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In the history of snowball fights, few have attained the notoriety of the infamous December 2009 snow war that ended with the enraged Washington DC police officer, Detective Mike Baylor, arresting many combatants after brandishing a firearm. No snowball – despite the engineering and precision used in its creation – can compete with a gun.... Read More
Black people don't like the snow. They especially don't like errant snowballs thrown haphazardly in the general vicinity of where they might be located, if in fact that Black person is in the unfortunate realm where snow is accumulating. Case in point, as of the 2000 census, the United States has 36 million Black people... Read More
Washington DC is a town known for safety. However, Black people are already known not to like the snow and have a difficult time discerning the myriad complexities of gun safety. Now, combine snow with gun safety and put these two combustible Black elements into Washington DC and you have a recipe for an ultimate... Read More