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Flash back to 1995. The nation was rocked by racial violence as Black people decided not to cooperate with the police. OJ Simpson was in the headlines, but not for his football ability, but rather his alleged knife skills. Militias were forming across the country in fear of "police state" tactics by the Clinton Administration.... Read More
Mankind has long been fascinated with the Red Planet, as the prospect that the fourth planet from the sun and closest to our own earth might be home to an advanced civilization has dominated the thoughts of educated men for centuries. H.G. Wells penned the terrifying novel "The War of the Worlds", which depicted a... Read More
Black people don’t like to be challenged. We have discussed what happens when Black people don’t cooperate with the police and now, something much greater is transpiring in America: white people are questioning whether or not Barack Obama was born in the United States and thus eligible to the President of the United States. Deemed... Read More