is always with us and has not changed much down the ages. There is some truth in this, but degrees of corruption greatly matter, as the Cheops... Read More
I recently took a little trip into the past and deep into America’s distant war zones to write a piece I called “It’s a $cam.” It was, for me, an eye-opening journey into those long-gone years of American “nation-building” and “reconstruction” in Afghanistan and Iraq. Mind you, I still remembered some of what had been... Read More
A top government official with energy industry holdings huddles in secret with oil company executives to work out the details of a potentially lucrative “national energy policy.” Later, that same official steers billions of government dollars to his former oil-field services company. Well-paid elected representatives act with impunity, routinely trading government contracts and other favors... Read More
(My reader poll results will have to wait, but rest assured, they're coming.) Yet another terrorist attack in Paris – this year: I wish I could say I was even remotely surprised – perhaps only at the precise time, and that's all. For this is just another example of what I and so many others... Read More
What does it take to make a nation great? What makes a country a great place to live, a healthy society, and a bastion of stability? Various theories and ideas have been put forward, and I think they are all pretty much bunk. I think we can apply a little reductionism here, and conclude that... Read More
Local headlines here in New York State recently have been dominated by corruption in the state legislature. The speaker of the lower house, the State Assembly, has had to resign his position after being arrested last month on federal corruption charges. The arrest was deeply unsurprising. Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver was known for years to... Read More
For anyone who sees the world from an East Asian standpoint, recent sex accusations against Britain’s Prince Andrew pack a special punch. Here we have Britain’s long-time Special Representative for International Trade and Investment accused of having sex with an underage girl. Although Andrew has consistently denied the allegations, already by 2011 he was sufficiently... Read More
Even well-informed Americans are unlikely to know much about the level of corruption prevalent within the member states of the European Union (EU). A fascinating article in the London Review of Books by UCLA professor Perry Anderson opens with a tour de force run-through of the high crimes and misdemeanors featuring recent heads of state... Read More
Post updated, 6/10/14. See below! As we saw previously (see My Most Read Posts), my post Maps of the American Nations is the single most popular post so far here on my blog. Americans all over are supremely interested in both their origins and the reasons for the cultural quirks of the different American regions.... Read More
Hope, our grandmothers told us, makes a good breakfast, but a poor supper. My guess is that where hope for convergence of the races in America is concerned, it’s around 6 p.m. on that schema. Not suppertime yet, but it’ll soon be getting dark. This gloomy thought was inspired by a couple of news stories.... Read More