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If someone doesn’t like Christopher Columbus, he is saying he doesn’t like European discovery and settlement of the New World. In other words, he thinks America should never have existed. In 2021, Vice President Kamala Harris said European settlers unleashed a wave of “devastation” as part of a “shameful past.” In 2019, she said she... Read More
I’ve been writing VDARE.com’s Columbus Day round ups since 2008. Normally not much happens in the Columbus line between one Columbus Day and another. This year’s Columbus Day, October 12, is different. This year Columbus has been part of the same anti-white Monumental Destruction that’s been going on as a result of the George Floyd... Read More
Carol Delaney, Columbus and the Quest for Jerusalem, Free Press, 2012, 319 pp. $17.00 (softcover) What sort of man was Christopher Columbus? Why did he cross the Atlantic and what did he do in the New World? The fashion is to despise him as a greedy, genocidal racist and slave driver, but Prof. Carol Delaney... Read More
Christopher Columbus was the hero who discovered America. (There were people living in America at the time, but they didn’t know it was America, or much of anything else—they were mostly Stone Age savages.) Up until the 1950s, all Americans knew that, because it was what they were taught in school. However, sometime in the... Read More
NOI Research Group (NOIRG.ORG) Before Christopher Columbus was commissioned by the rulers of Portugal to sail the ocean blue in 1492, he was sailing the coast of Africa in the slave trade. It is in Africa where he very likely learned about the “New World” and the ocean currents that might get him there. The... Read More
“The African presence is proven by stone heads, terra cottas, skeletons, artifacts, techniques and inscriptions, by oral traditions and documented history, by botanical, linguistic and cultural data. When the feasibility of African crossings of the Atlantic was not proven and the archaeological evidence undated and unknown, we could in all innocence ignore the most startling... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?