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Very few people are going to be able to grasp this thing that happened on Tuesday. It’s unfortunate, but the reality is that this is something that is not going to fit into many people’s brains. Most people are just happy Trump won, and don’t want to think too much about why the election fraud... Read More
Many were speculating that he might be announcing who his running mate is, or maybe even doing a surprise announcement of a run for Speaker of the House (the Speaker doesn’t have to be a member of Congress, so he could attempt to bully the Congress into making him Speaker). In fact, it was something... Read More
In the recent mid-term elections (this is being written in December of 2022), Democrats, apparently with a good amount of success, charged Republicans with being no less than a threat to American democracy. My goodness—I guess hyperbole goes over big in this text-and-Twitter-depth age. Whatever its success as a campaign tactic, a great deal has... Read More
Our once great nation seems to be coming apart right before our eyes. Americans are perhaps more divided on social and political matters than at any other time throughout its history. Not only are we experiencing a recession and a proxy war against Russia on behalf of Ukraine that’s costing taxpayers billions each month, but... Read More
Herschel Walker would not have gotten the GOP nomination if he were white. President Donald Trump bears heavy responsibility for foisting this candidate on Georgia voters, but he was hardly alone. Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) backed Mr. Walker after failing to recruit another candidate. The whole party failed — not just President Trump. The Walker... Read More
Every election cycle offers up the same replay loop from hell. A globalist puppet mouths recycled platitudes while the crowd jumps up and down like mentally challenged “Price is Right” contestants. “Hope and Change,” “Make America Great Again,” “Build Back Better”- this time it’s going to be different. It’s worse than Lucy repeatedly pulling the... Read More
Earlier, by Peter Brimelow, 2015: GOP Should "Thank Heaven Fasting" For Trump But Instead Plans To Shoot Self In Testicles The GOP Establishment has fingered a culprit for the disappointing midterm results: Donald Trump. GOP leaders and Conservatism Inc. pundits claim the American people want something different. They insist Trump’s candidates were sure losers and... Read More
When I wrote this, six full days after the 2022 midterm election, the situation was still undecided. The Senate is apparently in Democrat hands again, and the House was “leaning” Republican , although some 19 (!) races are still undetermined. [Editor’s note: The Democrats have indeed held the Senate, and the Republicans now have been... Read More
Many Americans are easily intimidated and let the presstitutes control their beliefs. But Trump supporters are not easily intimidated. This is why Democrats hate them and demonize them as “Trump Deplorables,” “white supremacists,” and “domestic terrorists.” Democrats are determined to stamp into the ground those Americans whose belief they cannot control.. In this interview with... Read More
On paper, the Republican Party should have run away with the midterm elections. It did not. It failed for structural, ideological, and demographic reasons. It probably can’t fix any of this. This is an opportunity for white advocates. At this writing, it is virtually certain the Democrats will control the Senate no matter what happens... Read More
The recent mid-term election results which many people predicted would be a “red wave” throughout the U.S. proved at best to be a red drizzle. It was not what many political conservatives wanted although, in fairness, the Democrats lost several seats in the House of Representatives where the GOP will have a slim majority. Many... Read More
Americans, not all of them but most, are too proud of their country and too protective of its reputation as “the world’s best democracy” to admit it, but they have just experienced another stolen election. All the telltale signs are there–just as they are for the 2020 presidential election that was stolen from President Trump.... Read More
Contrary to widespread expectations, Republican gains in last week's midterm elections were absolutely minimal, nothing at all like the "red wave" that so many had predicted. The GOP seems to have picked up enough Congressional seats to achieve a very narrow majority in the House, but the Democrats actually extended their control in the Senate,... Read More
Those searching for an explanation of why there was no “red wave” giving Republicans huge gains in Congress in this year’s midterm election should compare this year’s election with the midterm election of 2010. In 2010, Republicans gained a net 63 House seats. While Republicans then did not gain control of the US Senate, they... Read More
Earlier: McConnell Refuses To Prioritize Defending America's Own Borders Over Ukraine's Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell is in the news…again. Blake Masters, the losing GOP Senate nominee in Arizona, says McConnell should be deposed for shifting campaign spending from Arizona to Alaska, where—bizarrely—he used it to attack GOP Senate nominee Kelly Tshibaka on behalf of... Read More
I am not in the least bit susceptible to depression, but I have to admit that as Tuesday night wore on, I found I was getting depressed. And on Wednesday I was really down. If you watch conservative media, you were expecting a red wave, and there was even talk of a paradigm shift as... Read More
