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An American Christian Perspective
In the old detective series Dragnet, the protagonist Sgt. Joe Friday became famous for his phrase, “Just the facts, ma’am!” Is it possible today to get “just the facts” about anything in the Western world? No, because the corporate media is complicit in all the crimes of their global masters of the universe and have... Read More
Charlottesville Circuit Court Judge Richard Moore
The US Constitution still has a purpose. While it no longer serves as the basis of our legal system, it does give lawyers plenty of mental exercise finding ways to subvert its clear intent. Free speech? Not if private monopolies censor you. Freedom of assembly? Not if a masked mob gets there first. But the... Read More
The extreme left and politicized elements of the government are using Charlottesville to crush your rights and solidify...
A remarkable thing is happening in Charlottesville. Although the Unite the Right rally happened over a year and a half ago, Charlottesville is where the organized, militant left and its establishment backers intend to crush popular resistance to their near total control of American political discourse. If they succeed, public free speech--speech that challenges prevailing... Read More
On May 30th 1915 Talaat Pasha issued the Tehcir Act, which on paper was a
The cross-examineress for the defense went very easy on him, letting him waffle through a less-than-compelling testimony.
The author was present in Charlottesville during the August 2017 melee. He has been reporting from the courtroom since the trial started. For more of his coverage, see here. Charlottesville, December 6. A key defense witness testified today, the last day of arguments in the trial of James Fields, who is accused of first degree... Read More
Sing, choirs of Angels
A New Faith Stirs in the Courtroom of James Fields
Charlottesville City Circuit Court, December 4, 2018. If you seek a demonstration of vigorous legal argument, you will not find it here. These proceedings are repetitive, inane and, well, boring. But they have a different virtue. The trial of James Fields may be irrelevant as an example of good law or sound logic, but it... Read More
This charming fellow, Dwayne Dixon, a hard-core Antifa, threatened Fields with a military-grade assault rifle shortly before he crashed into the crowd.
The Fields Monkey Trial for Murder Gets Off to a Rocky Start
Editor's Note: This trial has nothing to do with Russia, but I am running this series for I have seen no other reporting from inside the courthouse which is sympathetic to the defendant, who, on the face of things, has a very strong case that he is not guilty of the charges. Unfortunately for him,... Read More
Most people know about, but few are willing to condemn, the strict taboo in the media, of criticizing Jews as a group, using that term. One cannot even criticize a small subsection of Jews, a miniscule percentage of the Jewish population, even when they richly deserve it. Obviously, this is a ridiculous way to run... Read More
An exclusive, on-the-scene report, with original photography from a region gradually liberating itself from ISIS.
Nothing, absolutely nothing prepares you to revive, on the spot, the memory of what will go down in history as ISIS / Daesh’s most horrid killing field in Iraq or Syria since the death cult stormed across the border in the summer of 2014; the Speicher massacre of June 12, 2014 – when almost 2,000... Read More
The gloomy and repulsive night when the female President of the 7th largest economy in the world was the prey of choice fed to a lynch mob of hyenas in a drab, provincial Circus Maximus will forever live in infamy. By 367 votes for and 137 against, the impeachment/coup/regime change-light drive against Dilma Rousseff cleared... Read More
The Moscow-Berlin deal in Minsk shows the way forward for Germany and the EU – gain greater public appeal and...
Germany holds the key to where Europe goes next. A fragile deal may have been reached on Ukraine, but there’s still no deal with Greece. In both cases, there’s much more than meets the eye. Let’s start with the grueling Eurogroup negotiation in Brussels over the Greek debt. Greek officials swear they never received a... Read More
So the EU “defeated” Putin by forcing him to cancel the South Stream pipeline. Thus ruled Western corporate media. Nonsense. Facts on the ground spell otherwise. This “Pipelineistan” gambit will continue to send massive geopolitical shockwaves all across Eurasia for quite some time. In a nutshell, a few years ago Russia devised Nord Stream –... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?