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Black women spend countless hours and billions of dollars a year because their own hair is unacceptable to them. Korean entrepreneurs reap the benefits of this mane-madness, owning a virtual monopoly on the industry from distributorship to the shops that Black women frequent (entrepreneurship and the depressing ratio of Korean-to-Black new business starts will be... Read More
At a time when Black unemployment is rising to unprecedented levels, one is hard-pressed to come up with any viable vocational alternatives for those out-of-work or underemployed. Levels of Black unemployment were reaching 25-year highs back in January, now they approach a critical stage that might require the involvement of the United Nations to decide... Read More
Natural disasters have the ability to bring out the best in people and in many cases, the worst. Tornadoes that level small towns draw families - whose every possession now litters roadways – together. In the seminal book Bowling Alone, Harvard sociologist Robert Putnam bemoaned the declining sense of community in America (which eerily parallels... Read More
Have you ever seen Liar Liar? This film happens to be one of Jim Carrey's finest and contains one of the most interesting nuggets of truth imaginable, as Carrey's character is unable to lie for one day (thanks to a wish from his long neglected son). Upon learning this, his son asks the following: Was... Read More