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Remember this Halloween Denny's Brawl from Oakland, involving costumed Black participants? Well, a new brawl at an unidentified Denny's has hit the Internet. Finally, integration has come to crazy YouTube videos that showcase prole behavior for the masses to see. Notice the white girl throwing chairs, forks, salt shakers, and anything she can grab. Notice... Read More
What was it we wrote about school discipline about four months ago? In a nutshell: it's not something Black people particularly enjoy, because it's Black people who wear the proverbial dunce, truant and juvenile delinquent hat at a rate that far exceeds that of any other racial group: Scho
Think of the world as it appears when you’re intoxicated. A heightened sense of invincibility overtakes your normal emotions and demeanor, superseding rationality and civility. You slur your speech in an almost unintelligible dialect, with all inhibitions vanishing as your voice becomes louder and increasingly obnoxious; you think every joke you tell is incredibly funny,... Read More
The Surprising Elements of Talmudic Judaism
The evidence is clear — but often ignored
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?