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Donald Trump

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Credit where credit is due - Navalny has come out against Trump's deplatforming. (He posted the same thing in Russian). The brighter Blue Checks RT'ed this, saying, OK, good points, though I respectfully disagree. Some of the duller Blue Checks and Russiagaters in the replies attacked Navalny, calling him a Russian nationalist, expressing "disappointment" in... Read More
He monitored the situation. Pretty successful poasting career though.
There are MAGA people claiming this is a deep fake in the replies, LOL. As concerns the ability to generate an undying cult of personality, even past the point of becoming a (political) corpse, I suppose Donald Trump truly is the "God-Emperor of Mankind." Having a non-suspended Twitter account is helpful with that, I imagine.
Many people have remarked that Trump has been an incredibly polarizing President. What's less remarked upon is that the effect doesn't isn't just work across the population, but across time within the hearts of his supporters. Come to think of it, wouldn't Qanon be the very immanentization of a zrada-peremoga cycle, where each "victory" (peremoga)... Read More
Check out my latest podcast with Robert Stark here. No, really. While I'm not always very happy with all the podcasts I'm on, I think this one turned out very nicely. Here are the topics we discussed: Anatoly’s initial Election Predictions which were fairly accurate MAGA Cope, and In Defense of It Biden Recognitions from... Read More
The world map of Biden "recognitions" is quite instructive. No surprise that the core BlueGov-aligned vassals are tripping over themselves to congratulate and celebrate, happy at the prospect of the gushing service they are preparing to mete out as opposed to their sullen compliance during the Trump years. More notable, though less remarkable if you... Read More
This post probably isn't going to make me many friends. Then again, if catering to various echo chambers was my main concern in life, I wouldn't be running this blog. So, did Biden win thanks to electoral fraud? My general impression is that many, if not all, electoral fraud arguments have been rather simplistic and... Read More
(1) Declare martial law. (2) Arrest Biden, Kamala, HRC, and the rest of the Satanic pedophile globalist elites. (3) Permanently dissolve Congress and proclaim himself the Living Constitution.
The last election I watched with a Russian friend at the London School of Economics student room in 2016. The cope and seethe amongst those rootless cosmopolitans was out of this world, as the only Trump supporters in the room it was like being the physical embodiment of trollface.jpg. I don't expect to see a... Read More
Now one common objection, often made by Trump supporters, is that the overwhelmingly pro-Democrat class of hacks and data analysts is biased and ignorant of sentiment in the "Real America" and this colors their judgment, as it purportedly did in 2016*. Conversely, their liberal counterparts rejoinder that popular prediction markets, which are strongly out of... Read More
Then, unsurprisingly, Biden would win. Recent IPSOS poll: Here is how this compares to the 2016 figures. Eyeballing, it looks like foreign perceptions of Trump have actually improved over the past four years, if from a low base. This goes against media rhetoric. *** Although the RussiaGaters will doubtless focus on Russia's figures, the reality... Read More
The Virgin HCQ shill vs. the Chad Sputnik V respecter. Anyhow, this might have helped Trump by generating sympathy. But, given his not entirely undeserved reputation as a floomer, probably won't. Rallies are Trump's lifeblood, chances of him winning have surely plummeted just now. He's fat and 18 years older than BoJo, who was hospitalized.... Read More
Overall, solid performances from both Trump and Biden, they know their respective audiences. The people describing this as "shitshow" etc. seem to be under the mistaken impression this was supposed to be a debate. Both repeated their respective party line on the coronavirus. Trump lasered in from the "China Virus" angle, and mocked Biden for... Read More
I am not going to stick my neck out with concrete predictions, except to the extent that I agree with the betting markets that it's close to 50/50 with the edge going to Biden. Trump has incumbent advantage, but Biden is not Hillary, so the two cancel out. Like it or not, blame for Corona... Read More
