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Why the Romnibus Wasn't the Omnibus
I have been a bad person. I did not vote. I confess it. I would rather be caught in a gay brothel dealing in underage boys than in a voting booth. The two are equally degrading, but voting carries the further implication of low intelligence. Ages ago a Japanese friend told me “We are not... Read More
The defeat of Mitt Romney is a victory for those of us who seek sane foreign and defense policies based on the traditional conservative principles that government policies should always serve clearly defined U.S. national interests while avoiding unnecessary interventionism overseas. Romney was truly an empty suit on foreign policy and it should be assumed... Read More
Anyone who has taken as much heat from the New York Times’s dragon-lady columnist Maureen Dowd as defeated presidential candidate Mitt Romney has cannot be all bad. Certainly the success of his family life bespeaks a fundamentally decent human being (and the same can, of course, be said for Barack Obama). As for his flip-flopping,... Read More
ON ROUTE 66, NEW MEXICO - If the United States of America ever had the ultimate Main Street, that would be Route 66 - The Mother Road, as John Steinbeck coined it; the graphic illustration of the American Dream, Utopia finally achieved. Mustang convertible, top down, the desert wind blowing in our face, the stereo... Read More
Why Obama Must Go
Liberalism in the U.S. has devolved into a cultish, pseudo-religion whose adherents believe that their fate and the future of the country rests on the ability of their rockstar candidate to hold on to the presidency for another four years. Obama backers no longer bother themselves with incidentals like habeas corpus, indefinite detention, military commissions,... Read More
NEW YORK - “It’s an ill wind that blows no good,” goes an old sailor’s saying. Meaning: some profit even from ill fortune. Hurricane Sandy (a silly name for a monster storm that killed at least 62 people and caused $20 billion damage) ravaged coastal New Jersey and inflicted huge water and wind damage on... Read More
Pace Dan McCarthy’s hope about the possible implications of a Romney victory, I think it may be time to hear counter-arguments. Although Dan is right that Romney holds no principles, and although the neocon form of aggressive liberal internationalism may not enjoy huge approval outside of Fox News junkies, this does not justify the belief... Read More
SAN FRANCISCO - Make my day, punk. Dirty Harry - and his double - showed up big time at the "foreign policy" debate in Boca Raton, Florida, on Monday, although sometimes the show looked more like a trashy American Idol rehearsal than a polished ode to American Exceptionalism. It was all about the world's "indispensable... Read More
LOS ANGELES - It's the meme cycle that ate this city - and the nation, for that matter. No one can escape the attack of Binders Full of Women; from Tumblr to a tsunami of tweets, from the coolest Facebook page in ages [1] to a 2 Live Crew impersonation (2 Live Mitt?) and onwards... Read More
Walter Pincus of the Washington Post is the paper’s most consistently readable columnist addressing foreign policy and national security issues. Which is no doubt why he seldom appears on the editorial/op-ed pages and is instead consigned to a corner plot on something called the “Fed Page,” which follows business news. In today’s paper Pincus suggests... Read More
I have previously written for TAC about the October Surprise of 1980, how it developed, and what impact it might have had on the election of Ronald Reagan. The “Surprise” was arranged through a secret agreement made between some associates of the Reagan campaign and the Iranian government. Those who follow the international media are... Read More
NEW YORK – October 5, 2012 – The two titans of American politics, President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney, locked horns this week in the first televised debate of the election season. Romney managed to show that he was still a viable candidate in spite of a barrage of recent criticism and increasingly... Read More
Willard "Mitt" Romney comfortably sees himself as the chief executive officer of a US$1 billion enterprise - the Republican Party election campaign that should place him as the next President of the United States (POTUS). Meanwhile, current POTUS Barack Obama is increasingly convinced he just needs to deploy a secret weapon to clinch re-election. That... Read More
There have been a number of conspiracy theories floated by those who are seeking to learn exactly how a video clip guaranteed to provoke riots throughout the Middle East surfaced at this time, close to a U.S. presidential election. The Romney team has already worked hard to make hay from the past week’s events, claiming... Read More
Last Tuesday at 2 pm I received a robocall the purported to be from the head of the Virginia Republican Delegation in Tampa. There was excited chatter in the background and I was told that the Virginia delegation was right there in the thick of all the fun and excitement. The only problem was that... Read More
Watching the storm-battered Republican convention at Tampa, Florida, does not reinforce faith in democracy or the Grand Old Party (GOP). American political conventions traditionally mix back-room horse trading with tasteless hoopla in which mostly white, overweight, middle-aged delegates wear funny outfits and make fools of themselves. Once upon a time, candidates for president and vice... Read More
The Wisconsin congressman is, if anything, too timid.
