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From Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World by Jack Weatherford. I am certainly not claiming that the ketogenic diet explained Mongol military success. But this would have given them a plain physical advantage over the rice-eating bugman conscript peasants. In addition to their other advantages, both physical (e.g. probably greater genotypic strength,... Read More
Stream of consciousness-y post about some ideas (probably bad ones) that I have accumulated on this subject. Simas et al. (2017) - Food-Bridging: A New Network Construction to Unveil the Principles of Cooking 1. There are cultures that pair ingredients with shared flavor compounds, and those that contrast them instead (Ahn et al. 2011). High... Read More
"The Paleo Manifesto" by John Durant, published in 2013. Rating: 5/5. Most books on the paleo diet follow a set pattern: An inspirational story about how the author wrecked his health with junk food or vegetarianism before the caveman came riding on a white horse to the rescue; an explanation of why, contrary to the... Read More
One of the best possible arguments against vegetarianism in just 1:24 minutes. They like steak too. Most herbivores are herbivores because their teeth can't chew through fur and tough skin, not because they are humanitarians. (In the conventional meaning of the word). But put some little defenseless critter in front of them, and they'd be... Read More
First you couldn't have more than 10% fat in your diet, then carbohydrates became the source of all evil*. Slow-Carb waged war on the various Schools of Paleo. But the Food Pyramid continues to loom over them all like some kind of Eldritch abomination. Weight machines were once all the rage, but then free weights... Read More
Remember the advice to replace rice with more vegetables at Korean BBQ's? Well, one place I sometimes go to (Steve's BBQ) to my pleasant surprise now has a new dish made specifically of just salad and BBQed chicken, pork, or beef. It was specifically marketed as Lo-Carb. The paleo revolution is gaining.
If you're in the city during the day and don't want to grab the nearest carb-loaded baguette, burger, subway etc on hand, what do you do? 1. Get a Burrito Bowl at Chipotle, probably the healthiest major fast food outlet in America. Get it without rice. This is the most affordable option costing only $6... Read More
The second part of my series comparing Russia, Britain, and the US focuses on the people themselves. What are their strengths and foibles? How do they vary by class, region, race, and religion? How do they view each other and other countries and peoples? What do they eat, drink, and watch? Where do they travel... Read More
Edit 2013: It is with regret that I now acknowledge a lot of what I thought I knew about optimal eating some years back was wrong. Please disregard this post. Sometime ago I wrote that introducing a fat tax is a good idea on the grounds that fatty foods are unhealthy and addictive (like drugs),... Read More
The ability of Russians to drink prodigious amounts of alcohol before getting knocked out is legendary in the West*. It is a subject at once of grudging respect for the hardy Russian soul and airy condemnation of their shallow barbarism. Actually, there is nothing particularly supernatural or mysterious about it, nor is it a result... Read More
I am a blogger, thinker, and businessman in the SF Bay Area. I’m originally from Russia, spent many years in Britain, and studied at U.C. Berkeley.
One of my tenets is that ideologies tend to suck. As such, I hesitate about attaching labels to myself. That said, if it’s really necessary, I suppose “liberal-conservative neoreactionary” would be close enough.
Though I consider myself part of the Orthodox Church, my philosophy and spiritual views are more influenced by digital physics, Gnosticism, and Russian cosmism than anything specifically Judeo-Christian.