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(h/t @popdemography) Anyhow, very good/comprehensive map, with almost surprises. The only thing that was a real TIL to me was the increase in Belgorod oblast, which is the green region next to Kharkov oblast in Ukraine. Its TFR is low like in most central Russian regions, but it's apparently a popular destination for Russians from... Read More
Blavatskyy, Pavlo. 2020. “Obesity of Politicians and Corruption in post‐Soviet Countries.” Economics of Transition and Institutional Change 9 (July): 81. Obesity => corruption QED. "Correlation doesn't equal causation" is for nitpicking losers. Ringing endorsement of powerful Bronze Age Pervert proposal to filter aspiring politicians by physical prowess and physique.
New Eurobarometer 493 poll (October 2019) [download data] largely confirms what I wrote about this last year. The map is from /r/europe. (1) Poles least based in EE... as usual. (2) Sociologically, Ossies are now an essentially EE people. According to Cicerone, West German average would be 8.0, while East German average would be similar... Read More
Last year’s summary: Russian Demographics in 2018 [2016; 2014]. Preliminary data for 2018 is in. Births, deaths, and natural increase in Russia, 1946-2018. There were about 1,599,316 (10.9/1,000) births in 2018, a decline of 5.4% relative to the 1,689,884 (11.5/1,000) births in 2017. There were about 1,817,710 (12.4/1,000) deaths in 2018, a decline of 0.4%... Read More
Matt Forney (now at Terror House Mag) is a manosphere/conservative writer who moved to Eastern Europe a couple of years ago. He had excellent coverage of Hungary and Orban's politics at his Medium blog, which he unfortunately deleted. However, you can still check out his excellent post 3 Depressing Realities About Living In Eastern Europe... Read More
A reader (and generous contributor) asks: Real life example of a trend I reported on a few months ago. I'll offer some of my own thoughts, but since there are plenty of East Europeans here, I am also opening it up for wider discussion. *** First, I assume this is obvious and that you have... Read More
HBD blogger JayMan has recently made a blog post critiquing me for my "Hajnal denialism." I really don't know where the criticism comes from. A quick perusal of my website and Twitter reveals that I do think ancestral family systems, as explored in the works of Hajnal and Emmanuel Todd, has significant explanatory power. Heck,... Read More
There's a few theories that I push over and over again when discussions on European social trends come up: Communism was a "deep freezer" that conserved antediluvian ("based" in our lingvo) social attitudes in Eastern Europe, at least relative to countries under the American sphere of influence. These attitudes express themselves particularly strongly on LGBT,... Read More
Recently released PEW opinion poll: A majority of Europeans favor taking in refugees, but most disapprove of EU’s handling of the issue What strikes me is how close the correlation is. Above a "safe point" of 70% pro-refugee sentiment, everyone is a globalist. Below a "critical point" of 60% pro-refugee sentiment, everyone is some sort... Read More
As their budgets have equalized with those of blockbuster movies, video games have likewise become a notable source of cultural influence. Meme phrases such as "the cake is a lie" (Portal), "war, war never changes" (Fallout), and "I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee" (TES5: Skyrim)... Read More
Arpad Virag - Eastern Europe and the Swine Right Although I am the furthest thing from a Croatia/Balkan expert, all his observations strike me as true in... well, pretty much every country I have looked at (from the US, to France, to Germany, to Russia, intelligence favors liberalism and discriminates against nationalism), so I assume... Read More
In my previous post, I posted this map of how comfortable Europeans are regarding love relationships of their children in regards to race, and AP provided the original stats. I am always a bit saddened that Russia doesn't participate in the Eurobarometer polls, but fortunately, I found that VCIOM asked rather similar questions in polls... Read More
I meant to write about this PEW poll when it came out this May. Better late than never, I guess. They highlight what they consider "9 key findings" here. Here is what I found to be the most interesting, significant, and/or surprising: This doubles as a rough demographic tally. Russia is around 10% Muslim -... Read More
East-Central Europe - the Visegrad nations and the Balts - are commonly considered to have had far better post-Communist transitions than Russia. They started earlier, and from a more privileged position; in contrast, the Soviet economy was more distorted in the first place, and there were no living memories of prewar capitalism. They got more... Read More
Harvard University maintains an online database of "implicit association tests" that purport to show your subconscious outlook on things. In the race test, you are presented with a series of pictures of Whites and Blacks, which you have to racially identify; these are interspersed with adjectives (joyous, anger, cherish, horror), which you simultaneously have to... Read More
The commentator fcomp writes: That is exactly right. You see this in EE. Beauty is so common that it's much less valued than in America. Basic market forces at work. Feminists go on about the importance of "inner beauty", but ironically, the social trends that are in their own interests to encourage achieve the exact... Read More
A few months ago I posted a table and map of Russian IQ's as derived from regional PISA performance. Those figures are based on Jarkko Hautamäki’s slideshow comparing regional PISA performance in Finland and Russia. That material is a bit inadequate because, as had been my custom up that point, I was only making IQ... Read More
Commentator AP writes: He is correct in every respect. Russian women achieved the vote in 1917. Criticize them as you will - and I do - the Bolsheviks early on inserted equity feminism into the foundations of Russian society. This was a generation or two ahead of similar developments in the West. And it was... Read More
This is one of those stereotypes that is totally correct. Take a casual stroll about any Russian town and the typical woman you see would be considered "very cute" or "pretty" in places like the Germany, the UK or the US. And one or two of them will have supermodel looks. That kind of talent... Read More
I am a blogger, thinker, and businessman in the SF Bay Area. I’m originally from Russia, spent many years in Britain, and studied at U.C. Berkeley.
One of my tenets is that ideologies tend to suck. As such, I hesitate about attaching labels to myself. That said, if it’s really necessary, I suppose “liberal-conservative neoreactionary” would be close enough.
Though I consider myself part of the Orthodox Church, my philosophy and spiritual views are more influenced by digital physics, Gnosticism, and Russian cosmism than anything specifically Judeo-Christian.