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Traveling all day and doing a lot of reading. I've been thinking more and more about the concept of Black-Run America (BRA) and how it needs to be defined in two parts (your suggestions are appreciated). 1. Everything possible must be done to uplift Black people from their current station in life and the increasing... Read More
We at Stuff Black People Don't Like congratulate the students of Urban Prep in Chicago where, once again, the entire graduating class of Black students - 104 in all - have been accepted to college: For the second year in a row, the entire graduating class -- 104 students -- at Urban Prep Charter School's... Read More
Few things in life conjure images of dread more than the prospect of death. The macabre thought of how we will meet our end is a contemplation few dare entertain. Halloween is a time of the year where the ghostly, ghoulish, ghastly, grisly, grotesque and terrifying are confronted, traditionally a day where our own mortality... Read More
In the movie District B13 the ghettos of Paris, France have been walled off, sealed and quarantined. 24-hour patrols guard those left behind the wall from ever escaping, keeping the high-rates of crime and therapeutic car burning sessions contained and confined. This is just a movie – though we have learned who the real Crazies... Read More
Cooperating with police has long been an act Black people find unnecessary and in some cases, reprehensible. Doing so creates a disconnect between the Black person who finds common ground with the officer of the law and thus, they turn their back completely on the Black community at large, long suspicious of cops ulterior motives.... Read More
So says one of the brothers from The Boondock Saints, a cult favorite that presupposes vigilantes would be greeted with fanfare and adulation in crime-ridden America. Nothing is more fear inducing to Black people than a congregation of white people gathered in Bacchanalian revelry, partaking in a copious amount of inebriants and indulging in alcoholic... Read More
Actors in Hollywood sometime develop cult followings. The inimitable Bruce Campbell stands alone as the actor whose fans flock to his B-movies with a fanatical devotion usually reserved for the likes of stars, like Matt Damon (if that fan happens to be Ben Affleck). No matter how lame, moronic or outright laughably absurd the plot... Read More
It has been stated many times that white men can’t jump. This generally accepted fact has an equally acknowledged truth that everyone knows, but few admit publicly: Black people can jump, which is punctuated by the nearly 80 percent of NBA players being of primary African descent. However, to admit that white people might be... Read More
The date is best immortalized in a painting by Howard Pyle, and his drawing depicts an event vastly important in the history of the civilized world. 1619. The year Black people were first introduced to the North American continent and to the land that would 160 years later be the United States of America: Since... Read More
Black people - though they might not like what Pre-Obama America represented - have no real animosity toward the United States of America. The USA is a land of endless dreams and hope, and for a people united in a common cause anything is possible. Black people united in furthering Black interests can thus accomplish... Read More
Michael Oher is a fine football player, who is an employee of the National Football League (NFL) and the benefactor of white people and their amazing altruism. We have previously written about Oher and the white family that nurtured him to a scholarship at Ole Miss, for nature dealt Mr. Oher a cruel blow as... Read More
Editors note: A few new entries have been postponed. SBPDL will be traveling yet again this weekend and is putting the finishing touches on a few gems. Enjoy yet another college football entry, for this reason: Why is SBPDL so fascinated by college football? For a number of reasons, including this one: Forbes ran an... Read More
Question: What is 6'4 and 310 LBS. of cuddly warmth? If you answered Michael Oher, you would be correct. Oher is a member of the National Football League and one of that organizations most prized employees, for he is also the subject of an upcoming movie that details his incredible life: Be honest with yourself:... Read More
Have you ever seen Liar Liar? This film happens to be one of Jim Carrey's finest and contains one of the most interesting nuggets of truth imaginable, as Carrey's character is unable to lie for one day (thanks to a wish from his long neglected son). Upon learning this, his son asks the following: Was... Read More
Finish the analogy: Brooks Brothers is to FUBU as white is to . Answer? That's forthcoming, but instead let's take a fascinating look at an often neglected accoutrement in the world of fashion today,the belt. One of the biggest faux pas one can commit in the world today is not wearing a belt, as it... Read More
Black people are hard to please. They will never forgive white people for Pre-Obama America, an era that they deem dead and gone. Regardless of obsequious actions performed by white people to placate Black people, resentment and bitterness will always exist. Reparations? Not enough. Free college education for all Black people? Nope. Affirmative Action? Hasn’t... Read More
We are treading in water today few Black people ever dare to wade into: it is an area and “life-style” change for a Black person that is a more uncomfortable subject of conversation with their parents and peers than announcing they are a homosexual. In a way, this is probably deeper water for Black people... Read More
The world of popular culture has been shattered this week, with the news of the death of Michael Jackson tearing down one of the main pillars of pop iconography. The reclusive, somewhat bizarre Jackson endeared himself to millions of adoring fans worldwide and his death has left a permanent void within each of their pop... Read More