Jeffrey Goldberg has an article on The Atlantic where he makes various claims about how Trump disrespected the troops and about what a vapid, disrespectful, materialist person he is in general. Let's make the bold assumption that he hasn't conjured this up out of thin air. Honor or denigrate them as you will, but there's... Read More
As I keep saying, it's really cool how Russians took over America just by shitposting online and set it off on a widening gyre of insanity. This "Lincoln Project" seems to be the latest weird neocon/neolib NeverTrump symbiosis, with WaPo's George Conway and cuckservative figurehead Rick Wilson playing prominent roles in it. It seems a... Read More
The betting odds between Trump/Biden (~45-50% vs. 40%-45%) have stayed remarkable steady since Bernie got put out of his misery. However, there's been one remarkable shift. Whereas in 2016, support for Trump increased monotonically with age, more and more polls now appear to confirm that older people, especially Silents and Greatest are turning away from... Read More
So, "powerful" as Trump's latest ideas on coronavirus treatment are, there is a surprising nugget of wisdom to the following: Back in March 18, rationalist thinkers Roko Mijic (yes, he of the Basilisk) and Alexey Turchin explored the idea of using "ubiquitous far-ultraviolet light" to "control the spread of COVID-19 and other pandemics" at LessWrong.... Read More
A few days ago, I joked on Twitter: Reality is, it is only boomer genocide that isn't a choice. 74% of Americans support a national quarantine, and that even includes 72% of Republicans. In France, there is a near consensus on lockdown at 96%. In Italy it is 94%. In Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro - the... Read More
Here's what a smart Trump would have done: Two months of hard containment in NYC, Washington, parts of Florida, and other hotspots to knock the epidemic back down to manageable levels. This is not going to be easy; the Chinese closed off Wuhan when it was at just 400 official cases, and the total number... Read More
All this brouhaha over Russiagate and to think that in the end it was Ukraine that did it... :) Anyhow: I am pretty sure this is a trap (for the Dems), who are initiating impeachment without even knowing what's on the damn transcript. It will be nice to see some questions on how exactly Hunter... Read More
Now that the midterms have panned out as the predictions market expected, here's what we can now expect: *** Good Things: 1. It was mostly GOPe cucks getting slaughtered, not Trumpist nationalists (e.g. Steve King stayed, though on a razor thin margin). At least this means that nationalism has real staying power. 2. Cabinet picks... Read More
As I suspected, Trump's meeting with Putin did indeed turn out to be a damp squib, at least relative to the unrealistic expectations that all sorts of strongly ideological camps had built up around it. Putin repeated his insistence that Russia did not meddle in the US elections, congratulated Trump on North Korea, acknowledged that... Read More
So I know everyone is in a GET HYPE mood for this, fueled by loony interpretations ranging from THE RESISTANCE's idea that Trump is going there to receive his annual performance review from DARK LORD OF THE KREMLIN, to Trump having chosen Helsinki specifically for Finland's symbolic value as having played a role in the... Read More
At this point I'm just wondering when neoliberalism.txt will finally lay off the Russiagate conspiracy theory. I suspect never. The neocons surrounding Trump have locked him into a never-ending spiral of escalation towards Russia in a hopeless bid to "prove" that he is not Putin's puppet. By striking Syria, Trump becomes "Presidential" in eyes of... Read More
I don't know about that. That said, it does have several... what we might diplomatically call dubious distinctions. So far as I'm aware, it is the only country in the in the world to kick off its independence with literal white genocide - the real deal, not some half-hearted ethnic cleansing. It is now the... Read More
So Bannon the Cannon has been... fired. All this time you were thinking you were voting against Zuckerberg's vision... ... you were actually voting for Kushner's. Goy, bye!
