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Editor's note: Due to events outside of my hands, SBPDL must undergo an emergency fundraiser. You can make a donation through the PayPal link in the upper left-hand corner or contact us and we'll you send PO Box information. Or purchase Hollywood in Blackface or SBPDL Year One from Amazon.com in either book or Kindle... Read More
The skies are clear, no superhero is near. Black people wait with bated breath for that hero to arrive that will provide the knowledge and knowhow necessary to cause of cessation of Waiting for “Superman”. A hero with the pedagogic dexterity to steer the rudderless and capsizing ship that represent the attempts at educating Black... Read More
What would you do with $100 million dollars? Think about it for a second. No, give it a few more seconds. In fact, take your time with this question. All right. What did you come up with? Well, if you said you would donate it to a failing school system that already receives massive amounts... Read More
Time magazine asked an important question last week: “What makes a school great?” Devoting many pages of deadwood to bemoaning the current state of K-12 education in America, Time reports: SBPDL picked up the book companion to the movie Waiting for “Superman” while traveling and realized that regardless of the money, time and effort exerted,... Read More
Grown men and the young alike of all races spend untold hours of their day unproductively researching inane statistics of their favorite athletes and football teams; spending time carousing message boards such as Rivals.com and Scout.com to learn about the latest Black high school recruit that will sign with their alma mater; and waste months... Read More
Black people have long enjoyed the idea of being "separate and extra-equal" - an idea that they get to have their own institutions, schools and organizations, yet Black people also get to continue to garner affirmative action, victim status and laws that codify "hate crimes" as only those committed by white people against them and... Read More