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Barack Obama

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The Obama Effect. What is it? What type of power does it have over the masses in not just America, but the entire world? Mein Obama was seen as the Tiger Woods of politics, an individual capable of bringing closure to the open sore of race hostilities in the United States, capable of transcending negative... Read More
Everybody loves the song White Christmas, for the season isn't complete without hearing Bing Crosby sing those familiar notes. White Christmas is one of the nations favorite Christmas songs, and puts everyone who hears it in the Christmas spirit. Of course, the song comes from the movie of the same name, right? Nope. You'd be... Read More
Alexander Dumas classic tale, "The Three Musketeers", tells the story of Porthos, Athos and Aramis, the adventures they undertake and the immutable bounds of friendship that guide their lives. Interestingly, their creed, "All for One and One for All" fittingly describes Black people and their admiration for Mein Obama and more importantly and how they... Read More
Who in the world could like Pre-Obama America? The boring, white-bread world that represented America when it was 90 percent white (as late as 1964 the United States was less than 1 percent Hispanic - a forthcoming SBPDL) is but a distant memory, like the view of major city's skyline in the rear-view mirror as... Read More
SBPDL has been sitting on The Reality of Cook County story for sometime, and felt in the horrific and violent death of Derrion Albert the time for holding out on this important piece was over. RIP Derrion. Your death is the result of our nation - a nation of cowards - who refuse to confront... Read More
Black people love life under Mein Obama, the General Zod of Black people the world over. Regardless of the sorrowful state of the economy and the massive job loss for Black people, the admiration that Black people display for Obama will never cease. More importantly Zod-Obama has empowered the most diverse cabinet in history with... Read More
Black people love Washington DC. It is a city that has allowed Black people the honor of having the gifted orator, Marion Barry, serve as its mayor: Washington DC, the nation's capitol, might be losing its Black population though, as gentrification is driving Black people out: "The city losing black residents is a continuation of... Read More
Rare indeed is the victor that looks to his vanquished opponent for support or help. In the Rocky movie series, Apollo Creed - a Black person - offers his services to Rocky Balboa in the franchises third installment, in exchange for a favor at the end of Rocky III ( the favor, a non-televised sparring... Read More
Black people don’t like to be challenged. We have discussed what happens when Black people don’t cooperate with the police and now, something much greater is transpiring in America: white people are questioning whether or not Barack Obama was born in the United States and thus eligible to the President of the United States. Deemed... Read More
Ceasar Romero. Jack Nicholson. Mark Hamill. Heath Ledger. And now, Barack Hussein Obama. What do these five men have in common? They have all played the Joker, the sadistic clown that is Batman’s arch-nemesis and one of the more sinister antagonists in contemporary literature. Now, it would be fair to say that all of the... Read More
"Look, up in the sky. It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Barack Hussein Obama on the cover of Spider-Man!" Black people have long loved comic books, as it is their favorite form of reading pleasure, even though the comic book industry has been hard pressed to create Black characters that resonate with the public.... Read More
The United States of America in July 2009 is a much different place then it was in July 0f 2008. For one thing, we live in a land liberated from the racist stranglehold of white people as the glorious day of Nov. 4, 2008 came and washed away the sins of the Pre-Obama America, with... Read More
Black people in 21st century America have it pretty well. The media is completely on their side in every issue and will do whatever possible to try and agitate Black people against white people when given the chance. Take for instance the case of two stories, separated by days. Black children were denied the right... Read More
Admit it, whenever you see the nightly news cast that corresponds with the major city you live closest to and a story about a horrible murder or horrifying crime is broadcast your first inclination is a Black person did it. Black people know the chances your hypothesis is correct are close to 100 percent. Whenever... Read More
Black people look at the 40th anniversary of the United States sending three astronauts and their landing upon the moon with enthusiastic indifference. Never has a moment captured the inherent differences between Black people and white people as much as when three white astronauts, the hard work of hundreds of white scientists and hundreds of... Read More
Every year, US News and World Report unveils its list of Top Places to Live in the United States. Since everyone loves lists, CNNMoney.com has gotten in on the act and decided to name the best 100 small towns to live and raise a family. Something is wrong with the list though, as the editors... Read More
On this Fourth of July, Black people finally have something worth celebrating in America: the rebirth of the United States into a multi-racial state with Barack Hussein Obama as the Czar of Change. Prior to November of 2008, Black people viewed the United States of America with a suspicious eye, as the view of one... Read More
Black people love holidays so much, that they have created a number of them that are only for Black people. Kwanzaa, Juneteenth Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day and of course, the entire month of February, are all events and holidays that Black people love to celebrate. One holiday exists that Black people do feel... Read More
All Black people love conspiracies. Conspiracies that blame all Black problems on White people flourish in the Black community, especially conspiracies that date back hundreds of years, even thousands. Believing that White people stole numerous Black inventions; that many famous "White" people were actually Black - from Beethoven to Plato to Babe Ruth - and... Read More
The Surprising Elements of Talmudic Judaism
The evidence is clear — but often ignored
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?