Listening to Fox News contributor Kirsten Powers give her (and the Democratic Party leadership’s) reaction to the choice of Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney’s running mate the other day, I thought my ears had suddenly failed. Powers began to rail against Romney’s “dangerous” ideological choice; she assured the TV-viewers that this “is exactly what President... Read More
spirit of america / Shutterstock.com
Never in my life have I encountered a politician who does a better imitation of a mannequin than Mitt Romney, particularly when called on to address social issues. Does this presidential candidate have an “opinion,” for example, on recent attempts to run the food chain Chick-Fil-A out of large municipalities because its president, Dan Cathy,... Read More
Mitt Romney, who in the past was considered a moderate Republican, has surrounded himself with neoconservative foreign-policy advisors. Romney's chameleon approach to politics is to simply say, and sometimes do, whatever would appeal to his current audience. To win the governorship of Massachusetts, Romney had to be something of a liberal. To win the Republican... Read More
They may not be racist, but voter ID laws undoubtedly boost Republicans.
The voter ID law recently enacted in Pennsylvania and which already operates in other states has occasioned considerable controversy. Although a majority of Americans polled favor the idea that would-be voters should be required to identify themselves with a license or with some other persuasive document, opposition persists. Allow me to express my considered view,... Read More
This is the moment everyone was waiting for in the 2012 US presidential campaign; the hardcore drawing of first blood. Whatever one's judgment on Nobel Peace Prize winner and warmonger US President Barack Obama, technically this is an absolute masterpiece of political advertising. It deserves an Oscar for sound editing alone. It may be over... Read More
On July 11 Mitt Romney addressed an NAACP conference in Houston, and the GOP media oozed admiration for his presumed courage and outreach. Although Romney is not likely to get more than five percent of the black vote, our smiling warrior was still trying to court black leaders. Romney’s presence in the enemy’s lair was... Read More
Christopher Halloran / Shutterstock.com
Romney owes his only win to English for the Children.
With Mitt Romney now the de facto Republican presidential nominee, I sometimes recall how I inadvertently launched his political career a decade ago, which is less implausible than it might sound. Unlike the vast majority of previous major-party presidential candidates, Romney has a remarkably slender record of election victories, having previously won just a single... Read More
Sometimes the newspapers actually tell us something we need to know, even if it is inadvertent. On Monday there was a report on how the American middle class has been devastated by the past five years, with the average family having lost 40 percent of its net worth. As one whose own income has declined... Read More
As the president lurches left, Romney struggles to rally the right.
A recent syndicated column by Peggy Noonan makes useful observations, together with one rather questionable point. Noonan blithely assumes that while the president has “fully absorbed the general assumptions and sympathies of the political left,” his opponent Mitt Romney reflects “the general attitudes, assumptions and sympathies of the political right.” Noonan may be seeing something... Read More
I find it hard to be charitable over what I view as a complete sell out of the principles that drove the campaign of Rand’s father Ron. Rand is basically conceding that it is most important to elect a Republican -- any Republican -- as president and is willing to do whatever it takes to... Read More
Between Obama's left-wing agenda at home at Romney's neoconservative foreign policy, the right hardly has a choice.
As the November election approaches, I find myself faced with a dilemma. I would like to vote for the Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, as the better of two distasteful choices, but would have to hesitate at this point. It’s not that I’d be tempted to vote for Obama, although I can well understand the... Read More
There has been considerable buzz about the possibility that President Obama will, in part, run for reelection based on his foreign policy successes. David Ignatius of the Washington Post, who is very well plugged in to the White House, published a piece on May 10th entitled “Obama’s foreign policy: Dealing from a position of strength,”... Read More
I am currently cruising in the South Pacific, taking advantage of an opportunity to visit many of the places where my father and uncles spent 1941 through 1945 – New Zealand, the Solomons, the Marshall Islands, New Caledonia, Kiribati, and Hawaii. As part of the experience, I have been participating in various veterans’ receptions on... Read More
CounterPunch Diary
Mitt Romney will be the Republican to face President Obama in the fall. Tuesday night was the clincher, as the Mormon zealot won in Wisconsin, Maryland and Washington DC. He may stumble on, but the Catholic zealot Rick Santorum is finished. It’s hard to detect any alluring feature in Romney’s psychic or political make-up, and... Read More
Ever since I dared criticize the Obama administration and its partisans, I’ve been getting less than friendly email messages. Supposedly I work slavishly for the GOP and spend every waking hour listening to Rush Limbaugh or trying to imitate his verbal outbursts. For the record, I’ve been attacking the GOP at the national level ever... Read More
Despite high unemployment and soaring gas prices, it seems the Obama administration may survive the November election. This is due not only to Republican infighting but also to the support given to liberal Democrats in the media, educational establishment, and entertainment industry. But even these factors may not tell everything. Perhaps more importantly, Obama and... Read More
Although not many people in high places may notice what I’m doing, I’d like to ask the following questions to three of the surviving GOP presidential contenders. First, why did Mitt Romney, as late as 2002, respond to a questionnaire from Planned Parenthood indicating that he fully supported Roe v. Wade and favored state funding... Read More
