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I didn't know about a certain "sports journalist" and emigre called Slava Malamud until the following amusing exchange with RT journalist Bryan MacDonald came up on my feed. Out of curiosity, I did a few searches on his feed. He is not completely inconsequential, having 35,000 followers. So far as the US goes, he repeats... Read More
If you weren't under a rock the past week, you will have heard that the New York Times finally went through with its threats to publish Scott Alexander's real name in its write up about the Bay Area rationality community. It was a disappointing effort, if not unpredictable. The author, Cade Metz, has no interest... Read More
Jeffrey Goldberg has an article on The Atlantic where he makes various claims about how Trump disrespected the troops and about what a vapid, disrespectful, materialist person he is in general. Let's make the bold assumption that he hasn't conjured this up out of thin air. Honor or denigrate them as you will, but there's... Read More
IQ researcher Richard Lynn, the initiator of research into national differences in IQ and co-inventor of the FLynn Effect, has just released his autobiography, Memoirs of a Dissident Psychologist. I have yet to read most of it, though I can already highly recommend it for those with an interest in the subject. But one point... Read More
Every so often you come across Stalinists (and earnest, if misguided, vatniks) claiming that Solzhenitsyn called on the US to nuke the USSR. Here is their "evidence" from a 1975 speech: Problem #1 - Where is the actual call to attack - let alone nuke - the USSR? If you are particularly paranoid, I suppose... Read More
In terms of content, the Weisses of this world are a dime a dozen. So why "expose" yet another neocon propagandist? Because he is also very nasty, and very dangerous - as Richard Silverstein's comprehensive profile of Michael D. Weiss, just published at The Unz Review, convincingly argues. So far as (functional) psychopathy goes, he... Read More
As far as I understand, Michael D. Weiss is one of those neocons who loves Guantanamo but has a special soft spot in his heart for those Muslims who happen to be fighting Russia or some other state that the US doesn't like much. When he isn't chumming it up with his jihadist pals in... Read More
Everybody in the Western media seems to have forgotten Pussy Riot. Well, not forgotten, they still wheel them out every so often as symbols of the repressiveness of the Putin regime - but news of actual developments in the affair have come to a standstill. Which is a pity, because they undermine the commonly accepted... Read More
I had great fun observing the fallout over Depardieu's "defection" to Russia. The reason for the apostrophes is of course because it had nothing to do with it. It was Depardieu trolling Hollande and the French "Socialists", and Putin trolling Westerners and his own homegrown "democratic journalists." (Or maybe not? In any case, I for... Read More
By the usual standards of Guardian reporting on Russia, this one by GQ Russia editor Andrew Ryvkin is... well, about par for the course. Citing a recent PwC report that Russia will overtake Germany to become Europe's biggest economy in 2030, he asks, "Should we believe them?" Well, the PwC is just repeating predictions made... Read More
In one of his regular columns for mafia state news agency RIA Novosti he wrote (h/t Mercouris): But wait! This sounds... remarkably similar to a Facebook conversation with one Valentina Filippenko on Eggert's wall. (She is a student at the Journalism Faculty of Moscow State University, presumably another democratic journalist in the making). Except that... Read More
There is a term on Runet, popularized by the satirical "dissident" Lev Sharansky, called "democratic journalist." Of course, this term is every bit as satirical as its main propagator. In the Russian context, it denotes a journalist who is obsessed with free speech, human rights, democracy, the whole turkey. But they are "obsessed" with them... Read More
I recently noticed with some amusement that despite the free, prominent advertising given to hack Luke Harding's book "Mafia State" on The Guardian, to date it has garnered only 6 reviews on Amazon UK and 3 reviews on Amazon US. (Neither was his book on Wikileaks with David Leigh much more successful either. It got... Read More
I recently had the dubious pleasure of engaging in an extended Twitter exchange with Peter Savodnik. Peter is a consummately credentialed journalist based in New York. He is also a classical representative of the well-paid prostitute class otherwise known as Independent Western Journalists in polite (i.e. doublethink) society, as well as of that emigre clique... Read More
Everything's going badly in Russia. Medvedev's reforms are failing. The economy isn't growing. It is moving from authoritarianism to totalitarianism (in stark contrast to civilized Western countries), and the motto "We cannot live like this any longer!" once again becomes an article of faith in the land - or well, at least among "the blogs... Read More
Over the years, I have come across my fair share of liars and incompetents writing about Russia in major Western media outlets. But rarely have I encountered such heights of self-righteous arrogance and clownish, pathetic ignorance as Edward McMillan-Scott displays in his latest screed for The Guardian: "David Cameron must stand up to Putin", where... Read More
So you know how the Western commentariat carries on about how Russia Today fawns over the Kremlin and propagates anti-Western propaganda, while shamelessly peddling itself as a paragon of universal truth and uncompromising objectivity? Welcome to the next installment in the never-ending annals of Western media hypocrisy, brought to you courtesy of Dorothée Olliéric, hack... Read More
Mark Adomanis, who recently burst into the Russia-watching blogosphere like a fluffy pink grenade, has a series on "Who is the world's worst Russia analyst"? (So far Stephen Blank and Leon Aron are in the running). Personally, I think that Ed Lucas would "win" hands down. However, since he's already been exposed and discredited on... Read More
Though hard to imagine, the Washington Post - or Pravda on the Potomac, as Eugene Ivanov quite rightly labels it - surpassed even its own sordid standards for Russia coverage, in the form of the latest op-ed from George F. Will in Potemkin Country. Time to go grenade fishing again, I guess. I suppose turning... Read More
Anatoly Karlin
About Anatoly Karlin

I am a blogger, thinker, and businessman in the SF Bay Area. I’m originally from Russia, spent many years in Britain, and studied at U.C. Berkeley.

One of my tenets is that ideologies tend to suck. As such, I hesitate about attaching labels to myself. That said, if it’s really necessary, I suppose “liberal-conservative neoreactionary” would be close enough.

Though I consider myself part of the Orthodox Church, my philosophy and spiritual views are more influenced by digital physics, Gnosticism, and Russian cosmism than anything specifically Judeo-Christian.