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The crushing defeat handed by American voters to President George W. Bush and his conservative Republicans produced sighs of relief around the globe and hopes that America's period of post-9/11 aggressive behavior might be nearing an end. The coalition of odd-bedfellows that formed Bush's core political support — rural southerners; millions of Christian doomsday cultists... Read More
It was the worst outcome imaginable. They lost the House and the Senate in one night with one savage blow. Even the Confederate flag at Senator "Macakaw's" house was flying at half-mast. Suddenly the Reich that was "built to last a thousand years" had been reduced to small blocks of dusty-rubble extending from sea to... Read More
Of course, it is not a matter of simply "staying home." I shall be voting not only for my U.S. senator and representative, but also for a state senator and assemblyman, a county clerk and comptroller, and a town councilcritter. You probably have a similar array of positions to vote for. By all means do... Read More
US mid-term congressional elections are often humdrum affairs that usually produce low voter turnouts. But this November 7th's vote is shaping up as the most exciting and important mid-term election in modern American history. The upcoming vote has generated extraordinary interest around the globe. Polls in Asia, Europe, and Latin America show the widely-expressed hope... Read More
In a month in which the US Congress voted to legalize torture, discard the US Constitution by abolishing habeas corpus and increase the military budget to prolong the daily slaughter of hundreds of Iraqis and Afghanis, the big controversy among the mass media and elected officials is the sexual overtures of a Republican Congressman to... Read More
The giddiness among Democrats about their prospects for a sweep in both Houses of Representatives has reached a level of absolute euphoria. But what exactly are the voters are hoping for? A speedy exit from Iraq? Think again. John Walsh posted a great article on CounterPunch.org; "Election 2006: The Fix is already In", which outlines... Read More