Fair Elections in Blue States Are Not Possible The same swing states where the last presidential election was stolen are again showing the mysterious sharp upward readjustment of the vote count for Democrat candidates. In Arizona where election day vote counting is on hold, mysterious tranches of votes keep arriving days after the election for... Read More
ou can't blame the Democrats for spinning the fact that their losses fell short of worst-case scenarios. But elections are arithmetic, not calculus. A loss is a loss. Democrats lost the midterms. WHY THEY LOST No. 1: History: In a two-party system, voters express anger and annoyance by lashing out at the party in power.... Read More
The results of the 2022 midterms hang in the balance, but a few things are clear. The GOP proudly touted minority outreach and all its non-white candidates, but this diversity push didn’t pay off. Many of the non-white candidates favored by GOP consultants (c.f. UK) lost winnable races, and the GOP’s modestly higher minority support... Read More
Without listening to any of the other victory speeches—and without a shadow of a doubt—I'll say that the best electoral victory address was that of Ron DeSantis, who has handily won a second term as Florida's governor. Tuesday noon is when David Vance and your columnist pre-record a new segment of our Hard Truth podcast.... Read More
In Maricopa County Arizona it appears that the Democrats’ attempt to steal the election is being explained away as a “printer issue.” Somehow the machines that worked in the primaries “malfunctioned” in the election. In Arizona there seems to be an effort to disappear the votes for Republican Kari Lake. Vote counting has been stopped... Read More
On the front page of the New York Post Wednesday was an image of Donald Trump as Humpty Dumpty, and a headline claiming he’s ruined the Republican Party by the Jew Jon Podhoretz. There is a Ukraine flag on the cover of this newspaper for some reason (that should really tell you all you need... Read More
This time it is CNN’s own report on its own exit polls that indicates a stolen election. Today November 9, 2022, updated at 10:49 AM EST, CNN reporters Zachary B. Wolf and Curt Merrill remarked that the widely expected red wave did not materialize and then went on to present data that is inconsistent with... Read More
The Republican media is going to celebrate a victory, because these people do not talk about voter fraud. They won the House and probably lost the Senate, according to the media. But they lost a bunch of races they were supposed to win, and there was no “political realignment.” Tucker Carlson had promised me a... Read More
A few years ago, if you’d told me I would ever vote for a Republican not named Ron Paul, I’d have said you were out of your mind. For most of my lifetime the Republicans seemed the more obnoxious wing of the two-party duopoly. They were sanctimonious hypocrites preaching family values while banging interns; smug... Read More
"Make no mistake — democracy is on the ballot for us all." So declaiming in his Union Station speech to the nation on the real stakes in the 2022 elections, President Joe Biden, who was immediately echoed by Barack Obama, painted himself and his party into a corner. For if Trump Republicans carry the day... Read More
To be sure there is an election coming up today in the United States and President Joe Biden has clearly taken the low road in the lead up to it by speaking before friendly audiences and repeating over and over the bromides that cause the brain to go numb. During the past week it was... Read More
Tomorrow is election day and polls suggest that Americans are going to overturn Democratic Party control of the House and Senate. Politicians and the media always say that this is the most important election ever, but all too often once the voting is over and the smoke has cleared, not much changes. The Washington uni-party... Read More
On the eve of the 2022 mid-term elections here, these words penned by Yeats as Europe reeled in the aftermath of that fratricidal bloodletting misnamed the Great War (1914-18), a time of broken lives and empires that benefited principally Bolsheviks and bankers (perhaps only two sides of the same shekel), have an eerie echo today.... Read More
It now seems probable that former President Donald Trump will announce his candidacy for president of the United States in 2024, perhaps as soon as after the 2022 elections are completed. Back in 2016 I was a staunch Trump supporter. And I would still support “the Donald” if he ran again in 2024, but for... Read More
Many experts expect public anger over inflation to enable Republicans to regain a majority in the US House of Representatives and maybe the Senate in next week’s midterm elections. However, even if every close Senate race broke in Republicans’ favor, and the new Republican majority was determined to pass a pro-liberty agenda, there still would... Read More
President Joe Biden is undermining his party’s Congressional prospects through a deeply flawed foreign policy. Biden believes that America’s global reputation is at stake in the Ukraine War and has consistently rejected a diplomatic off-ramp. The Ukraine War, combined with the administration’s disruptions of economic relations with China, is aggravating the stagflation that will likely... Read More
VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow writes: I know that American Renaissance Editor Jared Taylor and I are the last two people in the world who refuse to watch videos (and he makes them!) But I did actually watch/ listen to Donald J. Trump’s October 22 Saturday night speech in Robstown TX, partly because you can get... Read More
A powerful rebuke of the Reparations Racket came from a surprising voice recently: “[Democrats are] not soft on crime, they’re pro-crime,” Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) declared at a Donald Trump rally in Nevada. “They want crime! They want reparations because they think the people who do the crime are owed that. Bullshit!” Cue hysterical outrage... Read More
