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At the end of the day, the battle was lost in 1453. The best chance there was to reclaim Constantinople for Christendom was in 1917. Admiral Kolchak was to command an amphibious assault on the Bosphorus, spearheaded by regiments named after Tsargrad and Admiral Nakhimov (amongst others). Instead, it was Russia that was taken over... Read More
Underreported in the Western media, in the past few weeks there have been massive protests in Montenegro, involving as many as 150,000 people (that is, a quarter of its population). What are they protesting about? Late last December, the Montenegrin parliament approved an EU-supported law allowing the state to seize church property in the absence... Read More
Found this actively updated map on UOC-MP defections to the (schismatic) Orthodox Church of the Ukraine, which was granted its tomos by Istanbul Bart this January. (h/t Insomniac) Commenter AP has predicted that UOC-MP will become the near exclusive province of Ukraine's Russians in the coming years. But that doesn't seem to be coming along... Read More
There are often questions in the comments about Egor Kholmogorov's stance on various things, e.g. about how he reconciles his Orthodox beliefs with Russian ethnonationalism. So I prepared something different from our usual fare of serious longreads - a series of translations of his social media posts, where he briefly but succinctly addresses some of... Read More
A year ago I wrote about a huge PEW opinion poll of religious belief in Eastern Europe. As it happens, one of the questions dealt with the question of which Patriarch the Orthodox believers of each country consider to be the highest authority in Orthodoxy. There is a grand total of one country where EP... Read More
Kiev Pechersk Lavra. This is what Nicetas, Archbishop of Nicomedia, wrote in the 12th century about the Great Schism (1054) between Catholicism and Orthodoxy: Difference between then and now? A millennium ago, the Vicar of Christ presided over a flock that was about as demographically predominant within Christendom as the Russian Orthodox Church is within... Read More
Leonid Bershidsky: Yeah, this makes a lot of sense. This explains why famously Orthodox Latvians voted more than anybody else for the Bolsheviks in 1917 and why ultra-Orthodox Red Latvian Riflemen played an instrumental role in establishing Soviet power early in the Civil War, why devout Protestant areas such as southern Russia and Siberia constituted... Read More
I've remembered about the article What We Believe I wrote two years back, in the early days when I was still writing anonymously (as "stalker") and was pretending to be a team. Had fun rereading it, almost like a time machine. My views on Russia have remained mostly unchanged. I've grown to become somewhat more... Read More
This fragmentary text was found by priests of Kǎichè, May He Live Forever, Great Lord of the Last Empire, in the Year 220 AF. It was contained in a far north KHE resilience that had survived the Flame Deluge that ended the Age of Legends. Further excavations are now ongoing at the site, under the... Read More
I am a blogger, thinker, and businessman in the SF Bay Area. I’m originally from Russia, spent many years in Britain, and studied at U.C. Berkeley.
One of my tenets is that ideologies tend to suck. As such, I hesitate about attaching labels to myself. That said, if it’s really necessary, I suppose “liberal-conservative neoreactionary” would be close enough.
Though I consider myself part of the Orthodox Church, my philosophy and spiritual views are more influenced by digital physics, Gnosticism, and Russian cosmism than anything specifically Judeo-Christian.