Column Subtitle
Vote? Why? What candidate in the quadiennial resurrection of the Mickey Mouse club wants to do anthing that I want done? I want to roll back the onrushing police state and return to constitutional government. The plunge into totalitarianism is a far worse danger than World War Two, in which the US was never in... Read More
As New Hampshire Goes…
He stuck his foot in his mouth a couple of times in the final days, but on Tuesday millionaire Mormon Mitt Romney cantered past the winning post in the New Hampshire primary with 39 per cent of the votes cast. Libertarian Ron Paul ran second with 23 per cent. Another millionaire Mormon, Jon Huntsman, got... Read More
This morning there was some peculiar media coverage of last night’s Republican debate. Predictably, in all sources Ron Paul coverage was significantly less than the column inches provided Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich, even though he is running neck-and-neck with them in Iowa. Ron Paul was the only one to raise the issue of foreign... Read More
NEW YORK – This great city is physically in America but it’s hardly part of the United States. New York is cosmopolitan, educated, outward-looking and liberal – unlike much of the rest of inward-looking America, which considers the Big Apple a den of moral and political depravity and vice. In return, New Yorkers (I’m one),... Read More
A Pink Slip for Obama
Anyone who writes about the economy or politics will tell you that the chances of getting a 100 percent "positive" reaction to an article is virtually zilch. It just never happens. Until now. Of the 50-plus e mails I've gotten since yesterday when Counterpunch published "Is it Immoral to Vote for Obama?", not one person... Read More
Facing Presidential Elections in 2012
Introduction: Two incumbent presidents are running for re-election in 2012, Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and Barack Obama in the United States. What makes these two electoral contests significant is that they represent contrasting responses to the global economic crises: Chavez following his democratic socialist program pursues policies promoting large scale long-term public investment and spending... Read More
CounterPunch Diary
Across two evenings this week, we've been offered America's future in a couple of visions. Neither of them offered the prime vitamin of bearable politics, the promise of good cheer and a better life at the end of a shortish tunnel. Version one came in the Republican presidential candidates' debate at the Reagan Library in... Read More
For me there are a number of good reasons to favor the candidacy of Ron Paul, but the area where he is most distinct from the other Republicans is foreign policy, where he supports desperately needed non-interventionism. The following, which appeared on the Foreign Policy website speaks for itself regarding where Rick Perry would take... Read More
In a syndicated column that was something less than objective, Matt Towery explains that “Romney has the most going for him in 2012.” According to Towery, “when staunch Republicans start considering the big prize—who can actually take the White House for the GOP—and when they see Romney ably debate Obama my guess is that even... Read More
CounterPunch Diary
Will Palin run? Who knows, who cares? The press is agog because the ci-devant Alaska governor and 2008 vice presidential candidate is in the midst of her bus tour up and down the East Coast. A girl has to keep an eye on her tv ratings. At present the great bus tour seems to have... Read More
Surveying the field.
The politicians are beginning to shuffle into place for next year's presidential contest. (Or out of place: Haley Barbour announced this week that he won't, after all, try for the Republican nomination.) So who have we got? We have of course got Barack Obama. At this point I see no sign that anyone in his... Read More
Wall Street Journal columnist Kim Strassel wonders who’ll be “the GOP’s next big thing” as she considers which Republican candidate has “the prospect of defeating President Obama.” While I agree with Strassel that the party needs a “hard-charging, big-thinking-articulate new face” and that the present field of candidates is less than inspiring, I find the... Read More
Let's take poison. Let's ride a motorcycle blind-folded, and other bright ideas.
Almost forever, the record for stupidity was held by Lumbo, a Cambrian trilobyte born to an early family of retarded trilobites. Lumbo also had Down’s Syndrome. It ws an unbeatable combination. Nobody and nothing was as slow as Lumbo. It was thought that he would hold the record for all time, but then came the... Read More
The Fundamentals of the Campaign were Unsound
"I don’t know what more we could have done to win this election,” John McCain said in his concession speech in the Biltmore hotel in Phoenix. Actually there was a lot he could have done. He ran an awful campaign. Obama is now enveloped in an aura of inevitability, but let us raise a toast... Read More
Perspectives - Jeff Smith / Shutterstock.com
What the Doctors Saw
John McCain’s charges of sexism against Barack Obama must ring mighty hollow to those who know him best, and we dare say his second wife Cindy would have an acerbic comment or two of her own if freed from all constraints. The social culture of the Naval Academy at Annapolis shaped McCain. His own recollections... Read More
CounterPunch Diary
In the crucial final weeks of the campaign John McCain is mostly doing only one event a day. This is the man of whom his primary care physician at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona, said to journalists in a conference call last May 23: “At the present time, Sen. McCain enjoys excellent health and displays... Read More
The Debate in Nashville
The presidential campaign plummeted into imbecilic tedium last night in Nashville as Barack Obama and John McCain faced off in the second debate. The encounter took place against the vivid backdrop of economic catastrophe, the obvious failure of the $700 billion bailout to turn the tide, Tuesday's market averages hurtling into the abyss, a paralyzing... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?