Results of the new PEW poll on international relations. ROG-ZOG alliance on Trump. Russia is also the major country where approval of the US went up since Trump's election. These figures are however a bit outdated (they were gathered this spring). Levada, which keeps track of Russian opinion of foreign countries, showed US approval falling... Read More
So it's been a few days since the Syria Strikes, everyone and his dog have thrown in their two cents, and there has been a set of confusing and contradictory reactions from US officials and pretty much everyone else involved in this saga. The more the contradictions pile on, the less clear the picture becomes.... Read More
Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.com
Contrary to my expectations, I think Trump lost his first debate. He started out strong, stronger than HRC, but then declined a lot in the third round on foreign policy - on what should have been his strongest round. And he really lost it at the end when they pulled out the woman card. I... Read More
The future of the West is not a limitless tending upwards and onwards for all time towards our present ideals, but a single phenomenon of history, strictly limited and defined as to form and duration, which covers a few centuries and can be viewed and, in essentials, calculated from available precedents. With this enters the... Read More
These are the results of a recent YouGov/Handelsblatt poll on which leader the citizens of the G20 countries want to see as the next US President. Russia is the only country where more people, by a considerable margin, support Donald Trump becoming US President (31%) than support Hillary Clinton (10%). This might come as a... Read More
With results for all its precincts now in, it emerges that Brighton Beach (aka "Little Odessa") voted 84.1% for Trump - his sixth highest result in all of NY's ~300 neighborhoods. The also heavily Sovok Jewish neighborhood of Seagate-Coney Island voted 81.4% for Trump. (The big gray area on the map above is a single... Read More
The Atlantic's Olga Khazan reveals that Russian-American Jews strongly support Trump. Although American Jews are overwhelmingly liberal, spearheading socially progressive initiatives like gay marriage and reliably voting for the Democrats, this absolutely does not apply to Russian-American Jews. Actually that entire Atlantic article pretty much confirms everything I wrote in my popular 2012 article The... Read More
If there is a good correlation between the "American nations" and support for Trump, then I'm not really seeing it. American Nations (Woodard) and county primary results for Trump (Wikimedia): American Nations (Woodard) and Republican voters estimated to support Trump (Cohn): There are just too many in
The purpose of NATO has always been to keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down, according to its own first Secretary General. If any one leg of this tripod fails - the whole thing comes tumbling down. At least as the imperialist, anti-national, anti-Orthodox, and Russophobic project it was always construed... Read More
What a coincidence according to Bloomberg's Josh Rogin, a journalist who has been been one of the more outspoken ones in demanding intervention against Assad, that a billionaire businessman with a global hotel chain would have ever wished to explore business opportunities in Russia. Trump’s Long Romance With Russia: Why practically nobody else was doing... Read More
To be sure, Trump is no affable geezer like Bernie. That said, he has nothing on Hillary Clinton. Note that this was a completely non-violent and even non-verbal protest in contrast to the BLM titushki hired by Soros to disrupt Trump's rallies. On Feb. 15, 2011, McGovern attended Clinton’s GWU speech, deciding on the spur... Read More
Some notes from the last Republican debate on February 25: * Essentially, Trump is a cognitive elitist on immigration.I am not sure if even that is all that great of an idea, but it's still leagues ahead of open borders. Cruz lamely triup to outtrump the Trump but it's far too late for that by... Read More
In the past few days there has been a sort of alt-singularity as Putin and Trump exchanged compliments, as one might think befits mature heads of powerful states (one actual, one potential). Naturally, one of these men has been taking a lot of heat for it from all the empty suit punditry and the Cuck-in-Chief... Read More
Anatoly Karlin
About Anatoly Karlin

I am a blogger, thinker, and businessman in the SF Bay Area. I’m originally from Russia, spent many years in Britain, and studied at U.C. Berkeley.

One of my tenets is that ideologies tend to suck. As such, I hesitate about attaching labels to myself. That said, if it’s really necessary, I suppose “liberal-conservative neoreactionary” would be close enough.

Though I consider myself part of the Orthodox Church, my philosophy and spiritual views are more influenced by digital physics, Gnosticism, and Russian cosmism than anything specifically Judeo-Christian.