At least at first, America's founders famously disliked political parties, and so failed to provide for them in the Constitution. Like them or not, however, the two-party system has prevailed for 95% of our history. Given that third parties face high barriers to obtain ballot access, are shut out of televised debates and routinely denied... Read More
Having had Ruling Class apparatchik John McCain as a Senator for Life, Arizona and its GOP now have one of the more curious Republican senatorial candidates in the country: Blake Masters. A former protégé of Tech titan Peter Thiel, one of the few American oligarchs somewhat friendly to national conservatives, Masters had been running a... Read More
President Joe Biden’s midterm campaign message is that he is defending democracy from former president Donald Trump and his supporters. At Independence Hall, he says “MAGA forces” are a threat to the country. Among their sins is their promotion of “authoritarian leaders” and “[fanning] the flames of political violence that are threat to our personal... Read More
In recent days I have written several articles explaining that the upcoming November congressional election is likely to be either stolen like the 2020 presidential election or federalized so that the outcome is in Democrat hands. I have pointed to the Democrat Party, FBI, and whore media’s positioning of Trump as a national security threat... Read More
Democrats and their allied media are increasingly worried about “fascism.” One might think fascism, if it means anything, is the combined use of state, media, and corporate power to incite a never-ending campaign against invented enemies. At the risk of making the “Democrats are the real fascists” argument, it seems leftists are projecting. They’ve even... Read More
Earlier: Trump Calls Biden An "Enemy Of The State"—What He Really Means Is An Enemy Of The American Nation Last week, Joe Biden delivered one of the strangest presidential speeches in American history. On September 1, standing before Philadelphia’s Independence Hall, the president declared war on “MAGA Republicans.” The message shocked many observers, including some... Read More
Arizona Senate candidate Blake Masters has a new campaign pitch: End Affirmative Action. He tossed this issue into the race after he was attacked for mocking the federal government’s strategy to tackle inflation with more diversity at the Federal Reserve. Instead of backing down or apologizing, he punched back even harder. Maybe he knows something... Read More
[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on VDARE.com.] See also by Peter Brimelow: ”It Will Come To Blood”—Reflections On The Left’s Anti-Trump Inauguration Tantrum Sketching out the plan for this edition of Radio Derb earlier in the week, I assumed that the president’s Thursday evening address to the nation would be the... Read More
All you need to know about the depredations on the open, southern border, about inflation, and the scandal of armed IRS recruits, who, in addition to fleecing you without flinching, are now ready to fire on you, is this: The crypto-establishmentarians at Fox News are dissembling about the change that is a-coming. Even if the... Read More
“We are losing our country to big-tech election interference,” Laura Loomer said after a narrow defeat last night in the Republican primary for Florida’s 11th District. “I am pleading with the Republican Party to please start taking this issue seriously, because the American people deserve representation.” I don’t think the Republican Party is listening, nor... Read More
Margot Cleveland, law professor and former law clerk for a quarter century for a Federal Appeals Court judge, writing in The Federalist points out that Trump-appointed FBI director Christopher Wray has shown his totalitarian character by equating legitimate criticism of the FBI’s Gestapo behavior for invading the home of President Trump with an attack by... Read More
The Nazi serving as US Attorney General says he is going to get the warrant unsealed that he used as the justification for the aggressive invasion of President Trump’s home by a weaponized and politicized FBI, essentially frame up artists for the corrupt Democrat party. The question the Nazi attorney general doesn’t answer, and the... Read More
“This election is about the future ... actually it’s an election about whether we’re going to have a future at all,” Arizona Senate candidate Blake Masters said at the GOP primary debate last week. “In 30 years, my boys will be my age, and I want them to grow up in a country we recognize.”... Read More
In Stephen Vincent Benet's "The Devil and Daniel Webster," the tale is told that if you approached Webster's grave and called out his name, a voice would boom in reply, "Neighbor, how stands the Union?" "Then you better answer the Union stands as she stood, rock-bottomed and copper-sheathed, one and indivisible, or he's liable to... Read More
After I endorsed Blake Masters, the media went nuts, claiming that he must be a neo-Nazi exterminationist because I support him. Masters has been repeatedly questioned about this, and gave a statement to the Phoenix New Times on this matter: “I’ve never heard of this guy and I reject his support. The reason I’ve never... Read More
Earlier: John Oliver Point-And-Sputters At Blake Masters And VDARE.com If stopping “gun crime” or “gun violence” is the Gordian Knot of contemporary criminal justice matters, then Arizona Senate candidate Blake Masters might be Alexander the Great. With three words, he sliced through the problem by equating gun crime in America with “black people, frankly” [Blake... Read More